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1 PPNCG report to CNAP 22 March 2004 P.Clarke. 2 Items to cover: Status of Network Projects SuperJANET 4 and SuperJANET 5 UKLIGHT and the UK R&D network.

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Presentation on theme: "1 PPNCG report to CNAP 22 March 2004 P.Clarke. 2 Items to cover: Status of Network Projects SuperJANET 4 and SuperJANET 5 UKLIGHT and the UK R&D network."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 PPNCG report to CNAP 22 March 2004 P.Clarke

2 2 Items to cover: Status of Network Projects SuperJANET 4 and SuperJANET 5 UKLIGHT and the UK R&D network Lambda workshop SuperJANET 4 items & SuperJANET 5 Issues PPNCG meetings & Chair High performance transport between sites, Making it all useful to users Effort to do serious surveys (possibly use Tier 2 post ?)

3 3 Status of Network Projects: MB-NG Collaboration between UCL, Manchester, CCLRC-DL, CCLRC-RAL, UKERNA, CISCO Funded by PPARC, EPSRC Built first leading edge QoS enabled network (pushed limits) Defined mechanism for UKERNA to provide managed bandwidth using “MPLS” High performance data transport for BaBar (Manchester  RAL) Cross disciplinary – working with Radio Astronomy and HPC community Providing cookbooks on QoS, MPLS… Finishing – will present at April 21 core e-science meeting, and AHM Has really cemented a relation with UKERNA

4 4 Topology of the MB – NG Network Key Gigabit Ethernet 2.5 Gbit POS Access MPLS Admin. Domains MB - NG UCL Domain UKERNA Development Network Edge Router Cisco 7609 man01 man03 Boundary Router Cisco 7609 RAL Domain Manchester Domain lon01 lon02 lon03 man02

5 5 Status of Network Projects: DataTAG EU project with PPARC Collaboration between UCL, Manchester, CCLRC-DL, Brunel QOS and high speeed transport over 10 Gbit/s link between CERN and Chicago Main work package (WP2) managed by R.Tasker First year review went well, and WP2 commended Final EU review this Wednesday. EGEE We are managing network development for EGEE EGEE will provide the production grid infrastructure for Europe Working very closely with DANTE/Geant. All of these projects keep us working closely with UKERNA, DANTE, Internet-2, ….. Which means we are able to ensure PPARC network needs feature directly at all times.

6 6 UKLIGHT The UK taking a prominent position in the Global Optical Networking Testbed Infrastructure (see pictures) 10 Gbit/s connections to STARLIGHT (Chicago) and NETHERLIGHT( NL) Onward connections to anywhere in world (from PPARC point of view: CERN, FNAL,SLAC, DWINGELOO, HAYSTACK..) The UK constructing its first internal advanced R&D network infrastructure to connect to this

7 7 European lambdas to US –10Gb Amsterdam—Chicago –10Gb London—Chicago –10Gb CERN — Chicago Canadian lambdas to US –10Gb Chicago-Canada-NYC –10Gb Chicago-Canada-Seattle US lambda to Europe –5Gb Chicago—Amsterdam US/Japan lambda –2.5Gb Chicago—Tokyo European lambdas –10Gb Amsterdam—CERN –2.5Gb Prague—Amsterdam –2.5Gb Stockholm—Amsterdam –10Gb London—Amsterdam IEEAF lambdas –10Gb NYC—Amsterdam –10Gb Seattle—Tokyo NorthernLi ght UKLight CERN Czech Light SunLight Pacific NW GigaPOP MANLAN Lambda = Wavelength UK links commissioned by ~ end April

8 8 In more detail…. DWDM SURFnet 10 Gbit/s SURFnet 10 Gbit/s SURFnet 10 Gbit/s IEEAF 10 Gbit/s Dwingeloo ASTRON/JIVE Dwingeloo ASTRON/JIVE Prague CzechLight Prague CzechLight 2.5 Gbit/s NSF 10 Gbit/s Stockholm NorthernLight Stockholm NorthernLight CA*net4 2.5 Gbit/s New York MANLAN New York MANLAN Tokyo WIDE Tokyo WIDE 10 Gbit/s IEEAF 10 Gbit/s 2.5 Gbit/s Tokyo APAN Tokyo APAN Amsterdam NetherLight Amsterdam NetherLight Geneva CERN Geneva CERN London UKLight London UKLight Chicago StarLight Chicago StarLight Source: Kees Neggers, SURFnet

9 9 GEANT UKLight London StarLight Chicago NetherLight Amsterdam CERN CzechLight Extended JANET Development Network (see next slide) Local Research Equipment International Point-of-Access CA*net Abilene UKLight – showing connections to selected International peer facilities 10Gb/s 2.5Gb/s Existing connections FERMILAB How other sites in UK can connect To UKLIGHT

10 10 Note that as a result of the initiative, UKERNA have pushed through a complementary initiative to provide a nationwide domestic R&D network in parallel with SupetJANET LeNSESWERN Kentish MAN NorMAN YHMAN EMMAN EastNet LMN South Wales MAN TVN MidMAN Northern Ireland NNW C&NL MAN GlasgowEdinburgh WarringtonLeeds Reading London Bristol Portsmouth EaStMAN UHI Network Clydenet AbMAN FaTMAN L S C T L L L L L L L L L C C C C C C C T T T TT T S S S T T Potentially any institute can connect to the R&D network, and to access UKLIGHT through it

11 11 CURRENT STATUS: Applications gearing up to use UKLIGHT from Day-1 International collaborations in place Radio Astronomy will transport data from Jodrell to the Dwingeloo correlator Enable a new way of working – pseudo real time correlation at > Gbit/s Particle physics (GridPP) pilot wavelength services to FNAL and CERN Develop Grid based services for building of end-to-end ightpaths across domains. Compare and contrast to production network and provide feedback to UKERNA Medical Remote breast screening requires federation of diverse data sources Required on demand high bandwidth ~ 1 Gbit/s Requires on-tap computation to analyse images High performance computing community Already demonstrated pre-UKLIGHT collaboration between HPC and PP for moving computation across Atlantic Successful SC2003 “Teragyroid” demonstration Will utilise UKLIGHT for collaboration with Teragrid

12 12 UKLight London StarLight Chicago CERN FERMILAB 10Gb/s 2.5Gb/s MB-NG & UKERNA Development network UCL Manchester CCLRC-RAL

13 13 UKLight London StarLight Chicago CERN FERMILAB 10Gb/s 2.5Gb/s MB-NG & UKERNA Development network UCL Manchester CCLRC-RAL

14 14 SuperJanet SuperJANET 4 news QoS rollout proceeding, but very slowly. Backbone is (or will soon be) IPv6 enabled Geant is IPv6 enabled, and EU is pushing this. Why do you care ?????? SuperJANET 5 planning SJ5 planning is starting now There has been a wide trawl for input from community (heads of IS in Universities There was a special meting for Research needs. I presented on behalf of PPARc science A document has been submitted to JCN/UKERNA with PP and Astro needs SuperJANET 5 will most likely follow a UKLIGHT philosophy, and hence provide flexible networking. Message is: we are very well represented from point of view of core We probably need a detailed and dedicated survey of all of our end-points. Needs someone to do this,

15 15 Issues PPNCG meetings, Chair …etc… Much of that which PPNCG historically did is being done in spades as a result of GridPP, projects…etc (e.g. UKLIGHT is more than we could conceivably have hoped for via a formal committee interaction) However much of the pastoral stuff (i.e. pro-active soliciting of input from end sites…etc) is not happening as Chair has no time to organise logistics and agenda Secretary never answers email. Reccommend new chair&or secretary Need someone to be able to do legwork on surveys, requirements gathering. These do not happen using best efforts of people with day jobs. CCLRC DL might do it. They have a person who is competent and travels around enough. Using the networks Major and growing problem that no-one believes us that we need the network (apart form Radio Astronomy) Technology to get > Gbit/s transport is well known – all been done Problem is engaging the end service providers (Experiments, RAL…) as they are providing a service, and don’t have the effort Needs “ project” and policy to dedicate resources to do this. PC and DF will propose this. CNAP should recommend that UK join such a testbed, and that some resource is found.

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