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Vendredi le 15 novembre. TODAY 1.TO GET A COMPLETION GRADE, YOU MUST COMPLETE THE WORK COMPLETELY…COMPRENDE?? 2.No heads down, no working on other work/getting.

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Presentation on theme: "Vendredi le 15 novembre. TODAY 1.TO GET A COMPLETION GRADE, YOU MUST COMPLETE THE WORK COMPLETELY…COMPRENDE?? 2.No heads down, no working on other work/getting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vendredi le 15 novembre

2 TODAY 1.TO GET A COMPLETION GRADE, YOU MUST COMPLETE THE WORK COMPLETELY…COMPRENDE?? 2.No heads down, no working on other work/getting on tablet, no talking, no passes. DO WHAT I SAY! The answer is “NON” !!!

3 F 3 1. Present “Ma Routine” today & Monday! Bring up your own computer with the work ready to show. 2. Speaking packets-70% today! Many of you did NOT complete them completely!

4 F 2 PreAP See: Body/clothes videos Review clothes for fashion show. Collect any for +5! CAN BRING CLOTHES! Body bingo (only for those who have work in)

5 F 2 R 1.Late body pages-50% unless absent 2.See body/clothes videos 3.Review for fashion show/\\\\\\\Collect bonus clothes 4.Body bingo for those who have work done Mon: Fashion show! Can bring clothes still!

6 F 1 1. Finish Ratatouille! (unless you still owe me work!) W/B 2.3 for 50% &W/B 2.4 for 50% NO WALKING, TALKING, GETTING ON TABLETS & ALL PASSES LAST 3 MINUTES OF CLASS ONLY!

7 Nov. 11-15 th 2013 week lundimardimercredijeudivendredi F 1 1.O Canada 2.Over skit, P/C, TDF dates 3.Notes 74, 75,77, 78 H/W: finish Time pg. 4 F 1 1.Review song/notes 2.APT back & grade 3.Write out skit H/W: W/B 2.3 (35-36, 39- 40) F 1 1.W/B due for 100 2.Over song/words 3.Finish & Prac. Skit H/W: W/B 2.4 (43-44, 48- 49, 53-54) F 1 1.W/B 2.3 for 50, 2.4 for 100 2.Practice skit 3. Ratatouille H/W: Finish all W/B F 1 Last day for W/B 2.4 Finish Ratatouille Mon: grade W/B Postcards are due Mon. Café skit: Wed/Thurs. F 2 R 1. announcements 2.Body/clothes pgs 3.H/W: W/B 1.1 13-15 F 2 R 1.H/W: W/B in for 100 2.B/C pages in class 3. H/W: 1.2 (TBA) F 2 R 1.Idioms quiz- 2.Finish all W/B & B/C pages by bell H/W: bring clothes F 2 R 1.Late work 50% 2.Clothes in 3.Body bingo or online games or DVD unit 1 (unless work not in) F 2 R 1.Walk through Fashion show. (Mon). Bring clothes! 2. Watch DVD unit 1 Next: Writing/speaking test unit 1 & begin 2 F 2 PreAP 1.APT check 2.Body/clothes 3.Over bor. Words 4.H/W: 1.1 13-16 F 2 PreAP 1.W/B 1.1 in for 100 2.Body/clothes 3.H/W: W/B 1.2 (19-20, 25-26, up to 32) & study bor. words F 2 PreAP 1.Quiz: bor. Words- moved to Thurs. 2.Finish all W/B and B/C pages Bring clothes F 2 PreAP 1.Late work 50% 2.Clothes in 4. Body games or DVD unit 1 F 2 PreAP 1.Walk thru show 2. See DVD unit 1 3. Body games or online games (unless work’s not in) F 3 1.Write out poem 5 times and translate once 2. DVD unit 1 3. Early poem oral H/W: Work on speaking pkt. F 3 1.Poem oral grade 2.Work on speaking pkt F 3 1.Present ma journee 2.Explain art projects 3.H/W: Finish speaking pkt F 3 1.Present ma journee or virtual tours 2.Speaking pkt due for 100 F 3 Last day to present oral projects Speaking pkt for 50 Next: art unit and past tenses Art project now 12/3 Fairy Tale-now 12/16

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