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Gabe Hughes CIS 597 – Spring 13. Languages All WoW add-ons are written in.lua, a scripting language useful in games, with extensive API support WoWAce.

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Presentation on theme: "Gabe Hughes CIS 597 – Spring 13. Languages All WoW add-ons are written in.lua, a scripting language useful in games, with extensive API support WoWAce."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gabe Hughes CIS 597 – Spring 13

2 Languages All WoW add-ons are written in.lua, a scripting language useful in games, with extensive API support WoWAce is an extensive set of libraries that can enhance an Add-on (all documentation found at Knowledge of the World of Warcraft API, database of all commands at

3 Development Environment All coding will be done using Notepad++ Testing will be done in World of Warcraft Live Servers

4 Pets are found in the wild, Pet Trainers, or other Players Setup in a Pokemon fashion Turn Based Broken into types (e.g. Critter, Elemental) Combat goes until one pet is dead or captured (wild only). Once a pet is captured, it is added to the list of Battle Pets. Each type has other types as strengths and weaknesses


6 First step will be to form the framework of the Add-on and include basic functionality to automatically swap to a different pet based on mouseover or selecting a pet in the wild. Second step will be to setup a basic GUI tacked on to the Current Battle Pet Tab that will allow players to select a pet to be used in a fight vs. targeted pet type. Then setup the swap from step 1 to use the pets set up in the list in set 2 If time allows, set up functionality for team swapping, since later battles are team based. (PetBattleTeams Add-on) Clean up the GUI.


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