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Presentation on theme: "ADOLESCENTS & ORAL HEALTH TOOTH DECAY CAN STOPPED, REVERSED, AND PREVENTED! Natali Batros, Christine Joseph, Monisha Kumar, Holly Booker."— Presentation transcript:

1 ADOLESCENTS & ORAL HEALTH TOOTH DECAY CAN STOPPED, REVERSED, AND PREVENTED! Natali Batros, Christine Joseph, Monisha Kumar, Holly Booker

2 Our Target Group & Educator  Adolescents  High School Students  Years 11-12 (Ages 16-18)  Both Male and Female  In Public School  Educator - Teacher - Oral health professional

3 Contents MONISHA  Our rationale  Dental Caries  Our products  Main aspects of stress related behaviour in adolescents  Student diary  Conclusion

4 Rationale MONISHA  Remember to talk about research methods such as Medline…etc..etc  Why adolescents are at risk of dental caries

5 Rationale MONISHA  The aim of our project is to provide a medium that can be used as tool for communicating that “tooth decay can be stopped, reversed and prevented” to adolescents.

6 Dental Caries MONISHA (Dental Caries Circles, 2001)

7 Our Products  Educators booklet  Accompanying CD  Pamphlets  Diary

8 Educators booklet  Format – learning objectives, slide references, notes to educator and reference to diary  Content  How it will be used  What is included?

9 Diet  Diet: acidity, saliva composition, plaque  Nutrition: affects the absorption, metabolism and excretion of nutrients  Well-balanced diet: whole grains, fruits and vegetables, dairy and protein  Moderate frequency of food intake and exposure to sugars

10 Health & Hygiene Habits  Brush at least twice a day and floss at least once  Use fluoridated toothpaste as fluorine has been known to:  Reduced enamel from being dissolved by acid because by strengthening it  reduces the ability of plaque to produce acid  encourages the tooth to repair itself (remineralization)

11 Exercise & Energy  By being physical active, you can maintain a healthy weight, a healthier body mass and composition.  Such results also assist in social development; build self confidence and social interactions (World Health Organisation, 2011).  Engage in at least 30 minutes of exercise daily

12 Caffeine Quick Fixes HOLLY

13 Sleeping Habits HOLLY  80-90% of the population grind their teeth to varying degrees  Can result in fractures, loose teeth, tooth sensitivity, tension headaches  Cause tooth decay by thinning the enamel layer protecting the dentine, allowing demineralisation to occur more rapidly  Can be prevented through relaxation and visiting the dentist. Sweet Dreams. (n.d.). Retrieved March 22, 2011, from Women's Health Topics: http://womenshealtht 2009/11/21/sweet- dreams/

14 Social Life HOLLY  Studies show that alcoholics have three times higher permanent tooth loss than the national average for corresponding ages.  Bacteria in the biofilm convert sugars to energy with acid as a waste.  Can take up to 20 mins for the pH to stabilise again after drinking.

15 Extras in Educators Booklet HOLLY  How your school can help  Instructions on our student diary –how to use effectively

16 CD & Pamphlet HOLLY  Purpose of CD  Purpose of Pamphlet  (Handout Pamphlets)

17 Student Diary NAT  Features & Purpose

18 Student Diary NAT  How can this be used by the educator, and by chairside?

19 How our products work together NAT

20 Limitations NAT  1 st hand research into target group  Time limitations  Funding

21 Conclusions NAT  Behaviour affects well being and oral health  Education for our target group  Formation of habits  Students have a basis of understanding of these behaviours and outcomes  Education, increasing awareness, and behaviour modification requires a collaborative approach

22 Conclusion NAT (MONISHA)  Topics covered in relation to adolescents and stress related behaviour were sleeping habits, diet, exercise and energy, caffeine quick fixes, and social life.  The aim of our project is to provide a medium that can be used as tool for communicating that “tooth decay can be stopped, reversed and prevented” to adolescents.

23 References  Dental Caries Circles. (2001, November 4). Retrieved March 24, 2011, from FAMILY GENTLE DENTAL CARE:

24 Image References  Oral & Dental Health, 06/12/2006, retrieve March 20, 2011 from Colgate world of care Basics althBasics/GoodOralHygiene/BrushingandFlossing/HowtoBrush.cvsp  Oral & Dental Health, 06/12/2006, retrieve March 20, 2011 from Colgate world of care ics/GoodOralHygiene/BrushingandFlossing/HowtoFloss.cvsp ics/GoodOralHygiene/BrushingandFlossing/HowtoFloss.cvsp  Basis of a healthy diet-What to eat, 2006, retrieved March 27 2011, from Motley health healthy-diet-what-to-eat  The Patient’s Guide to Heart Valve Surgery, 10/8/2009, retreived March 23 from Heart Valve Interactive Corp, surgery-blog/2009/08/10/did-you-exercise-before-heart-valve-surgery- asks-leticia/


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