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Gemini & Subaru Exchange Time: Developing Collaborations Chris Packham University of Florida Chair of the US Gemini Science Advisory Committee Member of.

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Presentation on theme: "Gemini & Subaru Exchange Time: Developing Collaborations Chris Packham University of Florida Chair of the US Gemini Science Advisory Committee Member of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gemini & Subaru Exchange Time: Developing Collaborations Chris Packham University of Florida Chair of the US Gemini Science Advisory Committee Member of the International Gemini Science Committee 15 th January, 2009 Subaru Users’ Meeting

2 Presentation Goals Discussion of the attractions of a Subaru-Gemini partnership ◦ Good and bad points to partnership (from Subaru point of view)  Positives  Access to Gemini’s instruments & IR optimization  Access to southern skies  Collaborative with Gemini international community  Negatives  Less time on Subaru for Subaru community (but time on Gemini)  Increased complexities due to more partners involvement  Need to investigate the role of instrumentation development Increase awareness of Gemini’s capabilities ◦ Subaru-Gemini exchange time

3 My Personal Bias Linking of observatories maximizes scientific return from our limited resources world ◦ Improved science has got to be the result of any change  In both the respect of PI- and ‘system-’ science output ◦ Duplication of capabilities on observatories cannot be the optimal path ◦ Continuation of process underway  ALMA  TMT & GMT  Space-based  ESO Any change must be “win-win” & equitable for the communities

4 The Gemini Observatory 7 country partnership Northern & southern sky coverage ◦ “One observatory, two telescopes” Good image quality IR optimized ◦ Minimal support structure ◦ Silver coating ◦ Instruments Cass mounted Heavily queue operated ◦ ‘Classical’ available

5 Gemini 2009 Gemini North GMOS ALTAIR + LGS NIRI NIFS GNIRS Michelle Gemini South GMOS Phoenix NICI Flamingos-2 T-ReCS

6 Gemini 2012 Gemini North GMOS ALTAIR + LGS NIRI NIFS GNIRS GLAO Michelle Gemini South GMOS NICI Flamingos-2 MCAO GSAOI GPI T-ReCS

7 Gemini 2012 Gemini North GMOS ALTAIR + LGS NIRI NIFS GNIRS GLAO Michelle Gemini South GMOS NICI Flamingos-2 MCAO GSAOI GPI T-ReCS

8 ALTAIR+LGS Laser system using 10-12 W laser ◦ Equivalent magnitude V~9-10 Tip/tilt guide stars ◦ Tip/tilt guide stars to R~18 mag ◦ Patrol field ~1 arcmin diameter Now feeds ◦ NIFS & NIRI imaging & spectroscopy Expect to feed GNIRS later in 2009 Started LGS science in 2007A 1 st direct detection of planetary family ◦ Discovered by ALTAIR+NIRI ◦ Follow-up confirmation by Keck AO

9 NIFS: Near-IR Integral Field Spectrometer Integral Field Unit ◦ Image slicer w/ 29 slices ◦ 3”x3” field ◦ ~70 detector pixels along each slice ◦ Spaxels ~0.1”x0.04” Spectroscopy ◦ R ~ 5000 ◦ z,J,H, K bands HAWAII-2RG detector ◦ 2048x2048 pixels ◦ 0.9 – 2.5 μm Coronagraphic mode also available NIFS detection of gas inflow in NGC 4051 with 42km/s velocity slices along the H 2 profile

10 GNIRS: Gemini Near-InfraRed Spectrograph (GN) Long Slit ◦ 0.9 – 2.5 μ m, R~5,900,18,000 ◦ 1.1 – 2.5 μ m, R~1,700 ◦ 2.9 – 5.5 μ m, R~1,700, 5,900, 18,000 ◦ ∆ λ : R1700: 0.3* λ ; R5900: 0.09* λ ; R18000: 0.03* λ Cross-Dispersed ◦ 0.9 – 2.5 μ m, R=1,700 full coverage ◦ R=5,900, partial coverage ALADDIN III detector ◦ 1024x1024 pixels ◦ 0.9 – 5.5 μ m Seeing-limited and Altair NGS/LGS AO (soon) GNIRS spectra of Z~6 QSOs

11 MIR Capabilities: Michelle & T-ReCS Imaging ◦ Filters: N, Q + NB ◦ FOV: 28.8”x21.6”; 0.09”/pixel ◦ 320x240 Raytheon array ◦ 5-26 μ m ◦ FWHM ~0.3” at 10 μ m ◦ Diffraction limited ◦ Polarimetry available on Michelle Spectroscopy ◦ T-ReCS ◦ R~100, 1,000 at 10 μ m ◦ Slits: 0.21”-1.32” x 21.6” ◦ Michelle ◦ R ~100 – 3,000 long slit ◦ R ~10,000 – 30,000 echelle ◦ Slits 0.36”-1.3” wide x 43.2” HST/NICMOS, T-ReCS & Spitzer images of LIRGS

12 Flamingos-2: Near IR Imager and MOS (GS) General HAWAII2 detector: 0.95 – 2.5 μ m Commissioning mid-2009 Seeing limited and MCAO ready Imaging ◦ 6.1’ ∅ FOV; 0.18”/pixel ◦ ~2’ ∅ FOV; 0.09”/pixel MCAO ◦ Y-K filters + NB + F2T2 Spectroscopy ◦ R ~ 1,200 – 3,000 ◦ FOV: 2'x6' ◦ Long-slit or custom multi-slit masks (9 held at once) ◦ 50-80 slits per mask? Flamingos-2 Slit/Mask Wheel

13 13 Multi-instrument queue observing Gemini South T- ReCS GNIRS GMOS- S Michelle GMOS-N NIRI Altair Gemini North “Queue” is versatile  Optimized execution of programs for conditions  High completion rate of high priority programs  High shutter open efficiency: rapid switch of programs and/or instruments  Fast response programs enabled

14 Future Instruments MCAO ◦ Multi-Conjugate Adaptive Optics ◦ Nearly complete, 1 st light 2009 GPI ◦ Gemini Planet Imager ◦ Under construction, 1 st light 2011, ‘Aspen’ instrument GLAO ◦ Ground Layer Adaptive Optics ◦ Proposed – ‘Aspen’ instrument WFMOS ◦ Wide Field Multi-Object Spectrograph ◦ Proposed, top rated ‘Aspen’ instrument Aspen was the community (bottom- up), science driven, definition of the next generation of Gemini instruments

15 AO at Gemini Altair (GN) ◦ LGS/NGS modes ◦ 177 element DM ◦ 10W, 589nm laser ◦ Strehls of 20-40% NGS; 10-20% LGS in H-K MCAO (GS) ◦ Mutli-conjugate AO ◦ Strehls ~45-80% over 1-2' FOV at 1-2.5 μ m ◦ GSAOI imager: 1.4’x1.4’ FOV; 0.02”/pixel; 4 H2RG detectors. ◦ Commissioning expected 2009 GLAO (GN) (possible future capability) ◦ Ground Layer AO ◦ Expected to deliver IQ20 80% of the time

16 Multi-Conjugate AO MCAO corrects multiple layers of turbulence and overcomes the cone-effect Traditional AO systems produce image quality that degrades off- axis; MCAO’s image quality is much more uniform, even over several square arcmin VLT technology demonstration system (MAD) showed that MCAO works using natural guide stars 1 st light late 2009 MCAO Traditional AO 16  More sensitive  Wider fields  New science H-band (1.6µm) Image Quality

17 GLAO (Possible Future Capability) A GLAO system on MK should produce 20-percentile seeing 80% of the time The GLAO conceptual design ◦ “Backwards compatible” with current instrument support structure and instruments ◦ Includes adaptive secondary mirror ◦ Uses modified MCAO laser projection system ◦ Includes a new acquisition and guidance system that incorporates all the necessary wavefront sensors ◦ Works with the existing Altair system Electronics Existing tip-tilt and translation stages Adaptive Secondary Mirror

18 GPI Overview GPI uses combination of optical systems to permit high contrast imaging <0.2” from bright stars ◦ High-Order Adaptive Optics System  Combination “Woofer/Tweeter” AO system that has >10x actuators than ALTAIR and will yield Strehls of 80-90% ◦ Interferometer  Measure and compensate for “super speckles” ◦ Advanced coronagraph  Rejects light from the bright central star ◦ Integral Field Spectrometer  Multi-wavelength image of planets in the field 1 st light 2011

19 Large Scale View 1/2 Many Gemini & Subaru instruments have similar science goals & tech. drivers Should be careful to avoid duplicating too many capabilities ◦ Repetition of future instruments unlikely to provide efficient next scientific steps Specialization of telescopes offers perhaps the best science return on investment ◦ Sharing observatory resources maintains broad range of instruments & science

20 Large Scale View 2/2 Pooling of resources for future can strengthen both communities 30m class telescopes will be necessarily international Use of shared time between telescopes very exciting ◦ Gemini-Subaru and Gemini-Keck exchange time well used & loved ◦ Currently Subaru-Gemini time is rather limited (5 nights per semester)  Could discourage potential applicants? ◦ Help available for applications

21 Extended v = 1-0 S(1) H 2 emission around 6 T Tauri stars Mapping H 2 Emission of T Tauri Stars Beck, McGreger, Takami & Tae-Soo, ApJ 2007 NIFS detection of H 2 emission over 200 AU All have H 2 excitation temp ~2-3 times higher than predicted from UV or X-ray heating models H 2 line ratios most consistent with shock excitation –Emission likely associated with HH outflows –Rather than quiescent disk H 2 gas stimulated by central star

22 NIFS Dissects HL Tau’s Jet Takami, Beck, Tae-Soo et al. 2007, ApJL ALTAIR/NIFS focus on HL Tau jet “central engine” <0.2” spatial resolution [Fe II] highly collimated –Compared to more extended H 2 (similar to CO outflow pattern) –H 2 outflow over a scale of only 150 pc Arc-like bipolar features predicted to change over a few years –Monitoring will provide dynamical age Consistent with jet surrounded by unseen wide-angled wind –Wind interaction with ambient gas produces bipolar cavity and shocked H 2 emission

23 Matsuoka et al. 2008, ApJ Massive Evolved Galaxy at z=1.26 Matsuoka et al. 2008, ApJ GMOS-S & GNIRS observations of TSPS J1239-0957 at z = 1.26 –Wide spectrum optical & IR coverage of southern object –Typically other work uses optical spectra and NIR broad-band photometry Bright ERO formed when universe was 2-3 Gyr, then passively evolved –M * = 10 11.5 M sun Direct ancestor of brightest E and spheroidals of today Presence of such a massive galaxy could favor hierarchical formation scenarios

24 Conclusions Collaborations between Subaru & Gemini potentially very attractive and complimentary for both communities ◦ Subaru’s world leading optical observations - SC, HSC & WFMOS ◦ Drive for IR image quality, NIR & MIR at Gemini ‘Guiding light’ must be ‘win-win’ & equitable for partners ◦ Need to consider carefully instrument development options  Collaborative instrument development teams?  Upcoming Gemini next generation instrument workshop Timing seems appropriate as  Three mature telescopes  Instruments growing in complexity & expense  Move to internationally based science (i.e. TMT) Early science results promising, but much more potential

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