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Exam History of Housing ARCH528 Friday, March 27, 2015 15.30-17.30 Hrs There are Eight questions Answer only Seven.

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Presentation on theme: "Exam History of Housing ARCH528 Friday, March 27, 2015 15.30-17.30 Hrs There are Eight questions Answer only Seven."— Presentation transcript:

1 Exam History of Housing ARCH528 Friday, March 27, 2015 15.30-17.30 Hrs There are Eight questions Answer only Seven

2 Question-1

3 Question-1 Shown are, in elementary form, four housing designs with their pattern of settlement. Please describe: 1. Where (approximately) are these examples found. 2. What were the materials used for these four house types. 3. Explain briefly the reasons behind the four different settlement patterns.

4 Question-2

5 Question 2 In the previous slide were shown four images of different yet similar approaches to housing 1.Why do the occupants rely on this particular housing type? 2. Where in the world are these housing types common, and what is (generally) the climate there? 3. List what the four housing types have in common and what not.

6 Question-3

7 Question-3 In the previous page two housing patterns are shown in plans and in images. 1. Indicate where these patterns occur or have occurred. 2. Explain what the basic differences are in arrangement of the dwellings on the land. 3. Explain how the two types of dwellings differ in their internal lay-out. 4. What would the reasons be for these fundamental differences ?

8 Question-4

9 Question-4 On the previous page three housing developments are shown in perspective, allowing a view on the front façades as well as the rear façades of the three projects. 1. About what time in history were these projects built: A. During the Middle Ages B. Just before the industrial revolution C. During the Industrial Revolution D. Just after the industrial revolution. E Just before the 1 st world war. F. They are modern copies of old precedents. 2. Discuss, (explain) the difference between the regulated front and the irregular back of these buildings 3. Where and why did the trend to build housing in this fashion start.?

10 Question-5

11 Question 5 1. On the previous slide are shown two images made of a structure, at very different times, from approximately the same angle, showing a very different situation. 2. Explain the three stages the underlying structure went through, and indicate at what time (approximately) these stages occurred. 3. What was the reasoning behind each of the three stages

12 Question 6 A modern map of Amsterdam A map of Amsterdam in 1544 A map of Amsterdam in 1698 The 1544 map outlined on the 1698 one and the 1698 one outlined on the modern one

13 Question 6. 1. Three maps of Amsterdam, the one on the top is modern, the one on the left was published in 1544, the one on the right in 1698 are shown. 2. What overriding factor restraint not only the lay-out of the 1544 and 1698 plans of Amsterdam, but the plans of most cities in the world at that time? 3. What was the inevitable consequence of this restraint on the type of housing within the boundaries of cities at that time? 4. When (approximately) did this restraint end, and why, and how does the modern map show this?

14 Question 7. Expo 67 in Montreal and the 1851 World Exhibition in London both had a significant housing component. 1.Compare the two in terms of what they tried to demonstrate.

15 Question-8

16 Question-8 Two community plans are shown: On the left the plan for Letchworth Garden City in the UK, designed and built starting in 1903, and on the right a section of the typical plan of one of several communities built by the Levitt corporation after the second World War. 1.Discuss, in point form, the difference in basic intent, design (particularly regarding transportation and landscaping,) and the difference in the outcome of the two approaches.

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