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Composting By: Sabrina & Tahshon. Composting Composting is the transformation of organic material (plant matter) through decomposition into a soil-like.

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Presentation on theme: "Composting By: Sabrina & Tahshon. Composting Composting is the transformation of organic material (plant matter) through decomposition into a soil-like."— Presentation transcript:

1 Composting By: Sabrina & Tahshon

2 Composting Composting is the transformation of organic material (plant matter) through decomposition into a soil-like material called compost. Invertebrates (insects and earthworms), and microorganisms (bacteria and fungi) help in this transformation.

3 Kinds Bin composting Tumbler composting Sunken pail composting Sheet composting Anaerobic composting Vermicomposting

4 Why do it Environmentally responsible Keeps biodegradable waste out of landfills and sewage plants Alternative to burning Gives you a vibrant garden without chemical fertilizers Saves money

5 What it involves Adding ingredients Maintaining proper temperature Turning Maintaining moisture Harvesting

6 Homemade Three bins are best One to fill One that ’ s “ cooking ” One to turn others into or to draw from

7 What you can compost Yard waste Kitchen scraps Newspaper Cardboard

8 What not to compost Meat scraps Bones Dairy products Pet waste Diseased plants Invasive weeds

9 Uses Early stages as mulch Keeps weeds from growing Helps retain moisture Beneficial minerals go into soil Later stages for soil amending Enriches soil Helps with moisture retention Removes/reduces need for chemical fertilizers that leach into our ground water

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