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Conclusions from Working Group 4: Improving Educational Quality for a Diverse Student Body Chair: Judith Eaton President Council for Higher Education Accreditation.

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Presentation on theme: "Conclusions from Working Group 4: Improving Educational Quality for a Diverse Student Body Chair: Judith Eaton President Council for Higher Education Accreditation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Conclusions from Working Group 4: Improving Educational Quality for a Diverse Student Body Chair: Judith Eaton President Council for Higher Education Accreditation USA

2 …2… Introduction Academic quality has been a shared responsibility within institutions for most of the history of universities Academic quality has been based on a set of values: trust link between teaching and research institutional autonomy and academic freedom HE as a public good and serving the public interest

3 …3… Recent developments Greater intrusion of governments at national, regional and international levels represents a threat to academic values because: bureaucratic and over-regulatory approach HE as a private good and students as customers This approach can lead to: standardisation in a context where HE must address conflicting demands and a diversity of needs compliance and loss of HE’s ownership of quality loss of quality

4 …4… How do institutions sustain ownership of academic quality? Respond to globalisation through: Rethinking “liberal-arts” education and re-stating its importance Educating global citizens while contributing to the local community Respond to massification through: Developing appropriate sustainable practices for our work with students: e.g., Teaching methods that combine personalised learning paths within a team project Understanding better the diversity of students and using its richness in the classroom Respond to accountability demands by developing internal quality processes of all programmes and activities

5 …5… How do institutions sustain ownership of academic quality? Assert the university as the appropriate forum for continued reflection and dialogue on academic values as part of a strategy to sustain our academic quality Ensure a QA role for institutions at national level Pursue a supranational, mutual recognition approach: EUA must play a role in facilitating the interface of national processes Embrace diversity of institutional missions and standards and avoid a single set of quality standards

6 …6… Conclusion What did higher education do before government QA procedures?

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