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CleanU Olivia Bozzo Ben Peacock Larry Oligney Jonathan Zou.

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Presentation on theme: "CleanU Olivia Bozzo Ben Peacock Larry Oligney Jonathan Zou."— Presentation transcript:

1 CleanU Olivia Bozzo Ben Peacock Larry Oligney Jonathan Zou

2 an RPI student Doesn’t take the time to turn off the lights, take care of unchecked temperature systems, etc. Doesn’t realize that his school is using a lot of dirty energy He wants to make a difference, but he doesn’t want his daily life to be affected What can he do? Rob

3 Aims and Incentive: Cheaper, cleaner, domestic Environmental Club Research projects Education overall

4 Mission Statement “CleanU is a nonprofit organization committed to bringing the power of solar energy to college campuses across America. We pledge to promote renewable energy and educate students on the importance of energy for the future. CleanU will facilitate the building and maintaining of parking canopies throughout universities and is dedicated to helping our world’s energy crisis. Step by step, one university at a time.”

5 Rationale RPI should be as clean as it is brilliant CleanU will save RPI from fossil fuels in two ways: Solar panels on the rooftops and solar panels in the parking lots



8 TimeLine Phase 1: Planning12 months Phase 2: Construction6 months Phase 3: Installation1 month Phase 4: Student Involvement

9 Phase One: Planning 1 full calendar year Lease agreement Finalized Blueprints Permits, Tax incentives and credit forms

10 Customer Lease Agreement Contract between RPI and SunDurance RPI has complete ownership of the system Sundurance manages initial costs –Tax incentives and credits SunDurance handles details of project –Analysis, design, forms and applications

11 Construction Building of panels and support structure Solaire Generation Max Rack Off-site

12 Installation 1 month Assembly of panels and supports on-site North lot blocked

13 Student Involvement Ongoing Research groups and design teams –Real-time data –Snow removal system New club: CleanU –All interested students –Educating the public about the project –Spreading information about the project

14 Expertise Civil, mechanical, electrical, and materials engineers Business managers and lawyers

15 Stakeholders Local, State and Federal Government Solar Panel Companies and Manufacturers Students and Faculty Local Citizens

16 Conclusion Rob did his final project on solar panels through CleanU Rob becomes a professor in Electrical Engineering at a different university and encourages CleanU there as well

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