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Unit Cohesion & the Impact on Safety. We don’t see most of the decisions that our Marines make in combat or in garrison. Marines make good decisions in.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit Cohesion & the Impact on Safety. We don’t see most of the decisions that our Marines make in combat or in garrison. Marines make good decisions in."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit Cohesion & the Impact on Safety

2 We don’t see most of the decisions that our Marines make in combat or in garrison. Marines make good decisions in combat. Evidence shows an increase in poor decision making in garrison. Poor decision making leads to safety statistics…and programs. The Facts

3 Decision making is a function of leadership and the cohesion within a unit. Evidence shows that we have leadership and cohesion issues that require institutional attention. Solutions……

4 The Evidence 17 Death Briefs (CONUS) –Small Unit Leadership usually knows about the causative factors or at risk behavior. –Reticent to report up the chain of command for fear of the “system”. –Lack of 24/7 small unit leader ownership. –In general, leadership accountability absent because leadership standard not imposed. –LtCol CO’s and SgtMaj’s generally in the dark regarding small unit leader’s involvement. General lack of ownership. –Operational Tempo underlying contributor???

5 The Evidence 40 NCO DUIs Why? –4 hour Q+A - Why? –50% getting out! –No Plan –Do it all the time- alcohol problem –Poor Judgment –“SARP is a joke” I miss appointments and nobody knows!

6 The Evidence Discharges –3 times higher in 09 –Regimental holding areas? –Indicator of other issues –3/9 Lt “I spent 30 days doing nothing but discharge packages!” –Timeliness

7 The Evidence DEOX Survey Results –Trust –Commitment –Lower than the DOD/ Joint Standard !

8 The Evidence Alcohol Screening –4 weeks to screen, 5 weeks to inpatient –Missed appointments! –Limited command involvement

9 The Evidence Smith/ Beaudreau/Miller Report Cohesion –Identified Cohesion as major causative factor –Russell Leadership Cohesion! Change Agent?

10 The Evidence Lt Survey (40-50) –“Non-deployables in the way” –Little leadership mentoring from seniors –Little after hours involvement or ownership –Good weekend= No Incidents! –Generally unaware of programs –No plaque- Unit Identity –Commander’s Concept=100% PTP –Peer standard: Combat Legit

11 Culture Shift 20012010 BattlefieldSuccessStress Incident rate Cohesion The Moral is to the Physical as 3:1 Accountability Small Unit Leadership Trust in the institution institution More than a deviation, now a culture issue DevelopingLeadership

12 Solutions

13 Back to the Future MCDP-1 Warfighting In combat and in garrison - philosophy for action Decentralized Decision Making through… –Mission Orders & Trust Tactics –Trust that senior will provide clear intent and trust that Marine will live within it! –Requires supervision at all levels.

14 Supervision “It takes the whole team to work a problem” “You can’t outsource problem solving” 4 th ID –At Risk Board (Incident focused) Officer, SNCO, Surgeon, Chaplain –Company to Division Monthly Board Care, Causative Factors, Rapid Recovery –No suicides in 13 months in Baghdad & in combat –24 MEU Human Factors Board

15 Hope Card Make Marines Win Battles Return citizens to society Very difficult in Transition! Out calls Letters of Recommendation College Prep Resume ? Red Carpet Treatment

16 Junior SNCO Equation MOS expertise: High Life skills, problem solving: Low Operate at ground zero of the culture shift Can’t solve this on their own…need institutional support - course correction. Need CMC & SMMC “CFT” like emphasis

17 SOF CareCohesionCommander’s Prep Admin ReadinessStandards of ConductReintegration CounselingDrug/AlcoholMaintenance/Accountability PMESNCO EMPOWERMENTQOL Interior GuardForce PreservationFamily Readiness Family AdvocacyMedical CareMilitary Justice Network SecurityCivilian IntegrationSpirit/Fitness Staff Officer CourseCommander’s MessageBehavioral Health Expeditionary Integration Policy and Process Assessment/Certification Campaign Plan Right Sizing Requirements Recruiting / Selection / ITC / PTP Lessons Learned / Inspections Leader Preparation Officer Supervision SNCO Leadership COMMANDER’S PRIORITIES

18 Spiritual Strength/conditioning Sports psychology Family readiness Physical therapy Further education Stress screening Mental health Marriage enrichment Stress coping Rapid recovery Dependency avoidance Athletic training Nutrition Warrior transition (third location decompression) Personal quest Positive experiences Life meaning Religious services Pastoral care Financial security Quality of life Program Synergy Esprit de corps Unit cohesion Population-Level metrics to assess effects PFT/CFT Pro-Active



21 Conclusions Trust is an essential element of cohesion SNCO’s can’t “Fix” this by themselves More than Core Values training Requires Full Court Press on –Teaching, mentoring and coaching –Main effort in MCU- right play book (OSCAR) Institution must place high value on coaching Small Unit Leaders must see what “Right” looks like. Recalibrate DEOX to measure cohesion Must keep returning lettermen in the leadership equation

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