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CitiWiki Summer Workshop Day 1: Introduction Li Xu CS, UMass Lowell.

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Presentation on theme: "CitiWiki Summer Workshop Day 1: Introduction Li Xu CS, UMass Lowell."— Presentation transcript:

1 CitiWiki Summer Workshop Day 1: Introduction Li Xu CS, UMass Lowell

2 CitiWiki Workshop 2007 2 CitiWiki Summer Workshop Sponsored by CITI K-12 education grant Learn and use Wiki and web technologies to enhance K-12 education 2 weeks in late June, July at UMass Lowell Week 1: 6/25-6/28 Week 2: 7/30-8/2

3 CitiWiki Workshop 2007 3 CitiWiki Summer Workshop 8-day workshop sessions Topics: Web page and web site, Wiki, GoogleGroup, Blog, Multimedia and Podcasting, RSS feed Wiki-based teaching teching framework Format PPT slide presentation Hands-on computer learning and exercises After-session assignments

4 CitiWiki Workshop 2007 4 CitiWiki Summer Workshop Participants will Learn to use Wiki, Web page, Google group, Blog, Multimedia Podcasting Build a Wiki teaching framework for school implementation Implement the project in Fall ’07 Follow-up participant project presentation in Fall ’07

5 CitiWiki Workshop 2007 5 CitiWiki Summer Workshop Organizers Judy Boccia Li Xu Marjorie Dennis Heather Byrne (workshop assistant) Participants STEM teachers and educators from local school district

6 CitiWiki Summer Workshop Online presence Web page: Wiki: Mailing list and Google Group:

7 CitiWiki Summer Workshop Workshop session 9:15am-12:15pm Olsen 314 (CS computer lab) 15 minutes break 10:45-11:00

8 Day 1 Agenda Introduction of Internet, Web, Wiki and Web 2.0 Explore Web and Wiki Run your own web server and Wiki software Reflect what you do and how technology can help Review and Day 1 assignment CitiWiki Workshop 2007 8

9 Day 1 Goals Gain background of Internet, Web, Wiki, Web 2.0 Getting started with Wiki Use Wiki Get the software and run on your own computer Brainstorm how technology can help your education activities CitiWiki Workshop 2007 9

10 Internet Collection of computers connected to each other globally

11 Web Web server Web browser Firefox

12 Web Page


14 Hello, world in HTML

15 XHTML and CSS XHTML stands for Extensible Hypertext Markup Language Next generation HTML for web page design Clean up HTML syntax, based on XML CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets Separate web page content and styling Rethinking of web design Web design for now and future

16 Web 1.0 and Web 2.0

17 Web 2.0 Wiki Blog, Wikipedia Podcast MySpace, Facebook, Bebo, friendster YouTube Flickr

18 Wiki Hawaiian “wikiwiki” = fast Ward Cunningham developed first Wiki WikiWikiWeb in 1994, and installed it on Internet domain on March 25, 1995.

19 Wiki

20 “Hello, world” in Wiki Edit your Blog page at CitiWiki Need your login name and password Wiki set up to require authentication for editing Can also set password for read, or per- page, or group protection. Will discuss later.

21 Wiki Using your web browser for web page creation and editing Simple interface and simple editing commands Easy to Update Easy to Navigate Easy Linking Simple Design

22 Wiki Technology to write and maintain web pages in collaboration No single owner of the Wiki content (unless explicitly set) Topical organization of content Question mark prompts creation of new knowledge Knowledge repository with history (version management) Hyperlinks connect context

23 Wiki Implications: Provides a highly generic and flexible knowledge sharing and collaboration mechanism Can replace Intranet / Portal as well as discussion forum and weblog

24 Best Known Wiki: Wikipedia Online Encyclopedia: Great resources to research topics: try search Wiki Ask students to use for projects

25 PmWiki We will use PmWiki in this workshop How it works Apache server PHP PmWiki package Open source, download from CitiWiki page

26 Using Web Technologies Web 2.0 Break the barrier for content creation, distribution, sharing, collaboration and management online: web and beyond Exciting tools for education use

27 Wikispaces Combine blog, student project, reference, resources through Wiki

28 Blog Blogger

29 Social Networking Sites MySpace Facebook

30 YouTube Video

31 Flickr Photos

32 PodCasting iTunes and iTunes U MIT Open Course Ware

33 RSS Feed Thunderbird

34 Education Relevance Drexel U Example: Jean-Claude Bradley Use blogs for creating podcasts or for storing static sequential content (transcripts) Use wikis to organize content and to interact with students on assignments Use multiple channels to deliver content and assess learning All of these technologies are simple, free and hosted

35 Roll Your Own – CitiWiki Web page and Wiki based Google group

36 Technology Terms Web server HTML, XHTML, XML, CSS Wiki

37 Using Browers Firefox, Thunderbird

38 Google Groups Online discussion groups

39 BrainStorm What You Can Do

40 Day 1 Assignment Create your Wiki blog on CitiWiki Preliminary plan on using Web and Wiki in your teaching project, put it in your Wiki page Sign on GoogleGroup to introduce you (optional) Get your own web server and Wiki running on Windows machine Contact us if you use other configurations

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