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Draft Statewide Strategies ARB Control Concepts for 8-hour Ozone and PM2.5 Plans Jeff Lindberg CA Air Resources Board October 17, 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Draft Statewide Strategies ARB Control Concepts for 8-hour Ozone and PM2.5 Plans Jeff Lindberg CA Air Resources Board October 17, 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Draft Statewide Strategies ARB Control Concepts for 8-hour Ozone and PM2.5 Plans Jeff Lindberg CA Air Resources Board October 17, 2006

2 Draft Statewide Strategies Setting the Stage  New 8-hour standard is more health protective  Need to address PM2.5 standards for first time  Existing control technologies fall short of achieving targets  New round of reductions needed to continue progress

3 Draft Statewide Strategies ARB’s Planning Approach  New Measures for near- term Ozone reductions and 2015 PM2.5 attainment  Long-term Measures for Areas with Greater Ozone Challenges South Coast San Joaquin Valley

4 Draft Statewide Strategies Passenger Vehicle Concepts  Strengthen Smog Check Increased inspection frequency of some vehicles More rigorous testing Inclusion of diesel passenger vehicles  Expand BAR Vehicle Scrap Program  Catalyst Replacement Program

5 Draft Statewide Strategies On-Road Truck Concepts  Expanded Fleet Modernization and Retrofits  Truck Emissions Tracking and Inspection Program

6 Draft Statewide Strategies Off-Road Equipment Concepts  Fleet reductions from engine replacement or retrofit combinations  Reductions equivalent to replacing Tier 0 engines with Tier 3 or cleaner engines by 2014  Reduce amount of non- necessary idling  Identify opportunities to modernize California’s agricultural equipment

7 Draft Statewide Strategies Additional Control Concepts  Consumer Products  Recreation vehicles… Boats and off-highway motorcycles  Mitigate Ethanol Permeation Emissions  On-Road Motorcycles  Pesticides

8 Draft Statewide Strategies What’s Upcoming  Workshop in November  Plan Release Late December or Early January  Workshops after Plan Release (Likely South Coast and San Joaquin Valley)  Spring Board Hearing

9 Draft Statewide Strategies Contact Information Jeff Lindberg (916) 322-2832 Ravi Ramalingam (916) 322-2085

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