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1 John Whitesides Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium.

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Presentation on theme: "1 John Whitesides Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 John Whitesides Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium

2 2 Management tool to help your community do a better job Allows focus of limited energy and resources Aids the organization in adjusting to changes in the internal and external environments Creative process

3 3 It’s a process Setting goals Understanding what we do now Looking toward the future Evaluating response options Understanding and prioritizing resources

4 4 Crafting a mission Assessing the situation Development of a strategy to achieve the mission and vision Framing an organizational structure to best utilize resources to accomplish goals Writing the plan

5 5 Efforts lead to action Builds a shared vision Participatory process Externally focused Considers available data Openness to questions/comment/criticism Core to effective management

6 6 Having a purpose Why are we here? What are we doing? What do we seek to accomplish? Are they relevant? Do they reflect the work of the organization?

7 7 Broad concept Includes the business of the organization Statement of values that guide the accomplishment of the mission

8 8 Providing the highest quality health services in partnership with our people and the Alaska Tribal Health System

9 9 The most global concept The successful accomplishment of the mission

10 10 Alaska Natives are the healthiest people in the world

11 11 Get ready… Is time available? Stakeholders Funding/Finances Gathering information

12 12 Mission and Vision Relevant Representative of the organization and work True to the purpose and values

13 13 Assessing the environment Practical look at today Educated look at tomorrow Awareness of resources SWOT Critical issues Use of resources

14 14 Developing Strategies and Goals Time and flexibility Agreement on priorities

15 15 Creating the plan Write it down Who is involved Level of detail Follow up Ownership Accountability Living document

16 16 Find the right balance for you and the organization Focus your efforts where necessary Prioritize

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