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Nestor Vega  UCLG (2009) Position Paper on Aid Effectiveness and Local Government  UCLG (2010) The of City 2030 - Our.

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Presentation on theme: "Nestor Vega  UCLG (2009) Position Paper on Aid Effectiveness and Local Government  UCLG (2010) The of City 2030 - Our."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nestor Vega

2  UCLG (2009) Position Paper on Aid Effectiveness and Local Government  UCLG (2010) The of City 2030 - Our Manifesto

3  Local Self- government  Local Democracy  Decentralization  Subsidiarity  Transparency  Participation  Efficiency  Inclusiveness  Equity  Good governance

4  An Emerging Consensus on Aid Effectiveness  Local Governments are Development Actors

5  Ownership: Democratization of the process: Development strategies require ownership by sub national levels of government to advocate for community interests

6  Alignment – Development cooperation and national development strategies must be aligned with existing decentralization frameworks and must contribute to strengthening local autonomy and promoting sustainable community development.

7  Harmonization – Local governments should take the lead in harmonization of development cooperation in communities.

8  Managing for results – decentralization and local development as components of good local governance should be expected results of development cooperation

9  Mutual Accountability - Strengthening transparency and accountability for development results

10  Local governments are responsible of ensuring equitable delivery of essential services

11  Being part of the state, local governments enjoy a level of legitimacy and responsibility that is not comparable to other development actors.

12  Strong local governance structures are crucial to ensure genuine democratic ownership and domestic accountability

13  Local governments can have an acute awareness of the challenges and opportunities facing society, as they have deep roots into the social, political and economic fabric of communities

14  A solid democratic system

15  An efficient decentralization framework

16  Accountability derives from the mandate given by the citizens to lead community development.

17  Outcome Document - Outline  Sessions – Participation – Ownership, Accountability  Inputs


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