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Weblogs AKA Blogs. What is a blog? Wikipedia Definition: A weblog, web log or simply a blog, is a web application which contains periodic time-stamped.

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Presentation on theme: "Weblogs AKA Blogs. What is a blog? Wikipedia Definition: A weblog, web log or simply a blog, is a web application which contains periodic time-stamped."— Presentation transcript:

1 Weblogs AKA Blogs

2 What is a blog? Wikipedia Definition: A weblog, web log or simply a blog, is a web application which contains periodic time-stamped posts on a common webpage. The term “blog” is used rather than weblog to avoid confusion with the word web server log.

3 What is a Blog? A BLOG is a web site that often provides commentary or news on a particular subject, such as food, politics, or local news; some function as more personal online diaries. A BLOG is a web site that allows an author to publish instantly from any Internet connection. A blog can be interactive, allowing the Blogger and Subscriber to begin conversations or add information published here.

4 Distinct Attributes Unlike threaded discussions, only the author of a blog can create a new topic, called making a post, for a discussion. Unlike e-mail, blogs are sites where authors post in reverse chronological order.

5 Sample Blogs

6 Blogs Go Mainstream 2004: Political Consultants, new services and candidates use blogs as tools Blogs become standard publicity arsenal Blog pieces reach print and blogging personalities began appearing on radio and TV Mirriam-Webster’s Dictionary declared “Blog” as the word of the year “Rathergate” Scandal Blogs accepted by the mass media as a source of news

7 What Blogs are NOT A place just to turn in papers A replacement for a message board Something that will sit there and run itself Benign, boring document without hyperlinks or references A place to write in the 3 rd person

8 What Blogs ARE A place to share your reflections about your passion Part of a conversation A place to site your opinions A place where decisions makers are looking to spot trends and opinions A place to promote yourself and your opinions

9 What Blogs ARE A place to address issues of professional concern A place to overcome geographic or professional isolation A place to vent (blow off stream)

10 Why Should You Blog? Blogs are easy to create. Many are free. Those that are not free are affordable. You will have a worldwide audience for their opinions. You can syndicate your blog, that is, make the blog available to Internet users who subscribe to your blog. Blogs are flexible, lots of uses.

11 Why Should You Blog? Encourages participation and discussion. Easy way to practice writing and improving writing skills. Gives you a feeling of ownership.

12 Why You Might Not Want to Blog? It takes time to keep a blog updated. No confidentiality. It is sometimes difficult to find a topic or topics to write about. The worldwide audience might scare you.

13 Blog Services Blogger MSN Spaces Feedburner what is/was feedburner? Who seems to own feedburner now?

14 Blog Types 1.Personal – an online diary that people use to post their day to day experiences complaints, poems, etc… (thoughtful/Friendblog) 2.Topical – Focuses on a specific niche, often a technical one, like Google’s blog, which covers nothing but Google news. 3.News – Focuses on news on a certain topic like basketball or cell phone use in high schools. 4.Collaborative – a blog written by more than one person 5.Political – a free space for comments and criticism of other authors.

15 Blog Types 6.Legal – blogs that discuss law and legal affairs are often referred to as “blawgs.” 7.Directory – useful for web surfers because they often collect numerous web sites with interesting content in an easy to use and constantly updated format. 8.Corporate – official or semi-official blogs posted by employees of corporations. 9.Advice – provides expert advice such as Microsoft technical knowledge.

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