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Ethiopia Protection of Basic Services Social Accountability Program (ESAP2) Grant Agreement [TF099878] Session 1: Social Accountability & Social Inclusion.

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Presentation on theme: "Ethiopia Protection of Basic Services Social Accountability Program (ESAP2) Grant Agreement [TF099878] Session 1: Social Accountability & Social Inclusion."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ethiopia Protection of Basic Services Social Accountability Program (ESAP2) Grant Agreement [TF099878] Session 1: Social Accountability & Social Inclusion

2 Accountability is most commonly understood as the requirement of those in power to explain and take responsibility for their choices, actions & inactions. Social Accountability is the process by which ordinary citizens, who are the users of public services,  voice and demand their needs, preferences  hold policy makers and service providers accountable for their performance and commitments. 2 What is Social Accountability

3  Providing awareness on SA  Using SA tools (CRC & CSC etc.) approach  Based on policy and service standards  Through evidence based procedures 3 Ways Citizens Hold Public Officials Accountable

4 To improve the service delivery  Understand their right and responsibility  Create common understanding and ownership  Enhance dialogue and joint problem mechanism 4 Benefit of SA

5  Social Exclusion: individuals or groups are pushed to the edge of society due to poverty or lack of access to opportunities  Social Inclusion: individuals or groups gain access to opportunities and resources to participate in society life 5 Social Inclusion & Exclusion

6  Socially excluded groups belong to more than one category : For instance, a poor single elderly mother might also be a woman living with HIV and AIDS or a disability  Socially excluded groups have multiple barriers : For instance, a physically disabled person does not face the same barriers (physical access and stigma) as the unemployed youth.  Create an inclusive environment for socially excluded groups 6 Principle of Mainstreaming Social Inclusion

7 Steps of Social Inclusion in Development Projects  Strengthen capacity of socially excluded groups  Promote networking amongst local communities & citizens groups  Promote participatory local diagnosis of socially excluded people  Education & train local stakeholders on socially excluded groups issues  Facilitate the creation of local forums for dialogue  Create cross cutting network of Woreda services. 7

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