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DEM 329 Seminar in Strategic Planning Strategy Evaluation A Report by: ESPERANZA S. EVORA Submitted to: Dr. Amalia Paje.

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2 DEM 329 Seminar in Strategic Planning Strategy Evaluation A Report by: ESPERANZA S. EVORA Submitted to: Dr. Amalia Paje

3 Strategy-Based Evaluation Knowledge Building and Lessons Learnt From

4 Agenda  Background and objective  On Strategy and Evaluation  What do we mean by Strategy-based Evaluation?  Why to address Strategy-based Evaluation distinctively?  Why is Strategy-based Evaluation important for MENA?  How can support SBE-ITIG and vice versa?  The way to Barbados 2013

5 Background  In Jan 2012, the Board of IDEAS approved a proposal to establish a Thematic Interest Group on Strategy- based Evaluation (SBE-ITIG)  SBE-ITIG’s mission is to promote all kinds of evaluation that are linked to strategy, and to develop both the concept and practices through mutual dialogue amongst practitioners from all schools of evaluation  (through the IDRC funded project “Mainstreaming Evaluation Theory and Practice in the MENA” has generously offered to host the first SBE-ITIG meeting

6  Establish shared understanding on the what Strategy-based Evaluation is all about  Pave the way towards reviewing global literature on Strategy-based Evaluation and lessons learnt  Initiate the discussion on how and SBE-ITIG would work together for the benefit of the concept and the region  Discuss steps needed and milestones towards the coming IDEAS assembly 2013

7 Agenda  Background and objective  On Strategy and Evaluation  What do we mean by Strategy-based Evaluation?  Why to address Strategy-based Evaluation distinctively?  Why is Strategy-based Evaluation important for MENA?  How can support SBE-ITIG and vice versa?  The way to Barbados 2013

8 What is strategy?  In its simplest definition, strategy is about where an organization is headed and how it intends to get there.  It also can be defined as a forward-looking plan for a defined future.  Mintzberg defined it as systematic patterns of organizational behavior that determine: -Overall direction, -How the organization’s work is carried out, and -Where it is carried out

9 Strategy as the focus of… M A N A G E M E N T

10 Strategy distinctions  Intended Strategy  Realized Strategy  Nonstrategic change  Strategic change – Change in position – Change in perspective

11 What is evaluation? Evaluation is the process of determining the merit, worth and value of things, and evaluations are the products of that process. (Scriven, 1991, p. 1)

12 Units of evaluation The word EVALUAND refers to the unit that has been evaluated such as …  Projects  Programs  Products  Policies  Personnel And recently… S T R A T E G Y

13 Strategy as the focus of… E V A L U A T I O N So…

14 Agenda  Background and objective  On Strategy and Evaluation  What do we mean by Strategy-based Evaluation?  Why to address Strategy-based Evaluation distinctively?  Why is Strategy-based Evaluation important for MENA?  How can support SBE-ITIG and vice versa?  The way to Barbados 2013

15 The term ‘Strategy-based Evaluation’ refers to … “All evaluation schools of thought that have strategy as their point of departure” It covers various evaluation schools of thought emerged from private, public and tertiary sectors …  Results-Based Management (RBM)  Managing for Development Results (MfDR)  Performance Management  Balanced Scorecards  Strategy Management  Outcome Harvesting  …

16 A high-level Strategy-based Evaluation process is meant to answer basic strategy/performance questions Managing Strategic Initiatives Managing Strategic Initiatives Measuring the Strategy Managing Strategic Reviews Mapping the Strategy How to bridge performanc e gap? How to measure success? How to utilize information in decision making? How to get there? Cascading the strategy How to ensure alignment? Ensure proper ownership/ accountability structure Ensure two-way communication channels

17 Agenda  Background and objective  On Strategy and Evaluation  What do we mean by Strategy-based Evaluation?  Why to address Strategy-based Evaluation distinctively?  Why is Strategy-based Evaluation important for MENA?  How can support SBE-ITIG and vice versa?  The way to Barbados 2013

18 A set of characteristics distinguish Strategy- based Evaluation from other evaluation schools … Ownership and Main Drivers for Change Values Driving the Concept and the Practice The Main Area of Focus Process Systemization Process Custodianship and Governance

19 Strategy-based Evaluation is owned, promoted and managed as an internal process … Ownership and Main Drivers for Change Values Driving the Concept and the Practice The Main Area of Focus Process Systemization Process Custodianship and Governance  Usually it is internally owned, promoted and managed  In many cases, promoted, owned, and influenced by a third party (i.e. donors, … and others) agenda Project/ Program- based Evaluation Strategy- Based Evaluation

20  Accountability is heavily acknowledged, yet systematic learning and alignment is a major component.  Since it is usually performed by a third party, it does not necessarily support translating lessons learnt into management practices. Strategy-based Evaluation is driven by both accountability and learning as the main values Project/ Program- based Evaluation Strategy- Based Evaluation Ownership and Main Drivers for Change Values Driving the Concept and the Practice The Main Area of Focus Process Systemization Process Custodianship and Governance

21  Focuses on the quality of data reported and on the evidence such data provide through the analysis.  Focuses on the management process and the utilization of the data in ensuring organizational learning and alignment. Strategy-based Evaluation processes focus on the strategy execution and on decision making Project/ Program- based Evaluation Strategy- Based Evaluation Ownership and Main Drivers for Change Values Driving the Concept and the Practice The Main Area of Focus Process Systemization Process Custodianship and Governance

22  It is a systemic framework; it stems from the core strategic processes of organizations.  It is not only the nerve system of an organization but also its heart and brain.  Evaluation studies are vertical assessments. This does not support systematic recurrence very much.  Projects and programs may not necessarily be tied into well defined integrated strategic contexts. Strategy-based Evaluation is not a one-off task, it is the system that organizations operate … Project/ Program- based Evaluation Strategy- Based Evaluation Ownership and Main Drivers for Change Values Driving the Concept and the Practice The Main Area of Focus Process Systemization Process Custodianship and Governance

23  The body responsible for the function is usually an independent body, in most cases detached from operations.  A strategy or performance management body manages the entire process.  It undertakes three important roles, those of architect, process owner, and integrator. Strategy-based Evaluation is owned, promoted and managed from within … Project/ Program- based Evaluation Strategy- Based Evaluation Ownership and Main Drivers for Change Values Driving the Concept and the Practice The Main Area of Focus Process Systemization Process Custodianship and Governance

24 Agenda  Background and objective  On Strategy and Evaluation  What do we mean by Strategy-based Evaluation?  Why to address Strategy-based Evaluation distinctively?  Why is Strategy-based Evaluation important for MENA?  How can support SBE-ITIG and vice versa?  The way to Barbados 2013

25 Current and future demand within the region for mature strategy-based evaluation systems  The continuous efforts for medium and long-term country/ sector-level strategies for growth.  Future demand for strategy-based evaluation is expected to emerge.

26 Supported by international trends …  Institutional learning is more appreciated than before in the development aid field  While acknowledging the ownership of the partner countries over the development results - Paris Declaration/ Accra Agenda for Action  The emerging trends towards moving from studies to streams in evaluation

27 Agenda  Background and objective  On Strategy and Evaluation  What do we mean by Strategy-based Evaluation?  Why to address Strategy-based Evaluation distinctively?  Why is Strategy-based Evaluation important for MENA?  How can support SBE-ITIG and vice versa?  The way to Barbados 2013

28 We believe a constructive partnership between and SBE-ITIG is needed and is possible SBE-ITIG Capacity Building …  Bring expertise to the region  Capacity building and systems’ development  Show-case the region’s experience Lessons Learnt …  Participate in the open dialogue on the topic  Provide a platform for SBE application  Participate in IDEAS events as part of the SBE panel

29 Agenda  Background and objective  On Strategy and Evaluation  What do we mean by Strategy-based Evaluation?  Why to address Strategy-based Evaluation distinctively?  Why is Strategy-based Evaluation important for MENA?  How can support SBE-ITIG and vice versa?  The way to Barbados 2013

30 SBE-specialized panels are to be organized in the coming IDEAS assembly 2013, and possibly others  Roadmap/timelines  Main research themes  Review/assessment taskforce, responsible for setting the research criteria and approving the research applications  Research publication/dissemination

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