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Lecture 5: The Importance of Preconditions. The Importance of Preconditions: 1. There is a mind capable of sending a message. 2. There is a mind capable.

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Presentation on theme: "Lecture 5: The Importance of Preconditions. The Importance of Preconditions: 1. There is a mind capable of sending a message. 2. There is a mind capable."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lecture 5: The Importance of Preconditions

2 The Importance of Preconditions: 1. There is a mind capable of sending a message. 2. There is a mind capable of receiving a message. 3. There is a common mode of communication (like a language shared by both persons).

3 The Importance of Preconditions: Without those three preconditions, evangelical systematic theology is not possible.

4 Preconditions of Evangelical Theology The Bible is an infallible, absolutely true communication in human language that came from an infinite, personal, & morally perfect God.

5 1. Tbere is a theistic God who created the world and can miraculously intervene in it. 2. A God who has revealed Himself in both general & special revelation.

6 The Bible is an infallible, absolutely true communication in human language that came from an infinite, personal, & morally perfect God. 3. Revelation is subject to the laws of logic and contains objectively meaningful statements that are true objectively and exclusively and can be understood in analogous language (God-talk).

7 The Bible is an infallible, absolutely true communication in human language that came from an infinite, personal, & morally perfect God. Evangelicals believe that the Bible is God’s Word in human words. Therefore we must have the belief that finite human language is capable of meaningfully expressing the nature of the infinite, personal God, which is displayed in both general and special revelation

8 The objectivity of truth that Christianity embraces is based on the premise that meaning is objective. The nature of truth is crucial to the Christian faith. Not only does Christianity claim there is absolute truth (which is true for everyone, everywhere, always) but it also insists that truth is that which corresponds to the way things really are.

9 Revelation is subject to the laws of logic: All claims of logic are subject to the basic laws of thought: Contradictions cannot both be true and false. Methods used in doing theology are both deductive-and inductive-type logic.

10 Revelation is subject to the laws of logic: Systematic theology begins with an inductive study of both special revelation (in the Bible) and general revelation (in nature), it makes deductions from them, and these are put together in a unified and systematic theology.

11 The Bible is an infallible, absolutely true communication in human language that came from an infinite, personal, & morally perfect God. 4. The meaning and truth of revelation can be understood objectively including those elements relating to historical events. Christian faith is rooted in real history and can be understood from history.

12 The Bible is an infallible, absolutely true communication in human language that came from an infinite, personal, & morally perfect God. 5. Revelation can be systematized by a complete and comprehensive theological method.

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