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Righting the RtI Pyramid

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Presentation on theme: "Righting the RtI Pyramid"— Presentation transcript:

1 Righting the RtI Pyramid
Tier 3 Tier 2 Tier 1 Tier 3 Tier 2 Tier 1 Dr. Clark will introduce session. Birdville ISD

2 Houston, we have a problem.
(Apollo 13) Tier 3 Tier 2 Tier 1 David begins here.

3 Former System Elementary literacy focus
Random strategies, process, procedures Compliance-driven Inaccurate assessment of student performance

4 Great Awakening Adopted ISIP as universal screener in Fall 2012
BOY data indicated more than half of students in need of Tier 2 or Tier 3 intervention Mention that subsequent progress monitoring confirmed BOY data and helped allay concerns over online assessment.

5 Recommendation BISD as per ISIP
Visceral Response 3 3 2 2 1 1 Recommendation BISD as per ISIP

6 Data Validate the Need for Change
Mention that vertical aggregation showed system was not preparing students for success at the next level. The system did not have the capacity to fix itself.

7 INOVA Training is Key

8 If you don’t know where you’re going, you might not get there.
(Yogi Berra) Cindy begins here.

9 Task Force: Critical Learning
Lack of consistently communicated RtI philosophy Inequitable distribution of staff and resources between campuses Lack of professional learning for teachers and campus administrators around the central concepts of RtI Include more information about formation of task force

10 Key Actions Developed RtI philosophy Developed RtI processes
Determined key requirements Mention requirements for transformation change: careful planning, additional resources, and time

11 Established RtI Philosophy Systematic Processes and Procedures
Resources Staff Training Successful RtI System

12 Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.
(Proverbs 19:18, King James Bible) Donna starts here.

13 Established a coherent, non-negotiable model
RtI Philosophy Confronted data denial Recognized the time needed to accept change Established a coherent, non-negotiable model

14 Shifts in thinking From struggling students as someone else’s problem
to shared accountability for student outcomes From a variable hodge-podge of approaches to a coordinated utilization of district and campus resources From a silo of intervention to a critical component of the work we do

15 94% [of problems] belong to the system, 6% are attributable to special causes.
(W. Edwards Deming, The New Economics)

16 System Components Improve Tier 1 instruction
Implement interventions with fidelity Use data to make decisions Collaborate Introduction to handbook slides

17 The BISD RtI Handbook



20 Strategies for Tiered Interventions



23 Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor.
(Ecclesiastes 4:9, New American Standard Bible) Cindy picks up here. Talk about PLCs/Collaborative Conferences

24 Importance of Collaboration
Designated champions give a face to the change Builds ownership in the process Creates shared accountability for student learning Not sure about placement of designated champions tag. Maybe delete.

25 Put your money where your mouth is.

26 Focused Resources Budgeting Staffing Professional Learning
Data accessibility Additional Learning Resources Technology Include this information: Implemented a coaching model to improve tier 1 instruction Provided interventionist support Increased district control of duties and times Standardized resources Increased use of technology (Istation, TTM, etc.)

27 Transformation is a process, not an event.
(John P. Kotter, Leading Change)

28 Continuing Adjustments
- Progress monitoring - Assessments - Implementation - Training and support - RtI Plan as fluid document

29 Continuing Development
Ongoing learning: - Addressing high school - Implementing behavioral RtI

30 BISD Continuous Improvement Model
RtI Dr. Clark closes. This model is applied to every initiative in the district, including RtI.

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