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Next Steps 1.Addressing Operational Issues of strategic importance 2.Input of AC in process of strategy development 3.Establishing of a functional African.

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Presentation on theme: "Next Steps 1.Addressing Operational Issues of strategic importance 2.Input of AC in process of strategy development 3.Establishing of a functional African."— Presentation transcript:

1 Next Steps 1.Addressing Operational Issues of strategic importance 2.Input of AC in process of strategy development 3.Establishing of a functional African Constituency Bureau

2 Addressing Operational Issues Synthesis of all discussions (challenges, solutions) on: – The (New) Funding Model – Absorption Capacity – Concept Note Development – CCM functionality – Others Draft a roadmap for taking up proposed solutions and share for review, improvement, finalization and commitment.

3 Input in the New Strategy Development Process Agree on key messages to take forward to the Partnership Forum starting tomorrow Synthesize all the discussions and inputs into a position paper to be submitted to the GF stakeholders

4 Key Messages – on HSS This is Priority Number 1 for African Constituencies – Invest to maximize impact Strongly urge the GF to make investments in strategic areas of HS that will directly impact on the performance of the GF and/or its ability to measure that impact (HIS, Procurement and Supply Chain, HRH….)

5 Key Messages – on HSS Since the main challenge for making the case for HSS is lack of appropriate metrics for tracking and measuring impact of investments, GF should lead the way of developing the right indicators for measuring HS performance Such indicators should be appropriately integrated in processes to measure the GF performance in the next strategy period.

6 Key Messages – on HSS Greater clarity is needed for what HSS and CSS mean and the distinction, if any between the two

7 Key Messages: Women and Girls Greater emphasis should be placed on women, girls and adolescents as key populations at the Center of efforts to increase coverage, effectiveness and impact

8 Key Messages on Challenging Operating Environments Develop institutional and operational frameworks to effectively respond to COE that allow for needed flexibility in response to crises Communicate progress made so far in developing the right frameworks to institutionalize the GF response to COE for input by African Constituencies

9 Key Messages: Increasing domestic financing The GF should leverage its position as a significant contributor to country programs dealing with AIDS/TB/Malaria to: – Fully utilize existing accountability mechanisms for implementation of regional frameworks and commitments such as those by the AU – Develop and/or support a comprehensive and long- term advocacy strategy that targets key decision makers within countries responsible for making budget allocation decisions (e.g. Ministries of Finance, Parliamentary Committees)

10 Key Messages: Allocation formula The GF revisits and revises the current allocation formula to make it more equitable The GF reconsiders the necessity of provisions in the current formula such as incentive funding and UQD The African Constituencies pledge their commitment to work with the GF secretariat to undertake the necessary analyses that will support the case for more equitable allocation of resources

11 Key Messages: Transition from LMIC to MIC The GF should ensure country ownership of the analytical processes that inform the decisions for graduation and transition. It is critical to involve local expertise (e.g. academic/research institutions) in such analytical processes to improve ownership and acceptability of the findings and decisions

12 Establishment of a Functional ACB Formalize relationship between EPHA and ACB Establish Institutional Framework for ACB Physical and operational set up Continued Policy Analysis Support

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