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Classroom management strategies I use in my classroom.

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1 Classroom management strategies I use in my classroom

2 Low Key Strategies  Eye contact  Proximity  Gestures/non-verbal  Minimal verbal  Say thank you in response to the desired behavior  Pause These strategies can be clustered (use more than 1 technique at the same time)

3 Preventative Strategies  Signal to begin (auditory and visual)  Effective and explicit transitions between tasks  Winning over students (building rapport)  Numbering off within groups  use a timer to set clear timeframes for activities  Be firm, fair and consistent  Model appropriate behavior  active scanning  Indicate type of response expected (e.g. Hand up)  Built in accountability in each learning task

4 Strategies beyond low key involve stopping teaching to deal with behavior escalation: Private dialogue (discreet and during the lesson 1:1) Squaring off – body/face squared off, serious tone, set verbal expectation (minimal verbal), wait for compliance then say thank you when they comply. Choices/ implied choices – not ultimatums, but providing clear explanations of the next steps that will escalate or de-escalate the situation. Increases the student’s responsibility for their actions and their consequences. Informal contract – 1:1 discussion (not during learning time) “how can we work more effectively together” or “how can we solve this … issue”

5 Effective Choices are: Related to the misbehavior Not seen as punishment Immediate as possible Not an ultimatum In a positive or neutral tone Follow through on the choice Logical Consequences are related, respectful and reasonable.

6 Classroom Rules At the beginning of the year, classroom rules are developed in collaboration with the students to ensure that the students have ownership and responsibility for their own behavior. These rules are aligned with the individual school context, standards and policies.

7 Proactive behavior management and classroom management are more effective than being a reactive teacher.

8 Avoid Power Struggles  Be explicit about choices  Clustering of low key strategies  Use humor to diffuse  Deal with allies first to de-escalate  Awareness of whole class and individuals  Short circuit the behavior (distraction)

9 Classroom management is an ongoing process!

10 References Department of Education, Western Australia, Classroom Management Strategies Professional Learning Workshops at Murdoch University 2012

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