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Which came first? A PowerPoint presentation exploring the ART of Henri Matisse and Pablo Picasso Prepared by: Marisa J. Main

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Presentation on theme: "Which came first? A PowerPoint presentation exploring the ART of Henri Matisse and Pablo Picasso Prepared by: Marisa J. Main"— Presentation transcript:

1 Which came first? A PowerPoint presentation exploring the ART of Henri Matisse and Pablo Picasso Prepared by: Marisa J. Main

2 Due to copyright issues, the images have not been included. This PowerPoint may be used as a guide to create your own. You may want to insert different images from your educational archives.

3 We know that culture influences art.

4 How does exploring, contrasting and understanding how Matisse and Picassos art interacted and influenced each other, affect the way it will influence your own art and how will you depict this understanding and interaction in your own artwork?

5 We will return to these questions AFTER we explore the artwork of Matisse and Picasso

6 Both Matisse and Picasso painted similar subjects, including: Portraits Interior views Still life

7 Both artists ALSO changed their styles throughout the years.

8 Two artists creating paintings of similar subject and color schemes.

9 Flat pattern Decorative surfaces Includes exterior view Some depth

10 HENRI MATISSE Interior in Yellow and Blue Flat pattern Decorative pattern Transparencies Flat space Simple color scheme His art became more simplified and flat.


12 Picassos Woman Seated in Garden Matisses Purple Robe and Anemones

13 REALISTIC FORMSFLAT FORMS AND SPACE Often, many artists begin as realist, and then develop their own unique styles. Sometimes this is not truly appreciated until many years later.

14 Enamel Saucepan By Picasso Cubist style Flattened Space Simple Color Scheme Picasso

15 Some depth Decorative surfaces Color of background contrasts colors of still life objects Pattern equal to objects

16 Picassos Old Guitarist and Woman with Red Beret

17 What types of things did both artist use in their art? What elements distinguish a Matisse from a Picasso? Which artist do you think influenced the other the most?

18 How does exploring, contrasting and understanding how Matisse and Picassos art interacted and influenced each other, affect the way it will influence your own art and how will you depict this understanding and interaction in your own artwork?

19 Mini hands-on lesson for both artists Final hands-on lesson depicting characteristics of the ONE artist that influenced YOU the most. Press release stating why YOU should be called the next Picasso or next Matisse. GOOD LUCK and HAVE FUN!

20 Due to copyright issues, the images have not been included. This PowerPoint may be used as guide to create your own. You may want to insert different images from your educational archives. Prepared by: Marisa J. Main

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