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ONE EXAMPLE OF HOW PROJECT COULD BE DONE First Two Weeks are Preliminary Prep Work Second Two Weeks are Actual Project STORYBOARD for Tourism in WV.

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Presentation on theme: "ONE EXAMPLE OF HOW PROJECT COULD BE DONE First Two Weeks are Preliminary Prep Work Second Two Weeks are Actual Project STORYBOARD for Tourism in WV."— Presentation transcript:

1 ONE EXAMPLE OF HOW PROJECT COULD BE DONE First Two Weeks are Preliminary Prep Work Second Two Weeks are Actual Project STORYBOARD for Tourism in WV

2 FIRST WEEK Preliminary Week or Background Work Guest Speaker on Local History Studying Local Historical Literature Field Trip to Local Historical sites

3 WEEK TWO State Overview Study Tourism and Impact on West Virginia Study of Effects of: Transportation Work Force Topography Service Industries Study of Tax System and Business of Tourism

4 Pitching the Idea Pitchin History Spokesperson from local Convention and Visitors Bureau

5 WEEK THREE Going Local (actual project) Researching Tourist Attractions in County to be marketed Study local county transportation, work force, topography, and service industries Creating Budget for Tourist Attractions to be marketed

6 Completion of Student Research Logs Date Due: Research: Assessment:

7 WEEK FOUR Wrappin it Up Creation of Marketing Power Point for Oral Presentation Actual Presentation before audience Audience and Student Assessments

8 Time Schedule Computer Lab Time: Week Two: 2-3 days Excel/Internet Week Three: 2-3 days Excel/Internet Week Four: 5 days Power Point

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