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Assessment Practices at Longwill School: How do we ensure Progress and Attainment are robustly monitored, challenged and supported? Alison Carter.

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Presentation on theme: "Assessment Practices at Longwill School: How do we ensure Progress and Attainment are robustly monitored, challenged and supported? Alison Carter."— Presentation transcript:

1 Assessment Practices at Longwill School: How do we ensure Progress and Attainment are robustly monitored, challenged and supported? Alison Carter

2 OR OR The ‘ingredients’ needed to create an accurate and robust attainment and assessment pie... Teachers who know their children well Assessment Systems and processes known to all Assessment for Learning A diverse range of evidence sources Self Evaluation embedded throughout school Open culture and ethos

3 A TTAINMENT LEVELS & T ARGETS : W HY DO WE HAVE THEM ? To understand what children can already do or know in order to indicate next steps for learning. To measure progress To raise expectations – CRUCIAL – low expectations can only mean low achievement. The government has always had expectations for pupils working at National Curriculum Levels and now these have been implemented in a more or less parallel way for pupils working at all P levels.

4 T ARGET S ETTING : HIGH EXPECTATIONS! Something we all get involved in! Progression Guidance Ofsted expectations School Improvement Partner / Headteacher /L.A. / TOD Target setting: Prediction + challenge (and knowing the child) Annual End of Key Stage


6 H OW DO WE KNOW WE HAVE GOT IT ALL RIGHT ? Termly moderations (Reading, Writing and Maths) Moderate with other mainstream colleagues Monitoring & Support from subject and phase leaders Reporting to Governors (who ask lots of questions!) Literacy and Numeracy Tracking Pupil Progress Meetings Performance Management (link to Teachers Standards)


8 P UPIL P ROGRESS M EETINGS o Half termly o Writing focus o Teachers evaluate progress and act upon their findings

9 C ORE S TANDARDS FOR A SSESSMENT AND M ONITORING TS: C ORE S TANDARDS FOR A SSESSMENT AND M ONITORING Professional Knowledge and Understanding C11Know the assessment requirements and arrangements for the subjects/curriculum areas they teach, including those relating to public examinations and qualifications. C12Know a range of approaches to assessment, including the importance of formative assessment. C13Know how to use local and national statistical information to evaluate the effectiveness of their teaching, to monitor the progress of those they teach and to raise levels of attainment. C14Know how to use reports and other sources of external information related to assessment in order to provide learners with accurate and constructive feedback on their strengths, weaknesses, attainment, progress and areas for development, including action plans for improvement. Professional Skills C31Make effective use of an appropriate range of observation, assessment, monitoring and recording strategies as a basis for setting challenging learning objectives and monitoring learners’ progress and levels of attainment. C32Provide learners, colleagues, parents and carers with timely, accurate and constructive feedback on learners’ attainment, progress and areas for development. C33Support and guide learners so that they can reflect on their learning, identify the progress they have made, set positive targets for improvement and become successful independent learners. C34Use assessment as part of their teaching to diagnose learners’ needs, set realistic and challenging targets for improvement and plan future teaching.

10 W E NEED TO BE ABLE TO ‘ TELL THE STORY ’... N UMBERS AND LEVELS ARE SIMPLY NOT ENOUGH... Small cohorts... Children don’t progress along Ofsted, or PG lines all the time... Linguistic challenges to face

11 Other forms of Evidence... NC/P levels don’t tell us everything! Writing trawls (termly) Lesson Observations Dot monitoring of writing Parents views ECM Profile Reynell, BPVS, Reading Tests Reading Profiles HaFGraphs Blue Portfolios APP

12 What other ‘ingredients’ support Progress, Attainment and Assessment at Longwill? Transition Week Action Research culture...makes us more reflective practitioners! Partnerships with other schools locally and nationally Research partnerships with Leeds University (Reading Comprehension currently).

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