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How the Big Brands do Facebook Marketing Hashtag: #amafb All Facebook af.

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Presentation on theme: "How the Big Brands do Facebook Marketing Hashtag: #amafb All Facebook af."— Presentation transcript:

1 How the Big Brands do Facebook Marketing Presenters: @justinkistner and @allnick Hashtag: #amafb All Facebook af

2 Sharing on Facebook, Twitter, etc. Presenters: @justinkistner and @allnick Hashtag: #amafb Social Media Evangelist Justin KistnerNick O’Neill @Webtrends @justinkistner on Twitter @justinkistner on Facebook @AllFacebook (part of @SocialTimes) @allnick on Twitter @NickOneill on Facebook Founder

3 3rd era of the Web Search Volume Index - Google Trends Presenters: @justinkistner and @allnick Hashtag: #amafb

4 Social media usage is exploding 3 out of 4 Americans use social technology* 2/3 of the global internet population visit social networks** Social Media has overtaken porn as the #1 activity on the Web (more popular than email)*** And, it’s growing at 3X the rate of the overall Internet** * Forrester, The Growth Of Social Technology Adoption, 2008**Nielsen, Global Faces & Networked Places, 2009 *** Presenters: @justinkistner and @allnick Hashtag: #amafb

5 Shift from portals to social Presenters: @justinkistner and @allnick Hashtag: #amafb

6 Facebook is the world’s most visited site vs * comparing visits Presenters: @justinkistner and @allnick Hashtag: #amafb

7 Facebook Sends More Traffic to News Sites than Google vs 4% 3% 2% 1% 01/200901/201007/2009 Upstream visits to news and media from Google News and Facebook from Hitwise Presenters: @justinkistner and @allnick Hashtag: #amafb

8 Facebook is the world’s network Presenters: @justinkistner and @allnick Hashtag: #amafb

9 ~500,000,000 Facebook Users Presenters: @justinkistner and @allnick Hashtag: #amafb

10 ~5,000,000,000 Facebook Posts per Week Presenters: @justinkistner and @allnick Hashtag: #amafb

11 Facebook’s largest demographic is 35-54 Presenters: @justinkistner and @allnick Hashtag: #amafb

12 Facebook Marketing Basics Presenters: @justinkistner and @allnick Hashtag: #amafb

13 Destination vs. Traffic Source Presenters: @justinkistner and @allnick Hashtag: #amafb 6 hours per month Referrers more traffic than Google News Ads that link into Facebook have higher CTRs

14 Facebook Marketing Strategies Presenters: @justinkistner and @allnick Hashtag: #amafb MonitoringCampaignsRelationships Pages/Wall/Interact ions Groups Native Custom Engagement Customer service Ambassadors

15 Native Campaigns Presenters: @justinkistner and @allnick Hashtag: #amafb VideoEventsFan Virtual GiftPollProduct Sample

16 Classic Marketing Campaign Funnel Action Demand Interest Awareness Presenters: @justinkistner and @allnick Hashtag: #amafb

17 Facebook Marketing Campaign Cycle Experience Value Exchange Awareness Presenters: @justinkistner and @allnick Hashtag: #amafb

18 Facebook Marketing Campaign Cycle Experience Value Exchange Awareness Presenters: @justinkistner and @allnick Hashtag: #amafb Earned Owned Paid

19 Facebook Marketing Campaign Cycle Experience Value Exchange Awareness Presenters: @justinkistner and @allnick Hashtag: #amafb Earned Owned Paid Pages Ads Apps Plugin

20 Facebook Marketing Campaign Cycle Experience Value Exchange Awareness Presenters: @justinkistner and @allnick Hashtag: #amafb Earned Owned Paid Pages Ads Apps Plugin Conversions Transactions

21 The Facebook Marketer’s Toolbox PagesAdsAppsPlugins Wall Interactions Updates Events Media Self-serve Ad rep In app Media buyers Standalone Tabs Iframe Permissions Like Login Recommend Activity streams More Presenters: @justinkistner and @allnick Hashtag: #amafb

22 Facebook Campaigns Contests Sweepstakes Virtual Gifts Polls Coupons Quizzes Product Samples Presenters: @justinkistner and @allnick Hashtag: #amafb

23 Facebook Advertising Home Page Video Comment Event Fan Virtual Gift Poll Sampling Standard Rest-of-site Presenters: @justinkistner and @allnick Hashtag: #amafb

24 Facebook Fan Page Wall Comments Likes Info Photos Videos Events Polls Discussion Presenters: @justinkistner and @allnick Hashtag: #amafb

25 Facebook Applications Games Stores Campaigns Customer Service Landing Pages Media Players Services Booking Engines Presenters: @justinkistner and @allnick Hashtag: #amafb

26 Facebook Social Plugins Like Button Recommendations Login with Faces Comments Activity Feed Like Box Facepile Live Stream Presenters: @justinkistner and @allnick Hashtag: #amafb

27 Facebook’s Top Brands Presenters: @justinkistner and @allnick Hashtag: #amafb

28 Top brands are shifting their budgets From microsites to social From $20MM Superbowl ad to social Presenters: @justinkistner and @allnick Hashtag: #amafb

29 Presenters: @justinkistner and @allnick Hashtag: #amafb 10 Biggest Brands On Facebook Facebook Starbucks Twilight South Park Coca-Cola Skittles Oreo Lost Red Bull Scrubs

30 Presenters: @justinkistner and @allnick Hashtag: #amafb 5 Case Studies Of Brands vitamin water Marshalls - $5,000 Wardrobe Competition Doritos Advergame Bing – Farmville Promotion Scion – tC Release Video

31 Presenters: @justinkistner and @allnick Hashtag: #amafb vitamin water New Beverage vitamin water connect contest $5,000 prize Users voted on a flavor and selected “black cherry-lime” Flavor tasted horrible but received plenty of coverage

32 Presenters: @justinkistner and @allnick Hashtag: #amafb Marshalls $5000 Wardrobe Users become fans of Marshalls TV Promotion used to drive users to page Each week there is a video quiz Completing quizzes earns keys One key unlocks $1,000 prize each week

33 Presenters: @justinkistner and @allnick Hashtag: #amafb Doritos Advergame Campaign uses Facebook Connect to customize a video game experience Users need a bag code to gain access to the video Huge promotion budget to create complex game Users must log in with Facebook to access

34 Presenters: @justinkistner and @allnick Hashtag: #amafb Bing Farmville Promotion Gained 400,000 fans with “Become a Fan” call to action button Users received farm cash in exchange for fanning No knowledge of amount spent but most likely $1 million+ Updates to those fans drove 20,000 click throughs on content

35 Presenters: @justinkistner and @allnick Hashtag: #amafb Scion tC Release Video promotion that places user profile data in the video promotion Displays friends information as well within the promotion You can view the video at

36 Value of a Facebook Fan Source: 68% of Facebook Fans indicate they are very likely to recommend a product. Facebook fans reported spending $71.84 more per year than non fans. The most valuable fan in the survey was that of McDonald’s who presented an annual value to the organization of $508.16 Presenters: @justinkistner and @allnick Hashtag: #amafb

37 Facebook Marketing Ecosystem Presenters: @justinkistner and @allnick Hashtag: #amafb

38 The Social Platform Management Market AgenciesToolsPlatform Mgmt. Full Service Social Creative Social Developer App & Ad ManagementMulti-Platform Support Relationship Management Campaign Management Razorfish Mr. Youth Powered Wildfire Transpond Social Amp Context Optional Involver Vitrue Presenters: @justinkistner and @allnick Hashtag: #amafb

39 Multi-channel Dashboards Publishing tools Moderation Escalation Audit trails Social apps Relationship Management Presenters: @justinkistner and @allnick Hashtag: #amafb

40 Facebook Marketing Challenges Presenters: @justinkistner and @allnick Hashtag: #amafb

41 Presenters: @justinkistner and @allnick Hashtag: #amafb Measuring Success Many brands invest in awareness building, not just purchase conversion Facebook ads can drive new fans as well as purchases, goals must be defined Strategy depends on company’s aims, many have been experimental but social media budgets are expanding

42 Traditional “tagging” doesn’t work Presenters: @justinkistner and @allnick Hashtag: #amafb

43 No ad conversion tracking inside Facebook ? Presenters: @justinkistner and @allnick Hashtag: #amafb

44 Scattered data sources Presenters: @justinkistner and @allnick Hashtag: #amafb

45 Facebook’s analytics covers core Presenters: @justinkistner and @allnick Hashtag: #amafb Wall Page Core API Insights

46 Webtrends tracks the platform vv Ads Wall Page Core API Insights Webtrends Platform Presenters: @justinkistner and @allnick Hashtag: #amafb AA Custom Tabs & Apps

47 Platform Conversion Optimization Retargeting Awareness Subscription Engagement Volume Fans Page/Media Views Interactions Aggregate Demographics Influencers Conversions/Transac tions Attribution Profile Data 2-3 Days Hours to Minutes Value Data Richness API Insights Facebook Data Value Pyramid Presenters: @justinkistner and @allnick Hashtag: #amafb

48 Advice Presenters: @justinkistner and @allnick Hashtag: #amafb

49 Buy ads Create apps Measure success 3 tips to get started Presenters: @justinkistner and @allnick Hashtag: #amafb

50 Viewing Facebook as a traffic source Doing nothing Privacy debacles 3 things to avoid Presenters: @justinkistner and @allnick Hashtag: #amafb

51 @justinkistner @allnick Questions? Presenters: @justinkistner and @allnick Hashtag: #amafb

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