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Livestock Digestive Systems Ruminant Digestive System Objectives: –Know the four parts of the ruminant stomach. –Know examples of animals that have a.

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Presentation on theme: "Livestock Digestive Systems Ruminant Digestive System Objectives: –Know the four parts of the ruminant stomach. –Know examples of animals that have a."— Presentation transcript:


2 Livestock Digestive Systems

3 Ruminant Digestive System Objectives: –Know the four parts of the ruminant stomach. –Know examples of animals that have a rumen. –Be able to describe the function of all four of the parts of the ruminant stomach.

4 What are some animals that have Rumens? ?

5 Cattle

6 Sheep

7 Goats

8 Deer

9 Elk

10 What do all of these animals have in common? They all live off of grass, and other roughages.

11 Why can’t we live off of the same things cows eat?

12 How can a Ruminant digest these things? Through the process of rumination –Eating rapidly, regurgitating and masticating their feed. (Chewing their cud) With specialized structures in their stomach –Ruminants have microorganisms living in them that break down cellulose for them and make those nutrients absorbable.

13 What are these four structures?

14 Rumen Large fermentation vat Microorganisms break down cellulose –Creates lost of gases (methane) –Ruminants have to be able to eructate (belch) Some nutrients are absorbed Roughages are reduced in size

15 Rumen Feed Storage Gas Today’s Hay Yesterday’s Feed

16 Rumen (Punch)

17 Reticulum Collects objects that shouldn’t be in the digestive system. –Nails –Screws –Baling wire Magnets are placed into many dairy animals reticulums.

18 Reticulum (Hardware Stomach or Tripe)

19 Omasum Works to remove water from the food Absorbs fatty acids

20 Omasum (manyplies)

21 Abomasum Glandular Stomach (like yours) Secretes digestive juices. Breaks down food stuff further for absorption. Absorbs some nutrients.

22 Abomasum (True Stomach)

23 Order that food moves. Rumen Reticulum Omasum Abomasum Hint to remember Alphabetically back-words. Ru Re O A

24 Review Give me an example of an animal that has a rumen? Name the four compartments of the ruminant stomach? What does a rumen help and animal break down that we can’t? What are the common names of the four parts of the ruminant stomach?

25 Nice Work! Now on to the assignment!

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