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Folktales, Myths, and Legends From Around the World

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Presentation on theme: "Folktales, Myths, and Legends From Around the World"— Presentation transcript:

1 Folktales, Myths, and Legends From Around the World
A Most Amazing Race Folktales, Myths, and Legends From Around the World

2 Your Goals You will obtain a passport.
You will travel to 7 destinations and examine tales from other cultures. You will earn travel points both individually and within a travel group. You will attempt to earn enough points to win a prize: most individual travel points in the class.

3 Your Purpose I can identify and explain the characteristics of folktales, myths, and legends. I can discuss the themes and meanings of folktales from different countries. I can compare and contrast similar folktales from different countries around the world. I can create stories and pictures that show I understand the meaning of and purpose for folktales in our lives. I can create mini projects that illustrate what I have learned on my travels. I can try to appreciate other cultures by experiencing countries and backgrounds outside of my own.

4 The person in each class with the most travel points!
Earn Travel Points! 5 points for guessing destinations. 50 points for quizzes. 50 points for each individual project. 5 bonus points for projects that hang in the hall. 50 points for each group project Don’t get too excited; you can also LOSE points. 5 point deductions for: disruptions off task conversations failure to work I purchase books of scary stories or folktales to use as my prize. I give one for each of my three sixth grade classes. A travel points competition is optional in the race, but I have found that my students enjoy this competition as well. Individual Winner The person in each class with the most travel points!

5 Be the 1st class to make it around the world and back to Wheeling, West Virginia!
In this slide you will want to change the beginning and ending destination to match your trip.

6 The black X’s on the map are the stops my class makes
*The black X’s on the map are the stops my class makes. They serve two purposes: 1. They are a marker for students to know the general “trip itinerary.” 2. They serve as markers for hyperlinks if I want to show videos or other presentations about our destinations. A Most Amazing Race

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