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Reported Speech in English He said that… If / Whether “Will she read…?” TO + Infinitive Verbs to the nearest PAST “I” changes to “he”

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Presentation on theme: "Reported Speech in English He said that… If / Whether “Will she read…?” TO + Infinitive Verbs to the nearest PAST “I” changes to “he”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Reported Speech in English He said that… If / Whether “Will she read…?” TO + Infinitive Verbs to the nearest PAST “I” changes to “he”

2 The idea of Reported Speech is that of re-telling other people´s converstaions. The usual sceneario is two people having a conversation and another person saying what those two people have said. Of course, we can be one of the two people in the conversation, but to start out, we are going to suppose we are only retelling other people´s words. Considering what has been explained before, we can understand the “Reported Speech” idea because “to report” means to “to explain/inform” and “speech” is the words that are said. Thus, “reported speech” is “original speech” that is “reported”, that is, “explained” or “informed” to somebody else. So we need an original sentence from a dialogue, which we will transform. However, before we do that, we have to take some things into due consideration.

3 First of all, we have to shift all the PRONOUNS into the 3rd Person Secondly, the VERBS have to go back to the nearest PAST tense available Finally, there are a series of SELECTED WORDS which have to be changed

4 STATEMENTS: All types of Affirmative and Negative sentences QUESTIONS: There are two types of questions: ORDERS / SUGGESTIONS: Here we mainly deal with IMPERATIVES YES-NO Questions: You answer with a “Yes” or a “No” WH-WORD Questions: You give information on the WH- Word Firstly, you are going to learn how to transform an original sentence and, after that, we will have a detailed view on the different types of original sentences.

5 Let´s start out with this sentence: I can´t deal with your problem as you have not given me details Fisrt, we are going to mark out the PRONOUNS… And now we should do the same thing with the VERBS We will forget about the SELECTED WORDS till later


7 Now, the next step is to shift the Pronouns to the 3rd Person… can´t deal withIyourproblem asyouhave not given me details Then, we will push the verbs to the nearest Past… can´t Heher problem as shehaven´thim any detailsdeal withgiven As we said before, there is a list of SELECTED WORDS which can also be transformed, but that will be later on… Hehershehim couldn´thadn´t

8 The way to transform an Original Sentence is indicating three parts: 1. The person who is reporting the conversation 2. The reporting Verb according to the type of Original Sentence 3. The reporting Connector according to the type of Original Sentence Here we are going to deal with Statements.

9 Let´s see those three parts: 1. The person who is reporting the conversation 2. The reporting Verb in Statements is… 3. The reporting Connector in Statements is… It depends on the people who are in the dialogue. Any SPEECH verb such as SAY, TELL, EXPLAIN, MUTTER, EXPRESS, REPLY… THAT (you can omit this Connector) The two main Reporting Verbs are SAY and TELL. Let´s see their differences…

10 SAY has got two typical structures… SAY + TO + Person + THAT => He said TO me that… TELL + Person + THAT => He told me that SAY + THAT => He said that… TELL has only got ONE structure

11 And now an example… “I can´t study the exercises although the teacher wants me to.” “Yes, I know it. We are always hurrying trying to do his tasks.” Student A (a boy) Student B (a girl) The transformation would go as follows… Student A said that he couldn´t study the exercises although the teacher wanted him to. Student B replied that she knew it and told Student A that they were always hurrying trying to do his tasks.

12 We can have two different types of questions: a. Yes/No Questions b. Wh-Word Questions The three parts in Questions are the same except for the Connector… 1. The person who is reporting the conversation 2. The reporting Verb in Questions is… It depends on the people who are in the dialogue. Any QUESTION verb such as ASK, WONDER, WANT TO KNOW, DEMAND, INQUIRE…

13 The Connector varies according to the type of question… Yes/No Questions => CONNECTOR isor WH-Word Questions => CONNECTOR is…The WH-Word itself

14 And now an example… “Will you give me my birthday presents?” Yes/No Questions The little girl asked if/whether he would give her her birthday presents. The little girl: “Why do you want to know?” WH-Word Questions The little girl´s father asked why she wanted to know. The little girl´s father:

15 There are two dangers in the reporting of questions: 1. When we report a question, we cannot retain the question structure AUX + SUBJECT + VERB + COMPLEMENT? because it is NOT a question anymore… Can you explain that to me? He asked if she could explain that to her.

16 2. You have to be very careful with the translation into Spanish. In Spanish sentences such as… Me preguntó QUE SI yo sabía eso Me preguntó SI yo sabía eso are perfectly right, but in English you CANNOT say THAT when reporting questions because it is a Connector only for Statements… She asked me if I knew that She asked me THAT if I knew that

17 The three parts in Orders/Suggestions are: 1. The person who is reporting the conversation 2. The reporting Verb in Orders/Suggestions is… 3. The reporting Connector in Orders/Suggestions is… It depends on the people who are in the dialogue. Any ORDER/SUGGESTION verb such as TELL (Order), ASK (Sugg), COMMAND, PROPOSE, ORDER… In Positive sentences => TO + Infinitive In Negative sentences => NOT TO + Infinitive

18 And now, the examples… Mother to her daughter: “Do your homework and do not take too much time!!” The mother told her daughter TO do her homework and NOT TO take too much time.

19 We have not forgotten those “Selectec Words” which we mentioned at the beginning of this presentation. They are words which are ALWAYS changed in Reported Speech. Luckily, they are not quite a lot!! NOW THE DAY BEFORE / THE PREVIOUS DAY THESE HERE TODAY TOMORROW YESTERDAY THEN THAT THOSE THERE THAT DAY THE NEXT DAY / THE FOLLOWING DAY THIS AGOBEFORE

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