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Return Black History Jeopardy 2 100 200 300 400 500 People Places Events More People Misc.

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Presentation on theme: "Return Black History Jeopardy 2 100 200 300 400 500 People Places Events More People Misc."— Presentation transcript:

1 Return Black History Jeopardy 2 100 200 300 400 500 People Places Events More People Misc.

2 Return Who was John Quincy Adams ?

3 Return Who was John Russwurm?

4 Return Who was Sojourner Truth?

5 Return Who started a newspaper called North Star?

6 Return Who led Southern troops during the Civil War?

7 Return What Institute was started by Booker T. Washington?

8 Return Where did Ulysses S. Grant lead troops?

9 Return Where were the Jim Crow Laws in effect?

10 Return Where were slaves brought from in the beginning?

11 Return Where did the Emancipation Proclamation free slaves?

12 Return What was it called when the North fought the South?

13 Return What Confederate ship was turned over to the North?

14 Return What were Black Codes?

15 Return What amendment made former slaves US citizens?

16 Return What court case said things could be separate, but equal?

17 Return Who started the NAACP?

18 Return Who started Tuskegee Institute to train blacks for jobs?

19 Return Who killed Abraham Lincoln?

20 Return Who was the Great Emancipator?

21 Return What general led the South during the Civil War?

22 Return What was the main reason for the Civil War?

23 Return What is the highest medal given to a soldier?

24 Return What freedman plotted to take over Charleston, SC?

25 Return Who killed Martin Luther King, Jr?

26 Return What is another name for songs of sorrow?

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