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BEUC workprogramme and budget 2014 General Assembly Brussels 14-15 November 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "BEUC workprogramme and budget 2014 General Assembly Brussels 14-15 November 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 BEUC workprogramme and budget 2014 General Assembly Brussels 14-15 November 2013

2 Main features of WP 2014 Integration of 2020 vision Integration of sustainability into all policy areas A reinforced CESEE strategy Launch of flagship campaigns Adaptation to special institutional year : EP elections and new Commission

3 New topics Official controls and food additives EU instrument of effective enforcement and structured dialogue on enforcement of consumer rights Insurance contract law Telecom single market legislation Analysis of relevance of working on suitable financial services and savings for retirements

4 2014 income = ordinary + extraordinary budget

5 2014 expenditure : ordinary + extraordinary budget

6 Budget 2014 – income vs. expenditure

7 Budgetary evolution since 2012

8 management of deficit/reserves 2012: reserves = 2.079.069 € 2013: authorized use of reserves: 135.000 €/forecast : 84.500€ 2014: authorized use of reserces : 42.250€/forecast : 1.300€ 2015: no use of reserves anticipated

9 evolution of expenditure : 2011- 2014

10 evolution of income -2011-2014

11 evolution of reserves 2011-2014

12 Proposal by Executive Decision in 2012 to accept use of reserves in 2013 and 2014 to bridge two difficult years Use of reserves less important than anticipated Decision in 2013 to express solidarity with members in difficulty for a maximum budget of 30.000 € Conditions will be defined at January 2014 Executive meeting No overlapping with CESEE programme Demonstration or commitment of involvement in BEUC activities One shot exercise

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14 Amendment to BEUC statutes General Assembly Brussels 14-15 November 2013

15 Proposed amendment Current provision: The General Assembly is convened by the Executive twice a year. Notice shall be given at least one month in advance by letter, fax, electronic mail or any other means of communication specifying the agenda, the time and location of the meeting. New provision: The General Assembly is convened by the Executive once a year. Notice shall be given at least one month in advance by letter, fax, electronic mail or any other means of communication specifying the agenda, the time and location of the meeting.

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17 Introduction on future “flagship campaigns” General Assembly Brussels 14-15 November 2013

18 Selected flagship campaigns (working titles) 1.Trust your meat 2.Online discrimination 3.Consumers deserve more durable products 4.Get rid of greenwash 5.Stop paying useless small insurances

19 GA working groups Objectives: Explain objective of each flagship campaign Collect ideas how to implement the flagships Check member interest and obtain member commitment DAY 1 Working group n°1: “Trust your meat” Moderator: Ruth Veale Members’ presentations: Which?, Consumentenbond Rapporteur: Jan Bertoft (SK) Working group n°2: “Online discrimination” Moderators: Kostas Rossoglou and Agustin Reyna Member presentation: Forbrukerrådet Rapporteur: Luisa Crisigiovanni (Altroconsumo)

20 GA working groups DAY 2 Working group n°3: “Consumers deserve more durable products” Moderators: Ursula Pachl and Angeliki Malizou Members’ presentations: VZBV, Arbeiterkammer Rapporteur: Vagn Jelsøe (Forbrugerrådet) Working group n°4: “Get rid of greenwash” Moderators: Augusta Maciuleviciute and Stefanie Heinzle Member presentation: DECO Rapporteur: Gilles De Halleux (Test-Achats) Working group n°5: “Stop paying useless small insurances” Moderator: Anne Fily Member presentation: UFC-Que Choisir Rapporteur: Gerjan Huis in t’ Veldt (Consumentenbond)

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