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Return Black History Jeopardy 3 100 200 300 400 500 People Places Events More People Misc.

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Presentation on theme: "Return Black History Jeopardy 3 100 200 300 400 500 People Places Events More People Misc."— Presentation transcript:

1 Return Black History Jeopardy 3 100 200 300 400 500 People Places Events More People Misc.

2 Return Who said blacks should go back to Africa ?

3 Return Who was the President that started the New Deal?

4 Return Who was the first black Supreme Court justice?

5 Return Who gave the I Have A Dream speech?

6 Return Who led the Black Muslims?

7 Return In what city were there black artists and writers who were supported by whites?

8 Return What country were the Nazis from?

9 Return Where did Japan bomb the US naval base?

10 Return Where did troops escort black students into school?

11 Return Where did Rosa Parks refuse to give up her seat on the bus?

12 Return What was another name for hanging?

13 Return What happened in October, 1929?

14 Return What happened on December 7, 1941?

15 Return What march took place in 1963?

16 Return In what year was President Kennedy killed?

17 Return Who was the first black female member of Congress?

18 Return Who was the first black man to run for President?

19 Return Who won a Nobel Peace Prize for trying to get peace between the races?

20 Return What leader called for Black Power?

21 Return Who were the black pilots trained at Tuskegee Institute?

22 Return What war was going on between 1914 and 1917?

23 Return What was the time called when a lot of people were out of work?

24 Return What did Executive Order 8802 say?

25 Return What was the type of protest where people did not ride the buses?

26 Return What court case said black schools were NOT equal to white schools?

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