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Children & young people who experience Domestic Abuse access our services........ and as professionals our work practices touch lives & influence development........

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Presentation on theme: "Children & young people who experience Domestic Abuse access our services........ and as professionals our work practices touch lives & influence development........"— Presentation transcript:

1 Children & young people who experience Domestic Abuse access our services........ and as professionals our work practices touch lives & influence development........ and we will all be remembered.... as part of the problem or as part of the solution

2 ‘It’s as if we don’t exist.. they can catch you if you don’t have a telly licence But they can’t catch you for behaving like that to a human being… my mum has no life’ said by Mark aged 10 ‘If people could just know what he’s like…. he should be locked up for the things he’s done to my mum.’ said by Robert aged 12 ‘I wish I had a dad like my pal Sean ‘cos his dad is kind even to other children that’s not even his and my dad is kind to none of us.’ said by Danny aged 7

3 “It feels sad if nobody worries for you and they don’t help you. My mum always worries for us but she’s only a little mum. I think if you’re just little other people should help for you if you get scared of big people ‘cos they can hurt you easy. My dad used to hurted my mum And nobody helpeded her but now they do so she’s not got to just do it all on our own” said by Amy aged 6

4 What exactly is it that the wee folk are asking? They’re asking us big folk to take care of them!


6 ‘I like teachers that don’t shout the best’ ‘Jane visits to talk to me, I like her but she always ask me stuff and I wish she could not ask so many questions. I don’t like questions but I like her when she just talks to me’ ’my teacher at nursery says she’s glad I’m at her nursery now’


8 ‘When I’m big I’m going to be a teacher and let the children just have to do some work’ ‘I’m going to be a good policeman when I grow up and help the mums and the children when they get scared’ ‘I want to be a nurse ‘cos they help you if you nearly be dead’


10 ‘I like the nurse what comes to see my mum but she’s not really a nurse ‘cos she has a car but she’s not got a hospital’ I like the after school club it’s not got shouting so you get to have good things to do and no shouting’






16 Who are you all anyway? ordinary people... who make an extraordinary difference

17 There is a crack in everything... that’s how the light gets in. Leonard Cohen


19 What can the grown ups do? redefine women: with rights to respect, autonomy and safety build a nation in which women are free build a nation which is a safe space to grow children and get that VAW tree out of our soil once & for all A tree of harms called Violence against Women childhood sexual abuse stalking rape & sexual assault domestic abuse human trafficking prostitution Commercial sexual exploitation honour killings forced marriage

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