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Measuring Leadership (Aitken) Unit 7: Measuring Future Leadership Agenda Return LPI reports Feature Film Applications Sarah’s Reflection Application Lecture.

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Presentation on theme: "Measuring Leadership (Aitken) Unit 7: Measuring Future Leadership Agenda Return LPI reports Feature Film Applications Sarah’s Reflection Application Lecture."— Presentation transcript:

1 Measuring Leadership (Aitken) Unit 7: Measuring Future Leadership Agenda Return LPI reports Feature Film Applications Sarah’s Reflection Application Lecture Leadership Story Leadership box activity. See and Microsoft for visuals.

2 Measuring Leadership (Aitken) Leadership Inventory Progress

3 Measuring Leadership (Aitken) Feature Film Presentations

4 Measuring Leadership (Aitken) Application Lecture Leadership is everyone's business. It's a myth that leadership is associated with position. Ordinary people can become extraordinary leaders. Leadership is learned.

5 Measuring Leadership (Aitken) You don't conquer your organization. You don't conquer leadership. You conquer your own doubts and fears about leading.

6 Measuring Leadership (Aitken) People most frequently seen by others as better leaders: They're more effective in meeting job-related demands. They're more successful in representing their units to upper management. They create higher-performing teams. They foster renewed loyalty and commitment. They increase motivational levels and the willingness to work hard. They raise more money and expand gift-giving levels. They possess high degrees of personal credibility.

7 Measuring Leadership (Aitken) LEADERSHIP has been shown to account for improved performance as measured by a variety of factors: net income sales profits net assets employee commitment job satisfaction role clarity employee turnover achievement of company goals teamwork

8 Measuring Leadership (Aitken) 5 minute write Learning to lead is about discovering what you care about and value. What inspires you? What challenges you? What gives you power and competence? What encourages you? When you discover these things about yourself, you'll know what it takes to lead those qualities out of others.

9 Measuring Leadership (Aitken) Moral goals of leadership Releasing human potential Balancing the needs of the individual and the community Defending the fundamental values of the community Instilling in individuals a sense of initiative and responsibility

10 Measuring Leadership (Aitken) Any leadership practice can become destructive. It's easy to be seduced by power and importance. Humility is the only way to resolve the conflicts and contradictions of leadership. 350 to 415 million years old

11 Measuring Leadership (Aitken)

12 Constituents look for leaders who demonstrate an enthusiastic and genuine belief in the capacity of others who strengthen people's will who supply the means to achieve who express optimism for the future

13 Measuring Leadership (Aitken) Stephen Covey's Seven Habits of Highly Effective People 1. Be proactive. 2. Begin with the end in mind. 3. Put first things first. 4. Think win / win 5. Seek first to understand, then to be understood. 6. Find creative solutions, which come out of trusting relationships where participants value their differences. 7. Renew the physical, social/emotional, spiritual, and mental dimensions of the self. Healthy leaders take care of themselves.

14 Measuring Leadership (Aitken) 5 minute write Can you easily remember the 5 principles? Use an icon or word to represent the key ideas of leadership on crackers. Then show us your art work.

15 Measuring Leadership (Aitken) THE SECRET TO SUCCESS IN LIFE The secret to success is to stay in love. The best-kept secret of successful leaders is love: Staying in love with leading, with the people who do the work, with what their organizations produce, and with those who honor the organization by using its work.

16 Measuring Leadership (Aitken) Tonight’s Final Exam

17 Measuring Leadership (Aitken) Leadership Stories

18 Measuring Leadership (Aitken) Leadership Box Assignment Give feedback to people in the class.

19 Measuring Leadership (Aitken) Preview next week Reflection Presentation. Don’t write anything you’re not willing to share with the whole class. Please login to eCollege do the following: a. Check your grade for accuracy. b. Complete a course/instructor evaluation.

20 Measuring Leadership (Aitken) Visuals from, Microsoft, and where marked.

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