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“The damn card is like gravity itself. Like a cross to strap across my back.”

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1 “The damn card is like gravity itself. Like a cross to strap across my back.”


3 MISTAKES -PICKING THE WRONG QUESTION -Too short and underdeveloped (build up your “X” sections). -Using unsophisticated language - making marker look too hard for question. (Use a rewording of the question in each paragraph) - Not putting in personal response or links to society (the Y section). - Quote dumping. All quotes must be incorporated into a sentence and the context briefly explained.

4 Task One: Amp up the sophistication! Try to avoid using the same phrasing over and over again (although if you can’t think of a different way that works, the basics are better than nothing!). Rewrite these three paragraph statements and two example statements to sound more sophisticated. The first technique Zusak uses to teach us about the need to recognise the extraordinary in the ordinary is symbolism. The second technique Zusak uses to teach us about the need to recognise the extraordinary in the ordinary is symbolism. The third second technique Zusak uses to teach us about the need to recognise the extraordinary in the ordinary is symbolism. The first example is… The second example is…

5 Task Two: Put two of these quotes into a flowing sentence (some are dialogue, some are narrative perspective): “No, I’m not a saint…I’m just another stupid human.” “You’re a cab driver, Ed! How in the hell did you end up in all this mess? You should have just stayed on the floor in that bank.” “For three years, since that girl left, his front has been impeccable. Now it peels from his skin, leaving the truth of him at the wheel of a car.” “Why have I been chosen for this? I beg, despite knowing without questions what I have to do. You were happy with the other two, I castigate myself. So now you have to do this one.”

6 STEP TWO: Know What the Marker is Looking For

7 EVERY ESSAY IS A THEME ESSAY All of your paragraphs, regardless of the question, relate back to the theme. EXAMPLE: Recognising the extraordinary in the ordinary. Characters/symbolism/conflicts etc are interesting/important because they teach us about this idea. So if we got a and why are question like: Who is an important character and why are they important? How would we answer it?

8 The author/director should be at the heart of any essay; their name should appear in every paragraph, every introduction and every conclusion. Separate yourself from the characters. They are words and actions coming from the novel, not real human beings. They are creations of Marcus Zusak, every thing is done for a reason and to get a result.

9 EXCELLENCE: -Learn your quotes and examples well. -Go deeper and deeper into a single example and link them back clearly to the theme. -PERSONAL RESPONSE – find links, either for yourself or in society (the Y part of the paragraph)


11 1.Title 2.Author 3.Synopsis or Plot (one line) 4.Award 5.Theme 6.Three language/novel techniques (one addressed per paragraph) 7.Ruminate on the question The uplifting novel, I Am the Messenger, expertly crafted by Marcus Zusak, follows a hopelessly ordinary man as he embarks on a journey of self discovery. Our protagonist, Ed Kennedy, was just an ordinary underage taxi driver until he disrupted a bank robbery. This act started a series of events which lead to Ed realising he, and the people around him, have the potential to be extraordinary. Winner of the CBCA Children’s Book of the Year Award, I am the Messenger, explores the idea that we need to recognise the extraordinary in the ordinary through Zusak’s use of ______, _______ and _______

12 E ach of your three paragraphs should be set out around a different technique or feature. (eg. Symbolism, dialogue, characterisation, metafiction, setting, biblical allusion.)

13 S. E. X. E. X. Y.

14 S. E. X. E. X. Y. Author uses technique to teach us about theme.

15 S. E. X. E. X. Y. An example of technique is... A further example of technique is...

16 S. E. X. E. X. Y. This example is effective because it shows us...

17 S. E. X. E. X. Y. Your opinion. I feel it is disgraceful that... Or This reminds me of…..

18 Exceptions While it’s a good idea to stick to this structure when writing your essays in the exam, don’t be afraid to use more than one piece of evidence for an example. Or splice quotes through your paragraph. Some techniques require more than one statement before diving into the example. For example: If your paragraph is about symbolism it won’t be enough to say: Zusak uses symbolism to teach us about the need to recognise the extraordinary in the ordinary. An example of this technique is when we see the messenger cards. Instead: Zusak uses symbolism to teach us about the need to recognise the extraordinary in the ordinary. An important symbol utilised by Zusak is the playing cards. The cards represent luck, the need to take risks and dealing with the cards you are dealt. An example which illustrates….

19 The conclusion is not a repetition of the introduction. In your conclusion you must discuss the wider implications (global impact) of the text and/or the influence it has had on you as an individual: the text’s relevance. For example: linking the small actions of Rosa Parks with Ed’s small acts of kindness.

20 Analyse how the features of a text (or texts) you have studied are used to reveal a strong idea to the audience. This is an idea question and is what you should be looking for first in an exam, for either text. This could also be reworded as: A novel is about the how rather than the what. Discuss. (The How indicates techniques.) What is an important idea in the text and how does the author convey this idea. Analyse how successful a text (or texts) you have studied has been in influencing you to think differently about an issue. (would need to ensure you indicated that it made you feel differently, but it is still an issue/idea based question.) Analyse how important techniques are used to engage your emotions in a text (or texts) you have studied. (Beginning to be removed, but still could be used if reference is made to the emotions repeatedly throughout essay.) Keep in mind the word “Idea” could be prefaced with another word, but it’s still the key theme.

21 What techniques could we use? Analyse how the features of a text (or texts) you have studied are used to reveal a strong idea to the audience.

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