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牛津版 九年级 (9A) Unit 3. Reading 1.To learn to use “wh-”words + “to”- infinitives, e.g. 2. Learn different types of sentences. 3. Distinguish different types.

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Presentation on theme: "牛津版 九年级 (9A) Unit 3. Reading 1.To learn to use “wh-”words + “to”- infinitives, e.g. 2. Learn different types of sentences. 3. Distinguish different types."— Presentation transcript:

1 牛津版 九年级 (9A) Unit 3

2 Reading

3 1.To learn to use “wh-”words + “to”- infinitives, e.g. 2. Learn different types of sentences. 3. Distinguish different types of sentences. 4. Use object complement to make sentences. Language functions and focus

4 5. Learn the five basic sentence structures. 6. Understand the different meanings of the verb “get”.

5 1. As a teenager, do you often meet with some personal problems? 2. What are they? Pre-reading

6 Question 1: Which will bother you the most? please number from 1 to 8 according to their importance to you. A Street Interview Analysis in Taipei

7 Distribution of the Ones Bothering Children Most

8 Question 2: Which will bother you the most? Please number from 1 to 8 according to their importance to you. Another Street Interview Analysis in Mainland, China

9 青少年儿童八大烦恼是 : 学习成绩不理想, 没信心学好 ( 占 36.9%); 总也做不完的作 业 ( 占 34.8%); 家长只知道关心学习成绩, 不能理解我们 ( 占 32%); 家长总不让我玩, 没时间玩 ( 占 31%); 只喜欢电脑游戏, 其他 活动没意思 ( 占 26%); 没有朋友,

10 感到孤独 ( 占 21.8%); 爸爸、妈妈总爱 争吵, 家庭气氛不愉快 ( 占 18.4%); 嫌老 师偏心、不公平、武断、严厉、唠叨, 因此不喜欢老师 ( 占 16.8%) 。

11 Observations: (1) Most of their displeasure comes from homework, the family and school. (2) The other pressure comes from limited time. Most often because of pre-arranged classes. Distribution of the Ones Bothering Children Most

12 Question: What will make you feel satisfied and happy?

13 Observations: The major responses were friend and family, then school activities. Distribution of the Factors Making Children Feel Satisfied

14 Question: What will remove your worry or make you happy?

15 Observations: Most children think listening to music can help them relax, and the next comes playing computer games and going out. Distribution of the Factors Making Children Happy

16 Question: Where does your happiness come from?

17 Observations: The first is friends, and then family. Distribution of The Places Their Happiness Coming from

18 Contents Numbers Going out with family members 1 Going out alone 4 Playing with friends 5 Reading novels 1 Always keeping a pleasant mind 1 With family members 1 Please use one sentence to describe you feeling about happiness.

19 Contents Numbers Playing computer games 3 Freedom 3 Health 1 Having lots of friends 3 Watching my pet 1 Play my favorite sport 1 Watching TV 2 Play computer games 1

20 Contents Numbers Learning English 1 Just feeling free 3 Having fun and relaxing 1 Reading 1 Being happy and having fun 1

21 Contents Numbers Painting 1 Exercise 1 Dancing 1 Feeding the dog 1 Swimming 1

22 Observations: Most of them think that happiness is playing with friends and going out.

23 While- Reading Every person has his/ her own problem. Millie and Simon also meet with some problems. Please listen to the tape of the reading and tell us: 1. What problems do they meet with? 2. How do they feel?

24 1. What are Millie’s hobbies? 2. Do you have any hobbies? What are they? 3. What kind of hobbies, in your opinion, are good? Why? 4. How do you like these hobbies? Listen to the tape and discuss:

25 5. Why do the hobbies annoy her? 6. What is Simon’s favorite hobby? 7. Can you list some advantages of playing football? 8. Why does he say “football has become a big problem now”?

26 1. Millie and Simon are both Grade 9 students. 2. They both like football. 3. They both spend much time on their homework. Read the reading and do the following exercises: T F F

27 4. They both feel stressed about their study. 5. They both think study is more important than sports. F F

28 Millie has lots of h______. Painting is her favourite. But she finds that she spends so much time d ____ her home work, and she can’t find any time f___ her hobbies. She can’t d ____ how to deal with the problem. Read the reading fast and complete the following: or obbies oing ecide

29 She asks the teachers to teach her how to a _______ a balance between the two. chieve

30 Simon would like some a_______ on his love of football. He is so c_______ about football that he s_______ out late at night to play it. His parents are very s_______ with him and they want him to come home earlier. dvice razy tay trict

31 Simon feels s_______ and angry from time to time. He wishes he could have his parents’ support. tressed

32 Fill in the blanks : MillieSimon Grade Hobbies Favourite reading, writing poems, walking, shopping, painting 9 9 football painting football

33 MillieSimon Homework Time for sports Parents strict No time 3-4 hours A lot of homework

34 More Exercises: 词组互译 : 1. 许多爱好 2. 写诗 3. 集中精力于家庭作业 4. 使我不高兴 5. 取得平衡

35 6. 狂迷恋于 … … 7. 感到压力 8. 最有价值

36 9. a Grade 9 student 10. on time 11. hand in the homework 12. hear from 13. from time to time 14. have one’s support 15. give sb some advice 16. my love of football

37 翻译: 1. 我想知道如何处理像这样的问题。 2. 那个时候游泳是我最喜欢的运动。 I want to know how to solve the problem like this. At the moment, swimming is my favourite sport.

38 3. 我们知道对于 9 年级同学来说,努 力学习取得大的进步是很重要的。 We all know it is very important to work hard and make much progress.

39 4. 问题是我花了大量的时间学数学,以 至于找不到时间学英语了。 5. 我只是不能决定什么时候穿 T-shirt 什 么时候穿衬衫。 The problem is that I spend so much time learning maths that I can’t find any time for English. I just can’t decide when to wear T-shirt and when to wear shirt.

40 6. 大学生们应当精力集中于英语学习而放 弃自己的专业么? 7. 谁能教我在工作和学习中保持平衡么? Should the university students focus on the English study and give up their majors? Who can teach me how to achieve a balance between work and study?

41 8. 我希望能尽快收到妈妈的来信。 9. 我的确不明白为什么他们那么喜欢那 个严格的老师。 I hope to hear from Mom as quickly as possible. I really don’t understand why they like the strict teacher.

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