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G.E.M.S. Girls, Empowered for the Master’s Service Helping Girls learn a more excellent way!

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Presentation on theme: "G.E.M.S. Girls, Empowered for the Master’s Service Helping Girls learn a more excellent way!"— Presentation transcript:

1 G.E.M.S. Girls, Empowered for the Master’s Service Helping Girls learn a more excellent way!

2 What is G.E.M.S.?  G.E.M.S. Girls Empowered for the Master’s Service is not just your ordinary charm course; it is a unique and extraordinary way to instruct young ladies how to be godly, successful examples of His creation.  It focuses on all facets of the individual’s personal development: physical, social, emotional and spiritual. Young ladies will learn the proper way to live, act, and dress in a way which will not only glorify God, but will also help them achieve their personal best for success.  Young ladies can look forward to videos, manicures, facials, and fun. The program can also accommodate most any age group of young ladies. I have actually modified the course to facilitate ages 10-12 & 16-18 years of age.

3 What is the Purpose?  The purpose of the program is to motivate and inspire young ladies to be more glorifying to God in every area of their lives.  It is designed to help them develop a desire to do all things that will please their Heavenly Father.  In addition to instructing the young ladies to look their best, we focus more on the inner beauty that reflects God’s love.

4 What is Required? The young lady’s…  Cooperation  Desire  Participation  Commitment

5 What will you Learn? How to be a young lady who…  Walks with confidence and poise  Speaks with eloquence  Dresses modestly  Acts with wisdom  Honors God  Has integrity  Sets personal goals and is successful

6 Goals and Objectives for Sessions 1-3  Session 1 : New Creation! 2 Co 5:17, Introductions/Walking/Standing/ Posture  Objective: To encourage young ladies to understand they are new creations formed by God and for His purpose.  Objective: Young ladies will learn good posture and walking techniques.  Session 2: VALUED! Proverbs 31: 10, Sitting/Table Manners  Objective: Young ladies will learn they are valued by God and what is valuable in God’s sight.  Objective: Young ladies will learn to develop their inner beauty by demonstrating the proper sitting and table manners.  Session 3 : Confident and Strong! Pr 31: 15-17, Diet & Exercise  Objective: Using scriptures, diet and exercise, young ladies will learn how to be confident and strong.

7 Goals and Objectives for Sessions 4 & 5  Session 4 : I am Not Your Hoochie MaMa!! ( Pr. 31:25 ) Attire  Objective: Young ladies will gain and understanding as to how to dress modestly and with dignity.  Session 5 : Your Mouth Defines You! Pr 31:26, Interview/Speaking  Objective: Young ladies will learn how to guard their tongues and use their mouths to promote kindness, wisdom, and what is pleasing to God.  Objective: Young ladies will learn how to project their voices and articulate clearly.

8 From Glamour to Glory! “ Man looks on the outward appearance, but God looks on the heart” I Samuel 16:7

9 GOD’S WORD! Dignity and Honor will be our Clothing Pr. 31:24 What Qualifies YOU!?

10 G.E.M.S. Proclamation of Faith I proclaim that Jesus loves me and He is my Lord and Savior. I am special and wonderfully created according to His plan.  I will use my mouth to glorify His Name and to bring kindness to others.  I will present myself as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God.  When I seek Him, He gives me wisdom and strength to overcome my problems and the power to live a victorious and blessed life.

11 G.E.M.S. Declaration of Faith I declare that I am a young woman of God with modesty and integrity. Therefore, I will practice these four steps daily: 1. Father, I pray that You will keep me pure and free from things that may cause me to sin against You. 2. I will read the Bible and ask, “Lord guide me as I study Your Word to find Your Will and purpose for my life”. 3. Every day I will ask You to help me be kind to someone as You have been kind to me. 4. Every night before I go to bed I will pray, “Thank You Lord for my successes, help me to learn from my failures, and give me hope for a better tomorrow”.

12 God Bless You G.E.M.S.!  Let’s learn to honor God with our lives  Living by God’s Word brings Great Rewards!! Jesus Loves you so much and so do I!

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