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Kansas MLC-3 Evaluation: What Have We Learned So Far? Tatiana Lin, M.A., Kansas Health Institute Ruth Wetta -Hall, Ph.D., KUMC-Wichita Kansas Public Health.

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Presentation on theme: "Kansas MLC-3 Evaluation: What Have We Learned So Far? Tatiana Lin, M.A., Kansas Health Institute Ruth Wetta -Hall, Ph.D., KUMC-Wichita Kansas Public Health."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kansas MLC-3 Evaluation: What Have We Learned So Far? Tatiana Lin, M.A., Kansas Health Institute Ruth Wetta -Hall, Ph.D., KUMC-Wichita Kansas Public Health Conference September 20, 2011

2 Overview Kansas MLC learning models Goals MLC-2 vs. MLC-3 Results at Glance A Review of the Evaluation What did we learn? How can we use our findings to move forward?

3 MLC Goals To promote the application of QI methods Prepare for and contribute to national accreditation

4 MLC-2 West Central Regional QI Project Immunizations West Central Regional QI Project Immunizations East Central Regional QI Project MCH East Central Regional QI Project MCH Wildcat Regional QI Project Oral Health Wildcat Regional QI Project Oral Health Region 1 Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Region 3 KDHE Team 1 1 2 2 MLC-3 1 Year Grant3 Year Grant Project Differences 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10

5 Kansas Multi-State Learning Collaborative -2 Regional QI training model Learning Model QI Training PHF experts 2 day workshop 2 participants from 15 Kansas PH Regions Regional Pilot Projects

6 Kansas Multi-State Learning Collaborative -3 Learning Model Team Leader Training

7 Results at First Glance Extent of training and participation 10 regions, 64 counties covering 89% of population Peer-to-peer model – at least 50% of time in learning Sessions Expansion of concept of regional approach

8 Results from the MLC Evaluation

9 Information for policy makers. Health for Kansans. Kansas Health Institute

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