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Find the software in the PC  C:/PTmonitor/monitoring.

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Presentation on theme: "Find the software in the PC  C:/PTmonitor/monitoring."— Presentation transcript:

1 Find the software in the PC  C:/PTmonitor/monitoring

2 In the library …  Only select

3 What to do before starting?  GPIB – all measuring systems must be switched ON before to start the software  AVS 1 – AVS 3 – Speer UP – Speer Down  SIEMENS Multireg  Solartron  VME crate and communication ON  Needle valves control

4 How to start VME Communication?  From the PC, start MAX by clicking its icon on the left side of the display To activate the communication, you have to start the control, by using the path : tools -> NI-VISA -> VISA interactive control

5 Open communication with other computers  The computer must exchange some informations with other computers.  One special method is dedicated to Labview data exchanges: DataSocket  Do not forget to activate it ! Start -> Programs -> National Instruments -> DataSocket -> DataSocket server

6 Main Front Panel  The general slow control Front Panel will appear as the following:  Press the small arrow on the top menu bar to start the slow control (be sure that the hardware is ready and turned ON)

7 Components of the main control panel  General Stop  Datafile informations  Status of communication  Online status monitoring webpage production  SubPanels control (AVS, multireg, speers)  Running status  Call panel button (for emergency alarms)

8 Alarm settings panel  By clicking Alarm Settings on the main control, the Alarm panel will come:  You have to set min and Max values for each parameter before to switch ON all alarms individually (slide switchers ON/OFF)

9 Expert Call Panel  Switch ON all experts toggles to automatically call in case of any alarm Autocall ON For these experts Expert not called yet

10 … When an alarm occurred  The top level alarm front panel appears in this case.  The horn is starting in the same time The problem is mentioned Press to stop the horn And close the window

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