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© 2003 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved Advanced Features.

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1 © 2003 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved Advanced Features

2 Advanced Features - 8 - 3 © 2003 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved After completing this module, you will be able to: Objectives Understand the structure, and the design flow associated with the PicoBlaze Microcontroller To know how to re-use IP Be able to create Parametric Designs Design using Multiple FPGAs Switch between Multiple System Generator versions

3 Advanced Features - 8 - 4 © 2003 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved Outline Multiple FPGAs Multiple System Generator Versions PicoBlaze Microcontroller User IP Library Parametric Design Techniques

4 Advanced Features - 8 - 5 © 2003 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved Multiple FPGAs May need to break down a design into smaller low-cost components Use the Resource estimator Generate the top level of the design – No Xilinx components and/or System Generator tokens should be present in the top level. Create the subsystems. (Remember the FPGA name is derived from the file name and the name of the subsystem) For each subsystem, design as normal – Each subsystem will include GatewayIn, GatewayOut, and the System Generator token, which will be the master For each subsystem generation as normal – Select the System Generator token, select the relevant family, and process as normal

5 Advanced Features - 8 - 6 © 2003 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved Multiple FPGAs Example of two channel Digital Down Converter

6 Advanced Features - 8 - 7 © 2003 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved Multiple FPGAs One channel Digital Down Converter resource estimate

7 Advanced Features - 8 - 8 © 2003 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved Multiple FPGAs One channel Digital Down Converter resource estimate

8 Advanced Features - 8 - 9 © 2003 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved Outline Multiple FPGAs Multiple System Generator Versions PicoBlaze Microcontroller User IP Library Parametric Design Techniques

9 Advanced Features - 8 - 10 © 2003 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved Multiple System Generators Having multiple versions of System Generator installed within MATLAB environment and being able to easily switch between the versions are useful – Allows old projects to be supported and archived – Allows new projects to be created with the new version – Now have the ability to compare results between new versus old versions of System Generator. Ensuring consistency of results – If issues with the new version come up, don’t have to find and reinstall older versions of system Generator

10 Advanced Features - 8 - 11 © 2003 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved Multiple System Generators Change $MATLAB/toolbox/xilinx to MATLAB/toolbox/xilinx2_3 Install the new software using the installation notes supplied. For example, the new software can be installed in: $MATLAB/toolbox/xilinx Using Windows Explorer (or its equivalent), navigate to: – $MATLAB \toolbox\xilinx2_3\sysgen\util and open instlist.txt 2.3 C:/MATLAB6p1/toolbox/xilinx/sysgen Change the Instlist.txt file to now read 2.3 C:/MATLAB6p1/toolbox/xilinx2_3/sysgen 3.1 C:/MATLAB6p1/toolbox/xilinx/sysgen

11 Advanced Features - 8 - 12 © 2003 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved Multiple System Generators Navigate to $MATLAB/toolbox/xilinx and open the instlist.txt Redo the instlist.txt file as per previous slide Go to the MATLAB command line and use the xlversion command to determine the present System Generator being used and what versions are available >>xlversion This returns the following Available System Generator installations: Version 3.1 in C:/MATLAB6p1/toolbox/xilinx/sysgen Version 2.3 in C:/MATLAB6p1/toolbox/xilinx2_3/sysgen Current version of System Generator is 2.3."

12 Advanced Features - 8 - 13 © 2003 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved Multiple System Generators To use version 3.1 >>xlversion 3.1 This returns the following ans = 0 You will get a message to restart MATLAB Type >>xlversion 3.1 This will return ans = 1

13 Advanced Features - 8 - 14 © 2003 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved Outline Multiple FPGAs Multiple System Generator Versions PicoBlaze Microcontroller User IP Library Parametric Design Techniques

14 Advanced Features - 8 - 15 © 2003 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved What is PicoBlaze for FPGAs? 8-bit Microcontroller Reference Design – Supports Virtex/Virtex-E, Spartan ™ -II/E, Virtex-II/Pro devices – Very small size – only 84 Virtex-II slices, 33% of XC2V40 – Up to 66 MIPS in Virtex™-II – Everything in FPGA - no external components required – Highly integrated for implementing non-time critical state machine – Predictable fast interrupt response

15 Advanced Features - 8 - 16 © 2003 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved PicoBlaze Application Examples Front panel switches and displays for Set Top Box Dynamic Loop Bandwidth Multiplexer for frame to frame analysis Link layer of IEEE 1394 Interface Microcontroller for Compact Flash Programming engine DECT Radio/Repeater PCI board programming controller Communications controller Preprocessing for network processor Motor controller Programmable power supply controller Part of Media Access Controller Controller in broadcast video equipment and many, many more…………………………

16 Advanced Features - 8 - 17 © 2003 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved PicoBlaze Feature Set 32 General Purpose 8-Bit Registers Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) – Performed with operands from any of the registers – Operations include logical, arithmetic, shift and rotate operations Flags (Program Flow Control) – ZERO and CARRY flags Input/Output – 256 input and 256 output ports (8 bits) – Shift data in and out of the unit Interrupt – Single interrupt that can be augmented by logic Predictable execution rate – Two clock cycles/instruction

17 Advanced Features - 8 - 18 © 2003 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved PicoBlaze Architecture Interrupt Control 8 OUT_PORT Program Flow Control ZERO & CARRY Flags ALU Interrupt Flag Store Program Counter Program Counter Stack 8 8 8 8 8 PORT_ID Port Address Control READ_STROBE WRITE_STROBE INTERRUPT 10 ADDRESS 10 Operational Control & Instruction Decoding RESET CLK 18 INSTRUCTION 8 8 8 8 IN_PORT CONSTANT DATA 16 to 32 8-bit Registers Program ROM/RAM 1024 words 10 ADDRESS

18 Advanced Features - 8 - 19 © 2003 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved Complete PicoBlaze Instruction Set The following is a complete instruction set representing all op-codes ‘X’ and ‘Y’ refer to the definition of the storage registers ‘s’ in the range 0 to 1F ‘kk’ represents a constant value in the range 00 to FF ‘aa’ represents an address in the range 00 to FF ‘pp’ represents a port address in the range 00 to FF Program Control Group JUMP aa JUMP Z,aa JUMP NZ,aa JUMP C,aa JUMP NC,aa CALL aa CALL Z,aa CALL NZ,aa CALL C,aa CALL NC,aa RETURN RETURN Z RETURN NZ RETURN C RETURN NC Note that call and return supports up to a stack depth of 15. Logical Group LOAD sX,kk AND sX,kk OR sX,kk XOR sX,kk LOAD sX,sY AND sX,sY OR sX,sY XOR sX,sY Arithmetic Group ADD sX,kk ADDCY sX,kk SUB sX,kk SUBCY sX,kk ADD sX,sY ADDCY sX,sY SUB sX,sY SUBCY sX,sY Shift and Rotate Group SR0 sX SR1 sX SRX sX SRA sX RR sX SL0 sX SL1 sX SLX sX SLA sX RL sX Input/Output Group INPUT sX,pp INPUT sX,(sY) OUTPUT sX,pp OUTPUT sX,(sY) Interrupt Group RETURNI ENABLE RETURNI DISABLE ENABLE INTERRUPT DISABLE INTERRUPT

19 Advanced Features - 8 - 20 © 2003 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved PicoBlaze Design Flow Create a program file.PSM Run the compiler perl('','-p',’.psm') Creates a array m file fill_ _program_store.m Creates a directory _psm_results

20 Advanced Features - 8 - 21 © 2003 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved PicoBlaze Results Directory Output Files Output files – COE : The initialization contents file for Core Generator Block memory – DAT : Assembler processing files – FMT : Formatted PSM File – PSM : PicoBlaze assembler source file – LOG : Assembler report file – HEX : Hex-decimal ROM Definition file – DEC : Decimal ROM Definition file

21 Advanced Features - 8 - 22 © 2003 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved PicoBlaze Block Diagram INSTRUCTION[17:0] ADDRESS[9:0] CLK IN_PORT[7:0] INTERRUPT RESET INSTRUCTION[17:0] ADDRESS[9:0] OUT_PORT[7:0] PORT_ID[7:0] READ_STROBE WRITE_STROBE CLK PicoBlaze Module Block Memory Interface to Logic Virtex-II FPGA Interface to Logic

22 Advanced Features - 8 - 23 © 2003 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved Lab 9 Control the pulse width of an output signal using PicoBlaze™ microcontroller Become familiar with the design flow for PicoBlaze microcontroller – Create assembler code – Compile the assembler code – Test the code within simulink – Control the pulse width of a output by changing internal register value – Control the output pulse high and lows via accessing external registers allowing the ability to change the widths

23 Advanced Features - 8 - 24 © 2003 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved Outline Multiple FPGAs Multiple System Generator versions PicoBlaze Microcontroller User IP Library Parametric Design Techniques

24 Advanced Features - 8 - 25 © 2003 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved Why User Library? In the real world, designs are more than a few blocks. Have to design complex systems so need to be able to reuse IP blocks – Can re-use HDL IP by using HDL Co-sim – Would like to re-use IP we have designed in System Generator Use the IP across different projects where the requirements could be quite different. Hence the need for flexibility

25 Advanced Features - 8 - 26 © 2003 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved Creating User Library Create own custom-made library to contain own IP and include it within the Blockset library This means any changes done in the library block will reflect to all references in the same way To be used with a Mask subsystem Steps involved in creating user library: – Create the design – Select “New” and “Library” in the File Menu – Create the design – Copy the IP into the new library and save. Then the blocks from the library can be copied into new designs

26 Advanced Features - 8 - 27 © 2003 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved Creating User Library

27 Advanced Features - 8 - 28 © 2003 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved Creating User Library (cont) Adding Libraries to the Library Browser Create a new directory for user library in a directory either under $MATLAB/toolbox directory, or user specified directory path Copy the library file to this new directory Create an slblocks.m file – The file defines the Simulink library block representation

28 Advanced Features - 8 - 29 © 2003 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved slblocks.m File Use existing slblocks.m as a template. Type which('slblocks.m', '-all') to get examples of the files slblocks.m is a function that will be called when the user double-clicks on the icon – blkStruct.OpenFcn = 'transpose_filters';%get the library mdl file Define the library list for the Simulink Library browser. Return the name of the library model and the name for it Browser(1).Library = 'transpose_library'; Browser(1).Name = 'User Transpose Filters'; Browser(1).IsFlat = 0;% Is this library "flat" (i.e. no subsystems)? blkStruct.Browser = Browser;

29 Advanced Features - 8 - 30 © 2003 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved Outline Multiple FPGAs Multiple System Generator versions PicoBlaze Microcontroller User IP Library Parametric Design Techniques

30 Advanced Features - 8 - 31 © 2003 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved Why Parametric Designs? Using a library block is fine but may need more flexibility on the IP within it – For example, using the transpose filter building block what happens if we need a 20 tap or a 60 tap filter, or a 5 tap filter – How can we reduce design time and still have a common IP Block? Need the equivalent of the for:loop In order to answer this question review three useful commands – get_param – set_param – find_system Transpose FIR Building Block

31 Advanced Features - 8 - 32 © 2003 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved Getting Parameters GET_PARAM('OBJ','PARAMETER') where 'OBJ' is a system or block path name, returns the value of the specified parameter SET_PARAM('OBJ','PARAMETER1',VALUE1,'PARAMETER2',VALUE2,...), where 'OBJ' is a system or block path name, sets the specified parameters to the specified values Systems=FIND_SYSTEM('PARAMETER_NAME1',VALUE1,'PARAMETER_NAM E2',VALUE2,...) searches all open systems and returns a cell array containing the full path names in hierarchical order of all systems, subsystems, and blocks, whose specified parameters have the specified values

32 Advanced Features - 8 - 33 © 2003 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved Adding Blocks ADD_BLOCK('SRC','DEST','PARAMETER1',VALUE1,...) – copies the block with full path name 'SRC' to a new block with full path name 'DEST' and the named parameters have specified values – Examples add_block('xbsBasic_r3/Counter', 'addblock/Counter', 'position', [50, 50, 100, 100]); – Add a counter from the basic sub-blockset to the design window DELETE_BLOCK does the opposite

33 Advanced Features - 8 - 34 © 2003 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved Adding lines ADD_LINE('SYS','OPORT','IPORT') – adds a straight line to a system from the specified block output port 'OPORT' to the specified block input port 'IPORT' – Examples add_line('model_name','SRC/1',’DEST/1') – adds a line to the mymodel system connecting the output of the SRC block to the first input of the DEST block. add_line('model_name','SRC/1',’DEST/1','autorouting','on') – adds a line to the model_name system connecting the output of the SRC block to the first input of the DEST block and routes the line around any intervening blocks DELETE_LINE is the opposite command

34 Advanced Features - 8 - 35 © 2003 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved Lab 10 Generate a user library to be displayed in the Simulink library Create a parametric Comb Filter

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