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The Golden Lion Tamarin Comes Home Theme 6 Animal Encounters.

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2 The Golden Lion Tamarin Comes Home Theme 6 Animal Encounters

3 The Golden Lion Tamarin Comes Home 625O  Genre: Nonfiction  Expository nonfiction selection about golden lion tamarins.  Summary:  Several captive-born golden lion tamarins travel from the National Zoo in Washington, D.C. to Brazil for reintroduction into the rainforest.

4 Background 626A  Remember this theme focuses on interconnections between people and wild animals.  We will read about efforts to save the golden lion tamarin from extinction.  Read pgs. 626-627 “Rescue in the “Rain Forest”

5 Background 626A  Let’s discuss these key vocabulary words.  habitat  extinction  dilemma  reintroduction  captive

6 Vocabulary 627A  canopy: the high, sheltering branches of rain forest trees  captive: captured; held against one’s will  dilemma: a situation in which one is given difficult choices to make

7 Vocabulary 627A  extinction: the condition of having died out  genes: tiny pieces of matter in cells that carry the blueprints for characteristics  habitat: a natural environment for native creatures

8 Vocabulary 627A  humid: containing a large amount of water vapor  observation: the act of paying close attention  predators: animals that prey on others  reintroduction: the process of returning animals to their native habitats

9 Vocabulary Link  pesticide: a chemical used to kill harmful pests, such as certain insects  declined: sank to a lower, weaker, or poorer state  preservation: the act of saving something from danger or destruction  restoration: the act of bringing something back to its original state  incubating: providing heat for eggs to hatch

10 Phonics 627A  What are our Phonics/Decoding skills?  They are chunking, words we know, beginning and endings, affixes, syllables, try different vowel sounds, base words or root words, blending, look carefully


12 Phonics 627A  …Dr. A. Coimbra-Filho, a Brazilian biologist, warned of its imminent extinction.  Help me figure this word out using our Phonics/Decoding Strategies.

13 Reading Strategy Monitor/Clarify 627B  As you read, monitor your understanding of how people are trying to help the golden lion tamarin. If necessary, reread or read ahead to clarify.  Think Aloud  Remember to read or read ahead if you are having difficulty making sense of statements in the selection.  Use your other strategies.


15 Comprehension Skill 627C  Trans. 6-10 PB 368 Trans. 6-10 PB 368 Trans. 6-10 PB 368  As you read focus on identifying the topic, main ideas, and key details.  Topic of the story is what all or most of the paragraphs tells about.

16 Topic, Main Ideas, & Details631  Topic is the subject all or most of the paragraphs in a selection tell about.  Main idea is the main point a paragraph or paragraphs make about a topic.  A paragraph can have both a topic and a main idea.

17 Compare and Contrast 633  Compare is to find similarities  Contrast is to find differences  The ability to identify likenesses and differences in nonfiction will help you better understand what you read.

18 Topic, Main Ideas, & Details647A TTTT rrrr aaaa nnnn ssss 6 6 6 6 ---- 1111 0000  Topic of a story is the subject all or most of the paragraphs in a selection tell about  Main idea is the most important idea or point the author makes about the topic  Key details support or explain the main idea

19 Making Generalization  Statements are generalizations b/c they make general statements about a group of people  Overgeneralizations are broad statements about all members of a group that doesn’t come from facts.  There are signal words: most, many, often.

20 Decoding Longer Words Three-Syllable Words  They will grow accustomed to their surroundings.  Let’s divide this word: surrounding  sur/round/ings  They burned the forest for sugar plantations.  Plan-ta-tions  Using most obvious syllabication will not always help decode a word.  You might recognize the base word plant

21 Phonics 647F Consonant Alterations  Understanding that the same consonant in related words can be pronounced differently can help you decode unfamiliar words.  Silent consonants can become sounded, as in sign and signal  The letter c can change between the /s/ and the /k/ sound, as in fact can factual

22 Decoding Longer Words 647E PB 372 Decoding Longer Words 647E Three-Syllable Words PB 372 PB 372 PB 372  Each member of the tamarin family has its own distinctive tail marking.  Help me with this word.  permitted  assignment  potential  tentative

23 Phonics 647F Consonant Alterations  Tamarins have long fingers and nails for the extraction of food.  Let’s decode these words using this strategies.  extinct - extinction  introduction - reintroduction  simulate - simulation  create - creation

24 Spelling 647G Three-Syllable Words PB373 PB373  To spell three-syllable words, divide the words into syllables and pay special attention to syllables that have less stress.  vacation - va / ca / tion  educate - ed / u / cate  3 syllable words are usually stressed on the first or second syllable.

25 Stressed/Unstressed   Usually the first is stressed   A 3 syllable word, the last is not usually stressed   In a dictionary the stressed is bolded or has an accent mark.   If the vowel does its job, that is the one that is stressed.   If it is a weird sound that one isn’t stressed.

26 Vocabulary 647G PB 374 PB 374 PB 374  Clipped Words  popular – what is a shorter word made from this word that will make sense?  They are famous ________ singers.  That’s correct! pop singers  This is a clipped word (a shorter form of a longer word)  What are the clipped words – graduate, dormitory, limousine, newspaper, influenza

27 Vocabulary 647I PB 376 PB 376PB 376  Proper adjectives  -by combining the proper noun Brazil with the ending –ian = it becomes Brazilian.  Peru  -Peruvian  Chile  Chilean  Italy – Italian  Germany – German  Vietnam – Vietnamese  Mexico – Mexicans  Ireland – Irish  Holland - Dutch

28 Grammar Skills 647K Prepositions Trans 6-12 PB 377 Trans 6-12 PB 377Trans 6-12 PB 377  A preposition relates the noun /pronoun that follows it to another word in the sentence.   The object of the preposition is the noun or the pronoun that follows the preposition.   A preposition connects a noun/pronoun with other words in the sentence.

29 Top Prepositions   into, by, with, to, at, from, in, of, off, for, on

30 Prepositions

31 Grammar Skills 647K Trans 6-13 Prepositional Phrases PB 378 Trans 6-13PB 378 Trans 6-13PB 378  A prepositional phrase is made up of a preposition, the object of the preposition, and all of the words in between.

32 Improving Your Writing 647L Expanding Sentences with Prepositional Phrases PB 379 PB 379 PB 379  A good writer may add prepositional phrases to sentences to make them say more.  We noticed fresh hoofprints beside the river.  Expanded: We noticed fresh hoofprints in the soft mud beside the river.

33 Writing Skills 647M Trans 6-14 Compare/Contrast Essay PB 380 Trans 6-14PB 380 Trans 6-14PB 380  What are some similarities and differences between the golden lion tamarin’s environment in a zoo and in the wild?  Venn Diagram-what is it?  Compare is likeness  Contrast is difference

34 Improving Your Writing 647N Combining Sentences with Prep. Phrases Trans 6-15 PB 381 Trans 6-15 PB 381 Trans 6-15 PB 381  A good way to streamline your writing is to combine short sentences that have a repeated subject but differing prepositional phrases.

35 Spiral Review 647Q Compare and Contrast  Compare is to find similarities.  Contrast is to find differences.  On pg. 631 lets compare and contrast the lives of wild and captive golden lion tamarins.  Choose another pair of animals we can compare and contrast.

36 Grammar 647R Adjectives  Adjectives describe a noun or a pronoun.  An adjective can tell what kind (large, old monkey) or how many (ten monkeys)  a, an, and the are special adjectives called articles.  This, that, these and those are demonstrative adjectives that tell which one.

37 Adjectives Adjectives describe nouns and pronouns.

38 Grammar 647R Adjectives (cont)  Use a before a noun that begins with a consonant  Use an before a noun that begins with a vowel sound.  Add –er to most adjectives to compare two things.  Add –est to most adjectives to compare three or more things.  Use more and most, not –er and –est with long adjectives.

39 Grammar 647R Adjectives (cont)  Use special forms of the adjectives good and bad when making comparisons.  Use better and worse to compare two things.  Use best and worst to compare three or more things.  Good – better – best  Bad – worse - worst

40 Spelling Test  1. dangerous  2. history  3. vacation  4. popular  5. favorite  6. memory  7. personal  8. educate  9. regular  10. continue  11. potato  12. natural  13. sensitive  14. energy  15. emotion  16. period  17. property  18. condition  19. imagine  20. attention

41 CHALLENGE WORDS  juvenile  astonish  ovation  amateur  obvious

42 Study Guide  Monitor and clarify  Compare and contrast  3 syllable words  Consonant alternations  Clipped words  Prepositions  Compare contrast  Adjectives

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