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SOL 5.7 The Changing Earth Bedrowsky’s Hoops Plate Tectonics Earth Layers Changes to Earth Erosion and Deposition The Scientific Method Q 1 pt. Q 2 pt.

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Presentation on theme: "SOL 5.7 The Changing Earth Bedrowsky’s Hoops Plate Tectonics Earth Layers Changes to Earth Erosion and Deposition The Scientific Method Q 1 pt. Q 2 pt."— Presentation transcript:


2 SOL 5.7 The Changing Earth Bedrowsky’s

3 Hoops Plate Tectonics Earth Layers Changes to Earth Erosion and Deposition The Scientific Method Q 1 pt. Q 2 pt. Q 3 pt. Q 4 pt. Q 5 pt. Q 1 pt. Q 2 pt. Q 3 pt. Q 4 pt. Q 5 pt. Buzzer Shot

4 Hoops Plate Tectonics Earth Layers Changes to Earth Erosion and Deposition The Scientific Method Q 1 pt. Q 2 pt. Q 3 pt. Q 4 pt. Q 5 pt. Q 1 pt. Q 2 pt. Q 3 pt. Q 4 pt. Q 5 pt. Buzzer Shot

5 1 pt. Question from Plate Tectonics How many major plates make up the earth’s crust? a) 7 b) 14 c) 9 d) 28

6 1pt. Answer from Plate Tectonics B. 14

7 2 pt. Question from Plate Tectonics This type of boundary occurs when a continental crust goes over an oceanic crust. a) transform b) convergent c) subduction d) divergent

8 2 pt. Answer from Plate Tectonics c. subduction

9 3 pt. Question from Plate Tectonics This type of boundary occurs when two plates collide. a) transform b) convergent c) subduction d) divergent

10 3 pt. Answer from Plate Tectonics b. Convergent

11 4 pt. Question from Plate Tectonics This type of boundary occurs when two plates pull apart. a) transform b) convergent c) subduction d) divergent

12 4 pt. Answer from Plate Tectonics d. divergent

13 5 pt. Question from Plate Tectonics This type of boundary occurs when two plates slide past each other, this is occurring in California with the Juan de Fuca plate and the North American plate. a) transform b) convergent c) subduction d) divergent

14 5 pt. Answer from Plate Tectonics a. Transform

15 1 pt. Question from Earth Layers The layer of the Earth that is made of basalt and granite is called the _____________. a) mantle b) inner core c) outer core d) crust

16 1 pt. Answer from Earth Layers d. crust

17 2 pt. Question from Earth Layers This layer of the earth is made of molten iron and nickel. a) mantle b) inner core c) outer core d) crust

18 2 pt. Answer from Earth Layers C. Outer core

19 3 pt. Question from Earth Layers This layer is made of solid iron and nickel. a) mantle b) inner core c) outer core d) crust

20 3 pt. Answer from Earth Layers b) Inner core

21 4 pt. Question from Earth Layers This layer is 1,800 miles thick and contains convection currents. a) mantle b) inner core c) outer core d) crust

22 4 pt. Answer from Earth Layers a) Mantle

23 5 pt. Question from Earth Layers These cause the plates to move in the crust. a) convention currents b) convection currents c) earthquakes d) tides

24 5 pt. Answer from Earth Layers b) Convection currents

25 1 pt. Question from Changes to Earth This type of weathering takes place when animals and plants breakdown rocks. a) physical weathering b) chemical weathering c) biological weathering d) mechanical weathering

26 1 pt. Answer from Changes to Earth c. biological

27 2 pt. Question from Changes to Earth This type of weathering takes place when the atoms and molecules are broken down. a) physical weathering b) chemical weathering c) biological weathering d) mechanical weathering

28 2 pt. Answer from Changes to Earth b) chemical

29 3 pt. Question from Changes to Earth The freeze-thaw cycle is part of what type of weathering. a) physical weathering b) chemical weathering c) biological weathering d) mechanical weathering

30 3 pt. Answer from Changes to Earth d) mechanical

31 4 pt. Question from Changes to Earth This type of can be seen when the same rock changes color. a) physical weathering b) chemical weathering c) biological weathering d) mechanical weathering

32 4 pt. Answer from Changes to Earth b) chemical

33 5 pt. Question from Changes to Earth This type of weathering is when algae and fungus break down rocks. a) physical weathering b) chemical weathering c) biological weathering d) mechanical weathering

34 5 pt. Answer from Changes to Earth c) biological

35 1 pt. Question from Erosion and Deposition This is what happens when sediments are carried down the river and are deposited somewhere else. a) deposition b) tides c) erosion d) weathering

36 1 pt. Answer from Erosion and Deposition a) deposition

37 2 pt. Question from Erosion and Deposition The following is what is formed when sediments build up where the ocean meets a river. a) tides b) beach c) delta d) sand

38 2 pt. Answer from Erosion and Deposition c) delta

39 3 pt. Question from Erosion and Deposition The Grand Canyon was formed by a) people b) erosion c) transform fault d) biological weathering

40 3 pt. Answer from Erosion and Deposition b) erosion

41 4 pt. Question from Erosion and Deposition Sides of mountains and landscapes can be altered over time due to a) deposition b) erosion c) sediments d) Mrs. Bedrowsky’s shovel

42 4 pt. Answer from Erosion and Deposition b) erosion

43 5 pt. Question from Erosion and Deposition What type of lake is formed when a river changes its path. a) round lake b) ox bow lake c) arrow lake d) long lake

44 5 pt. Answer from Erosion and Deposition b) ox bow lake

45 1 pt. Question from The Scientific Method This step is known as making an educated guess A.Draw a conclusion B.Hypothesis C.Experiment D.Collect Information

46 1 pt. Answer from The Scientific Method B. Hypothesis

47 2 pt. Question from The Scientific Method In this step of the Scientific Method you usually use a table. A.Draw a conclusion B.Hypothesis C.Experiment D.Collect Information

48 2 pt. Answer from The Scientific Method D. Collect Information

49 3 pt. Question from The Scientific Method This is when you inform people of your results A.Draw a conclusion B.Hypothesis C.Experiment D.Collect Information

50 3 pt. Answer from The Scientific Method A. Draw a conclusion

51 4 pt. Question from The Scientific Method This is an IF, THEN statement. A.Draw a conclusion B.Hypothesis C.Experiment D.Collect Information

52 4 pt. Answer from The Scientific Method B. Hypothesis

53 5 pt. Question from The Scientific Method The statement: The higher you drop a ball from the higher it bounces is an example of a A.Draw a conclusion B.Hypothesis C.Experiment D.Collect Information

54 5 pt. Answer from The Scientific Method A. Draw a conclusion

55 Buzzer Shot In Earth Science the dumping of sediments can be carried by.. (more than one answer may be appropriate) A.the sea B.rivers C.glaciers D.deposition

56 Buzzer Shot Answer A.the sea B.rivers C.glaciers

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