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Warm- up: Metric Monday

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1 Warm- up: Metric Monday
Suppose it takes 500 years to form 2 cm of new soil without erosion. If a farmer needs at least 35 cm of soil to plant a particular crop, how many years will the farmer need to wait before planting the crop? Hint: Find the rate: 500years/2cm Hint: Then multiply by the amount (35cm)

2 Warm-up: Metric Monday
How many milliliters in 12 liters? 235 cm = __________ m

3 Prediction: Mass Movement (IAN # 100)
Predict what will happen when the pan of soil is shaken. Predict what will happen when it “rains” heavily on the soil.

4 Erosion (IAN #101, 103, 105) Erosion: The process by which natural forces move weathered rock and soil from one place to another.

5 Erosion Song (to the tune of row, row, row your boat)
Ero, ro, ro, sion, moving rock,soil,sand. Carrying, carrying, carrying, carrying sediments across the land.

6 Erosion The material moved by erosion is called sediment.
Deposition occurs where the agents of erosion “drop off” the sediments. Weathering, erosion, and deposition act together in a cycle that wears down and builds up Earth’s surface.

7 Erosion: What is happening in the picture?

8 Mass Movement What is the force that moves rock and other materials downhill? GRAVITY! Gravity causes mass movement.

9 Types of mass movement Landslides:
Most destructive kind of mass movement. Rock and soil slide quickly down a steep slope.

10 What do you think caused this landslide?

11 The LaConchita Landslide of March 1995 in Ventura County, along the California coast.

12 Types of Mass Movement cont.
Mudflows Rapid downhill movement of a mixture of water, rock, and soil. Often occurs after heavy rain. Earthquakes can trigger Mudflows and Landslides.

13 Mudflow: Watch out!

14 Mass Movement cont. Slump
When a mass of rock and soil suddenly slips down a slope. Moves in one large mass.

15 Slump

16 Warm-up: Tuesday Describe how a raindrop can start the process of erosion.

17 Water Erosion (IAN #104) Predict: What will happen when water is “rained” on the sand hill. Drop 10 drops of water on your sand hill. Describe what happens. Drop 20 more drops and describe. Continue to drop water until water runs out. Write a summary of what occurred. Water is the major agent of erosion.

18 Warm-up: CRCT Review Please write question
What can cause the loss of soil that is not protected by plant cover? A. Erosion by water or wind B. Too many organisms in the soil. C. Slow the rate of soil formation. D. Chemical Weathering.

19 Erosion Video (IAN # 106) What are the types of erosion?
How does erosion change Earth’s surface?

20 Warm-up: Thursday Please write the question
1. When a fast moving river slows down, what type of sediment would be deposited first? A. Silt B. Clay C. Sand D. Gravel Bacteria and fungi in soil are called ____ because they break down dead plants and animals. Decomposers

21 Double-Bubble: Compare and Contrast Weathering and Erosion
Include types of weathering and examples (acid rain, abrasion, ect.) Include types of erosion.

22 Review 1. Tributary 2. Abrasion
3. When hits a mountain or type of obstacle 4. Chemical 5. Gravel 6. By freezing and thawing of ice 7. Wind or water erosion 8. Mechanical weathering 9. Break down (mix) soil and add nutrients and humus 10. soil

23 Review 11. Ice age 12. Climate 13. Chemical Weathering 14. water
15. Decomposers 16. Acid Rain 17. Erosion 18. Horizon

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