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2 Bluetooth protocols - Object exchange (OBEX) 1 Object exchange (OBEX; also termed IrOBEX) is a communications protocol that facilitates the exchange of binary objects between devices. It is maintained by the Infrared Data Association but has also been adopted by the Bluetooth Special Interest Group and the SyncML wing of the Open Mobile Alliance (OMA).

3 Bluetooth protocols - Object exchange (OBEX) 1 In Bluetooth, OBEX is used for many profiles that require simple data exchange (e.g., object push, file transfer, basic imaging, basic printing, phonebook access, etc.).

4 OBEX 1 This PDA and its many successors use OBEX to exchange business cards, data, even applications.

5 OBEX 1 Although OBEX was initially designed for infrared, it has now been adopted by Bluetooth, and is also used over RS-232, USB, Wireless Application Protocol|WAP, and in devices such as Livescribe smartpens.

6 OBEX - Comparison to HTTP 1 OBEX is similar in design and function to HTTP in providing the client with a reliable transport for connecting to a server and may then request or provide objects. But OBEX differs in many important respects:

7 OBEX - Comparison to HTTP 1 *HTTP is normally layered above a TCP/IP link. OBEX is commonly implemented on an IrLAP/IrLMP/Tiny TP stack on an IrDA device. In Bluetooth, OBEX is implemented on a Baseband/Bluetooth_protocols#ACL_.28Asynchro nous_Connection_Less.29_link|ACL/Bluetooth_pr otocols#L2CAP_.28Logical_Link_Control_and_Ad aptation_Protocol.29|L2CAP/Bluetooth_protocols# RFCOMM_.28Radio_Frequency_Communication. 29|RFCOMM stack. Other such bindings of OBEX are possible.

8 OBEX - Comparison to HTTP 1 *HTTP uses human-readable text, but OBEX uses binary-formatted type-length- value triplets named Headers to exchange information about a request or an object. These are much easier to parse by resource-limited devices.

9 OBEX - Comparison to HTTP 1 *HTTP transactions are inherently stateless; generally a HTTP client opens a connection, makes a single request, receives its response, and either closes the connection or HTTP persistent connection|makes other unrelated requests. In OBEX, a single transport connection may bear many related operations. In fact, recent additions to the OBEX specification allow an abruptly closed transaction to be resumed with all state information intact.

10 OBEX - Profiles 1 OBEX is the foundation for many higher-layer profiles:

11 Host Controller Interface (Bluetooth) - Object exchange (OBEX) 1 Object exchange (OBEX; also termed IrOBEX) is a communications protocol that facilitates the exchange of binary objects between devices. It is maintained by the Infrared Data Association but has also been adopted by the Bluetooth Special Interest Group and the SyncML wing of the Open Mobile Alliance (OMA).

12 GlobeXplorer 1 'GlobeXplorer' (Now part of DigitalGlobe Inc. (NYSE:DGI)) was an online spatial data company that compiled and distributed aerial photos, satellite imagery, and map data from their online spatial archives. Based in Walnut Creek, CA, GlobeXplorer has been credited as the first company to establish a business around compiling and distributing online aerial and satellite imagery.

13 GlobeXplorer - Products 1 GlobeXplorer’s primary products were the ImageAtlas viewer and ImageBuilder web developer toolkit. They also provide ImageConnect extensions and web services for GIS and CAD.

14 GlobeXplorer - History 1 In 2005, GlobeXplorer acquired AirPhotoUSA, one of the nation’s leading providers of aerial imagery

15 GlobeXplorer - History 1 GlobeXplorer's defensible core competence was its ability to meter custom profiles of content for consumers and pay royalties to providers based on 512x512 standard image units (SIU). This was accomplished through content hosting, delivery via APIs and application plugins, and

16 GlobeXplorer - Prominent Customers 1 In addition to its own website, GlobeXplorer's imagery and property data was licensed to,, National Geographic (magazine)|National Geographic,, and the Germany-based, as well as inside various professional real estate services like CoStar, eNeighborhoods, and Rappatoni MLS. It also provided Mapquest with imagery in 2001 and 2002.

17 GlobeXplorer - Partner Relationships 1 GlobeXplorer obtains its content through online distribution relationships with about 30 of the world’s top acquirers of aerial, satellite, and property data.

18 For More Information, Visit: m/itil-2011-foundation- complete-certification-kit- fourth-edition-study-guide- ebook-and-online-course.html m/itil-2011-foundation- complete-certification-kit- fourth-edition-study-guide- ebook-and-online-course.html The Art of Service

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