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Overview of Computer Graphics Subjects : What is C.G History of C.G Applications of C.G C.G vs I.P Course objectives.

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1 Overview of Computer Graphics Subjects : What is C.G History of C.G Applications of C.G C.G vs I.P Course objectives

2 What is CG (1/2) Humans Communicate well with images  1/3 of our brain is devoted to visual processing  A picture is worth a thousand words WYSIWYG paradigm In the past, graphics was only used to convert numerical data sets to graphs.  business graphs (bar chart, pie chart)

3 What is CG (2/2) Nowadays, graphics is used to depict the complex  data sets and virtual / natural phenomena. Virtual Reality(VR), Scientific Visualization(SV) Definition : Picture style I/O technology involving the Creation manipulation storing and display of pictures with the aid of computer Numerical data Picture (Image) data inputoutput

4 HISTORY OF C.G (1/2) General Trends  1950’s : First military application of graphics  Mid 1950 : SAGE (Semi-Automatic Ground Environment) Air Defense System first “command and control” CRT with lightpen  1963 : Ivan Sutherland’s sketchpad thesis called father of C.G propose interactive graphics system  1966 : Wall street Journal was writing about C.G and CAD

5 HISTORY OF C.G (2/2)  Mid 1970’s : Emergence of raster graphics display based on T.V technology development of raster graphics hereafter  1981 : Apollo introduces first graphics workstation  1984 : Evolution of GUI by Apple Macintoshi  Mid 1980’s : Commercial usage of V.R techniques  Early 1990’s : Scientific Visualization and Volume graphics

6 Applications of C.G (1/2) CAD (Computer-Aided Design)  for Engineering and Architectural design  design of buildings, automobiles, spacecraft, and VLSI Presentation Graphics  for illustration of outputs.  bar chart, line graph, pie chart etc. Computer Art  for fine art and commercial art applications.

7 Applications of C.G (2/2) Entertainment  for special effects of CF, movies  Jurassic Park, Terminator II Education and Training  Graphics supported flight simulator  CD Rom title Visualization  called Scientific Visualization  converting millions of data value into pictures VR Game S/W, etc by using CGI (Computer Generated Imagery)

8 Computer Graphics vs Image Processing (1/2) Computer Graphics(C.G)  a computer is used to create a picture.  model based approach  concerns pictorial synthesis of real or imagery objects from computer based model  deals with vector data ex) Jurrassic park, Game

9 Computer Graphics vs Image Processing (2/2) Image Processing (I.P)  a computer is used to modify or interpret existing pictures.  processing of sensor based data  concerns scene analysis. improving picture quality machine perception of visual info  deals with pixel data ex) Recognition of car license plate Interpretation of satellite image

10 Course objectives : (1/2) generation of photo-realistic Images Two different views in studying CG  A graphics system user’s view (Computer Graphic) interested in what images are produced by using graphics S/W industrial design, visual art  A system programmer’s view (Computer Graphics) how to write a physics-based application program (package) for users. interested in the development of fast and accurate graphics software

11 Course objectives : (2/2)  Related fundamental subjects of C.G are Computer Science mathematics physics mechanical engineering etc.  C.G S/W consist of Modeling S/W Rendering S/W Animation S/W Image Composition S/Wfor Image Synthesis +

12 모 델 링 (Modelling) 대상물체의 형상화를 위해 사용되는 기술  인공물체 : 기하학적 Primitive ( 선, 면, 구, 육면체 ) 등을 이용하여 형상화 입력물 : 형상화 물체의 3 차원 좌표값 출력물 : 선구조형상 (Wire framed objects) 기 법 : Interpolation / Approximation, CGS, Sweeping, Deformation 등  자연물체 : Procedualism 에 의한 형상화 입력물 : 자연물의 구조를 정의하는 규칙 출력물 : 선구조 형상 기 법 : 프랙탈 기법, Grammar-based modelling, particle system, physically based modelling 등

13 애니메이션 (Animation) Animation is giving variations on the model over time  Different keys given by the animator are interpolated to give in betweens.  2D Animation (Cell Animation)  3D Animation 기 법 : Key-frame Animation Kinematics / Inverse Kinematics Dynamics Metamorphosis

14 렌 더 링 (Rendering) Process of photo-like image generation  Rendering adds light to the model  The renderer tracks the light in the scene to determine how the scene looks to the viewer.  기 법 : Hidden elements Removal Shading Texture mapping Ray-tracing Radiosity

15 영 상 합 성 (Image Synthesis) 실사와 C.G 기술의 자연스러운 조화기술  예 ) Jumanjii, photoshop S/W  기술내용 : Image processing 기술 Film 의 Digital 변형기술 Digital 합성기술 Color Composition / Correction 기술

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