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Admixture Mapping for Atherosclerosis Loci in African Americans the NHLBI Family Heart Study Q.Y. Zhang and M.A. Province Division of Statistical Genomics Center for Genome Sciences Department of Genetics Department of Genetics Washington University School of Medicine Feb. 24, 2006
Family Heart Study - Subclinical Coronary Atherosclerosis Network A multi-center study Primary purpose : to identify familial, genetic, and non-genetic factors that contribute to atherosclerosis and inflammatory response. FHS SCAN
(AA Field Center) FHS-SCAN Birmingham Houston ( DNA Lab) (CT Reading)
Participants with Clinic Visits NC (1) MN (2) MA (3) UT (4) AL (5) Total N%N%N%N%N%N% N 607100.0745100.0518100.0897100.0622100.03389100.0 Coronary CT Scan 60098.574199.451199.8897100.0621100.0337099.8 Inflammation 607100.0745100.0518100.0897100.0622100.03389100.0 Sitting Blood Pressure 607100.0745100.051799.8897100.0622100.03388100.0 Anthropometry 607100.0745100.051799.8897100.0622100.03388100.0 Demographics 607100.0745100.0518100.0897100.0622100.03389100.0 Pedigree 607100.0745100.0518100.0897100.0622100.03389100.0 Medical Hx 607100.0745100.0518100.0897100.0622100.03389100.0 Medication Inventory 607100.0745100.0518100.0897100.0622100.03389100.0 Personal Hx 60699.8745100.0518100.0897100.0622100.03388100.0 Blood Assays 60699.874499.9518100.089699.962199.8338599.9 Previously FHS Visit (ECG, Carotid Ultrasound, Pulmonary) 42369.757477.032662.960767.738261.4231268.2 FHS-SCAN Data 2001-2004
Population(s)Sample(s) Genotypes Phenotype(s) Statistical Method(s) Results General Considerations of QTL Mapping
African Americans 622 Subjects from 211 families Admixture Mapping CAC Loci CAC Loci 400 microsatellite markers Average distance 10 cM Coronary and aortic artery calcium (CAC) Quantified by CT calcified plaque
What is Admixture Mapping ? Founding Population 2 Caucasians Founding Population 1 Africans Admixed Population African Americans Admixture Mapping Admixture Information (Ancestry Analysis) Only for admixed population Based on admixture information (ancestry analysis)
Proportion of genetic materials descending from each founding population Population level : population admixture proportion Individual level: individual admixture proportion Individual-locus level: locus-specific ancestry Ancestry
If a disease has some genetic factors, and the disease gene frequency in pop 2 is higher than in pop 1. After the admixture of pop 1 and 2, the diseased individuals in admixed generations will carry disease genes/alleles that have more ancestry from pop 2 than from pop 1. If a marker is linked with disease genes, because of linkage disequilibrium, the diseased individuals will also carry the marker copies that have more ancestry from pop 2 than from pop 1. Inversely, if we find a marker/locus whose ancestry from pop 2 in diseased group is significantly different from that in non-diseased group, we consider this marker/locus to be linked with (or a part of ) disease gene. Rationale of Admixture Mapping
References D.C.Rife. Populations of hybrid origin as source material for the detection of linkage. Am.J.Hum.Genet. 1954, (6):26-33 R.Chakraborty et al. Adimixture as a tool for finding linked genes and detecting that difference from allelic association between loci. Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci. 1988,Vol.85:9119-9123 N. Risch. Mapping genes for complex disease using association studies with recently admixed populations. Am.J.Hum.Genet.Suppl. 1992, 51:13... P.M.McKeigue. Prospects for admixture mapping of complex traits. Am.J.Hum.Genet. 2005, Vol.76:1-7 X.Zhu et al. Admixture mapping for hypertention loci with genome-scan markers. Nature Genetics. 2005,Vol.37(2): 177-181
STRUCTURE STRUCTURE Falush D, Stephens M, Pritchard JK (2003) Inference of population structure using multilocus genotype data: linked loci and correlated allele frequencies. Genetics 164:1567–1587. ADMIXMAP ADMIXMAP Hoggart CJ, Parra EJ, Shriver MD, Bonilla C, Kittles RA, Clayton DG, McKeigue PM (2003) Control of confounding of genetic associations in stratified populations. Am J Hum Genet 72:1492–1504. ANCESTRYMAP ANCESTRYMAP Patterson N, Hattangadi N, Lane B, Lohmueller KE, Hafler DA, Oksenberg JR, Hauser SL, Smith MW, O’Brien SJ, Altshuler D, Daly MJ, Reich D (2004) Methods for high-density admixture mapping of disease genes. Am J Hum Genet 74:979–1000 Softwares
Advantages of Admixture Mapping Admixed population has more genetic variation and polymorphism than relatively pure ancestral populations. Admixed population has more genetic variation and polymorphism than relatively pure ancestral populations. Admixture produces new LD in admixed population.Compared with ancestral populations, shorter genetic history of admixture population keeps more LD (long genetic history will destroy LD), In admixed population, LD could be detected for realtively loose linkage. Admixture produces new LD in admixed population.Compared with ancestral populations, shorter genetic history of admixture population keeps more LD (long genetic history will destroy LD), In admixed population, LD could be detected for realtively loose linkage. Ancestry infromation can be used to control population stratification caused by genetic admixture. Ancestry infromation can be used to control population stratification caused by genetic admixture. According to simulation, admixture mapping demonstrates higher power than regular methods, needs less sample size. According to simulation, admixture mapping demonstrates higher power than regular methods, needs less sample size. Flexible design: case-control or case-only, qualitative or quantitative traits, no need of pedigree information Flexible design: case-control or case-only, qualitative or quantitative traits, no need of pedigree information
Data Samples 1672 subjects from 3 populations: 622 African Americans (211 families) fromFHS- SCAN 893 Caucasians (320 families) from FHS-SCAN 157 Africans (unrelated) from Marshfield Center Genotypes 302 microsatellite Loci of all subjects Average marker distance 11.9cM Phenotype Coronary and aortic artery calcium (CAC) of 622 African Americans, BLOM transformation
Statisticl Procedure Step 1 Randomly draw one subject from each family to create a sample of 688 unrelated subjects which comprises : 211 African Americans from 211 families (FHS-SCAN) 320 whites from 320 families (FHS-SCAN) 157 unrelated Africans (Marshfield Center) Step 2 Ancestry estimation, STRUCTURE 2.1 Step 3 Ancestry-CAC association analysis, regress 211 African Americans’ CAC scores on their locus-specific ancestries from Africans. Step 4 Repeat step1~step3 (100 times), obtain the average p-value of each locus Step 5 For each locus: permutation test on average p-value Number of random permutations: 10000
RESULTS Sources of Variation of Ancestry-from-Africans Sources of variation Variance components Percent(%) Families Subjects within family Loci within subject Replications within locus 0.010540.004920.005990.0004248.1922.5027.391.92
RESULTS Ancestry Analysis at Population Level Population Admixture Proportions in African Americans Founding population Ancestry(%) From Caucasians 22.04 From Africans 77.96
Individual Ancestry Distribution of 622 African Americans Ancestry-from-Africans: average 77.96% (3.1%~96.9%) RESULTS Ancestry Analysis at Individual Level
RESULTS Ancestry Analysis at Individual-locus Level Distribution of Locus-specific Ancestries from Africans An Example African American Ancestry from Africans 302 Microsatellite Loci ordered by chromosome and position from Chrom. 1 (4.22cM) to Chrom. 23 (104.83cM)
RESULTS Locus-specific Ancestry-CAC association analysis No. No.LociChr#Pos. Permu. p Reg. coeff. R2R2R2R2 1AFM063XF410 19.0 (10p14) 0.0021-1.24420.0310 2GATA64D026 80.45 (6q12) 0.0024-2.21120.0205 3GATA42H024 181.93 (4q32) 0.00832.79960.0198 4AFMB337ZH92260.610.01201.15940.0194 5GGAA20G10227.60.01330.72710.0166 6GATA73H091278.140.0170-1.44030.0150 7GGAA3F06741.690.01731.66520.0163 8UT13072069.50.0178-1.15650.0175 9UT71362252.610.01941.94570.0162 10GATA163B10642.270.0267-1.34730.0165 11GATA88F09104.320.0315-2.17810.0153 12GATA26D021283.190.0319-2.08800.0130 13ATA1B071154.090.03391.15400.0143 14ATA4E021192.050.03940.78290.0122 15GATA137H02729.280.04181.31680.0121 16GATA4D072145.080.0455-1.00650.0125 17ATA31G111028.310.0461-1.29330.0134
-log(p value) of Markers on Chromosome 4 GATA42H02
-log(p value) of Markers on Chromosome 6 GATA64D02
-log(p value) of Markers on Chromosome 10 AFM063XF4
Other Evidences ?
Provided By Aldi Kraja
Multipoint Empirical LOD Scores on Chromosome 6 for CAC by Smoking Exposure Combined Sample Excluding Current smokers Position in Centimorgans Ever smokers Provided by Kari North, UNC
Supportive evidences of linkage on corresponding regions of chromosomes 6 from other genome wide scans of CAC related traits Our Findings Supporting Evidences Location 1-LOD Unit Support IntervalPhenotype P Value or LOD Nearest Marker, Location in Centimorgans, or Cytogenic LocationReference LOD =3.3 LOD =2.2 P= 0.0024 99 cM (6q15) 82 cM (6q12) 80 cM (6q12) 6p21.1 - 6q16.1 CAC Carotid IMT Age of onset for CHD Early Onset CAD with atherogenic dyslipidemia 2.2 1.4 - 2.1 1.3 1.0 - 1.2 D6S1031 (6q14.1) 6p21.31 - 6q12.3 6q15 6p12 Lange LA et al., 2002 Wang D et al., 2005 Francke et al., 2001 Hauser et al., 2001 Provided by Kari North, UNC
Genes underlying the 1 LOD unit support interval of the chromosome 6 linkage peak Chromoso mal Location Gene Symbol Gene NameFunction of protein productAssociation studies with atherosclerosis related phenotypes 6p21.1 - 6q16.1 IL17interleukin-17Cytokine whose functions include inflammation, neutrophil recruitment, and cytokine secretion [14] [15] IL17Finterleukin-17FInhibits the angiogenesis of endothelial cells and induces endothelial cells to produce IL2, TGF-β, and MCP-1 [16]. PLA2G7 phospholipase A2, group VII Encodes the platelet activating factor acethylhydrolase protein which is primarily bound to LDL and has both pro- and anti-inflammatory properties [17] [18-20] [21, 22] BMP5 Bone morphogenic protein 5 Is part of the transforming growth factor-beta superfamily [23, 24] and likely plays a critical role in calcification in plaques [25, 26]. COL21A1 collagen, type XX1, alpha 1 Functions to maintain the integrity of the extracellular matrix [27] VEGF vascular endothelial growth factor Has been implicated in both angiogenesis and ischemia [28] Provided by Kari North, UNC
Statistical Methods for Locus-specific Ancestry Analysis Observed G : genotypes of admixed and ancestral populations Unknown Z : admixed individuals’ locus specific ancestries from ancestral populations Poblem: How to estimate Z ? Maximum Likelihood Estimate(MLE): How to obtain a Z that maximizes Pr( G|Z ) ? Z is a huge space of parameters, in which search is difficult for likelihood method. Bayesian and Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods 1.Assume ancestral population number K 2.Define prior distribution Pr( Z ) under K 3.Use MCMC to sample from posterior distribution Pr( Z|G ) = Pr( Z )∙ Pr( G|Z ) 4.Average over large number of MCMC samples to obtain estimate of Z
Genes/QTLs at/around the 3 Significant CAC Loci ( p value < 0.01 ) (Based on NCBI Web Map Viewer, Marshfield Map) LociChr#Pos.Genes AFM063XF410 (10p14) 10p14-p15.1 BP6: Blood pressure QTL 6 GATA64D026 (6q12) 6p12-p12 6p21 6p21 ARCC1 : Age-related cortical cataract 1 PSORS1: psoriasis susceptibility 1 GATA42H024 (4q32) 4q27-q31 FOP: Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva
Marker Information Content (MIC ) Distribution Used for Simulation (300 Loci) Mean=0.22 Std Dev=0.1003 (MIC) Freqency of allele k at locus i in Caucasians Freqency of allele k at locus i in Africans Allele number of locus i
Provided By Aldi Kraja
Acknowledgements Michael.A. Province, PhD, DSG of WUSTL Avril Adelman, DSG of WUSTL Jun Wu, DSG of WUSTL Aldi Kraja, PhD, DSG of WUSTL Kari North, PhD, UNC Collaborators of other centers in SCAN
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