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Rev. Apr. 7, 2008 Preparing for SCRF Meeting to be held at Fermilab, April 21-25 Report from Meetings at SLAC and Fermilab Akira Yamamoto April 6, 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Rev. Apr. 7, 2008 Preparing for SCRF Meeting to be held at Fermilab, April 21-25 Report from Meetings at SLAC and Fermilab Akira Yamamoto April 6, 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rev. Apr. 7, 2008 Preparing for SCRF Meeting to be held at Fermilab, April 21-25 Report from Meetings at SLAC and Fermilab Akira Yamamoto April 6, 2008 1

2 Rev. Apr. 7, 2008 Meetings at SLAC and Fermilab dayVisitMeetings NotesParticipants 4/2SLACHLRF and MLI, relation with LLRF, SCRF meeting agenda T. Raubenheimer, N. Phinney, C. Adolphsen 4/3 am Fermilab- General status and Plan at FermilabEverybody pm Fermilab- ILC and Project X, S1-global, Collaboration with India -Fermilab program and ILC, S1-global, SCRF meeting agenda, - S.Holmes, R.Kephart, S. Mishra, - G. Apollinari, M. Champion, H. Carter, T. Peterson 4/4 am Fermilab-Americas program, S0 in Americas, S1-global, -EBW and optical inspection -Cryomodule/cryogenics meeting agdenda -M. Harrison -G. Blazey -M. Foley, C. Ginsburg, Iwashita -T. Peterson pm Fermilab-Close-out - Summary (post close-out) - M.Champion, T. Peterson, R. Stanek -P. Oddone, -R.Kephart 2

3 Rev. Apr. 7, 2008 SCRF Meeting Fermilab, April 21-25, 2008 Draft Agenda, as of April-6 General Agenda: 4/21: Cavity: Gradient R&D, performance, diagnostics (S0), 4/22: Cavity: Integration, Tuner, Coupler and String-Test (S1) 4/23: Cryomodule: plug-compatible interface, high-pressure, 5K-shield 4/24: HLRF/LLRF and MLI: Modulator, distribution, Beam-handling 4/25: Summary, TDP R&D plan, and work-assignment 3

4 Rev. Apr. 7, 2008 Cavity: S0/S1 status and replan for TDP reported, S1-global’ concept and the technical feasibility at STF discussed, Tuner design discussed on how to compare each tuner design. Coupler design discussed on possible elimination of tunability. He vessel design Agreed: design pressure, 2 bar, Consensus: desired material to be St. Steel and necessary R&D, Cryomodule Plug-compatibility and boundary conditions discussed, 5K shield design discussed, if necessary or not, Agreed: vacuum vessel diameter unchanged, Quad design, location, and other beam related issue Agreed: to locate at center, with alignment tolerance <0.3 mm What discussed in Tohoku GDE-Meeting? 4

5 Rev. Apr. 7, 2008 Objectives of SCRF Meeting at Fermilab, April 21-25, 2008 Reach consensus on –SCRF functional design parameters –Plug-compatible interface parameters Update TDP R&D plan and milestone –Cavity: Achieve 9-cell cavity performance of 35 MV/m (S0), Achieve cavity-string performance of 31.5 MV/m in cryomodule (S1) –Cryomodule and Cryogenics Establish plug-compatible design and optimum thermal balance, –HLRF/LLRF: Establish efficient power source and distribution system, –MLI: Establish beam-handling design and boundary conditions –System Engineering Achieve Cryomodule-String Test in one RF unit and with beam (S2) 5

6 Rev. Apr. 7, 2008 General Agenda for SCRF Fermilab Meeting, April 21-25 DaySubjectGoal 4/21Cavity: preparation High gradient R&D (S0) Plan for 35 MV/m 4/22Cavity: Integration and Test in cryomodule (S1) Tuner, Coupler, and Plan for S1-global 4/23Cryomodule and CryogenicsPlug-compatible IF, HPG, 5K shield, 4/24HLRF and Main Linac IntegrationEfficient RF powering Beam handling 4/25Summary and TDP R&D, work assignment, further meeting plan R&D organization, Interium review plan 6

7 Rev. Apr. 7, 2008 April 21: Cavity-Process TimeTitlePresented by 9:00Opening Remark / IntroductionA. Yamamoto 9:30Highlights from regions: -S0, process and test for Ichiro-5 Cavity -Optical inspection device R. Geng _. Iwashita 10:30Break 11:00Concise, focus on standard for understanding performance -Asia -Americas -Europe (XFEL) H. Hayano/F.Furuta C. Ginsburg L. Lilje 12:30Lunch 13:30Plans and philosophy for evaluating performance, inspection, and diagnostics at each region: - KEK, FNAL, Jlab, DESY, Cornell, and …. Hayano, Champion, Rimmer, Lilje, Padamsee …. 15:30Break 16:00Strategies for R&D Plan (S0): -35 MV/m with yield of 50 % for TDP-1 and -35 MV/m with yield of 90 % for TDP-2 Led by Lilje 17:30CommentsH. Padamsee (AAP) 7

8 Rev. Apr. 7, 2008 April 22: Cavity-Integration TitleSubjectsPresented/organized by 9:00Tuner: -Lorentz detuning, and discussions -Ball-screw-tuner test results (for LL cavity) -Blade-tuner (update) and/or any others status/proposal? -Relaiability of the motor and the Maintenatibility Y. Yamamoto T. Saeki TBD 10:30Break 10:45Discussions for tuner specification and comparison table Base-line designs and necessary R&D/evaluation in TDPs Led by H. Hayano 12:30Lunch 13:00Coupler: -XFEL coupler: industrial assessment, and industrialization -Fixed/variable coupler : cost difference - : technical issues - Requirements from RF power distribution system in view of MLI Discussions on coupler specification and interface S. Prat S. Noguchi E. Kako C. Adolphsen Led by H. Hayano 16;00“Project X R&D at Fermilab”, joint session with Muon Coll. WS).S. Holmes 17:00Cavity-string test in cryomodule (S1 and S1-global) -S1 plan at FNAL -S1-global plan - Work required at KEK and global assembly (technical feasibility) - Cooperation with FNAL / Cooperation with DESY S. Mishra/M. Champion N. Ohuchi and D. Mitchell S. Mishra / L. Lilje 18:30CommentsH. Padamsee (AAP) 8

9 Rev. Apr. 7, 2008 April 23: Cryomodule/ Cryogenics TimeTitlePresented by 9:00Cryomodule: functional parameters and interfacesN. Ohuchi/H.Carter 9:30Plug-compatibility (for cavity and cryomodule, HLRF): -Interfaces (CAD-work boundary condition) of plug-compatible design -Parameters tables for interfaces D. Mitchell H. Hayano and N. Ohuchi 10:45Break 11:00Discussions Conclusion/Consensus (Table filled) and Further study required Led by Ohuchi and Carter 12:30Lunch 13:30High Pressure Gas Regulation -Requirements and the regional constraints (How to handle Nb: summary of survey based on e-mail communication). - Comments and discussions for further works T. Peterson H. Nakai, K.Jensch 15:00Break 16:00Thermal balance in cryomodule/cryogenics -5 K shield study at TTF cryomodule design -5 K shield study at STF cryomodule design -Lowering radiation shield (80K) temperature Discussions and conclusion/consensus P. Pierini N. Ohuchi led by Ohuchi/Peterson) 17:30CommentsH. Padamsee (AAP) 9

10 Rev. Apr. 7, 2008 April 24: HLRF (& LLRF), MLI TimeTitlePresented by 9:00HLRF: functional parameters and interfacesS. Fukuda 9:15RF Power Sources: -R&D status of SBK, and Marx Generator -Progress with MBK (test results?) -Discussions and strategy to reflect the work for TDP R&D activities, TBD from SLAC TBD from DESY Led by Fukuda 10:30Break 10:45Power Distribution System and Plan for Test Facilities: - Design and R&D status at SLAC - Plan for NML at FNAL - Design and R&D status at KEK and preparation for STF and S1-global - Necessary cooperation with LLRF; status and requirements (TBD) - LLRF cooperation expected to STF and S1-global work at KEK - Discussions and strategy to reflect the work for TDP R&D activities, TBD from SLAC S. Nagaitsev S. Fukuda B. Chase S. Michizono Led by Fukuda 12:45Lunch 13:45Main Linac Integration (MLI): Functional and interface parameters Quadrupole R&D and Test Progress/Plan Alignment and the requirements; Quadrupoles/BPM BPM and diagnostice: R&D status and various options C. Adolphsen C. Adolphsen/TBD C. Adolphsen TBD 15:45Break 16:00Discussions and consensus for further R&D strategy,Led by Adolphsen 17:30CommentsH. Padamsee (AAP) 10

11 Rev. Apr. 7, 2008 April 25: Summary & Work Assignment TimeTitlePresented by 9:00Requirements for the Summary and Work AssignmentA. Yamamoto 9:30Cavity-Process Cavity-Integration L. Lilje H. Hayano 10:30Break 10:45Cryomodule and cryogenics HLRF MLI N. Ohuchi/T.Peterson S. Fukuda C. Adophsen 12:30Lunch 13:30General Summary -Functional Parameters -General guide-line for plug-compatibility -Common interface parameters (consensus) -Works for further consensus General Comments Closing Remark Led by Yamamoto H. Padamsee (AAP) A. Yamamoto 15:30Ajorn 16:00Group leader meeting for further planningGroup Leaders 11

12 Rev. Apr. 7, 2008 12 SCRF Area Organization in TDP as of April 5, 2008 Regional Effort: Harrison, Foster, Nozaki SCRF Technical Effort: Yamamoto, Shidara, and Kerby Institute Institute Leaders Cavity: Process Lilje Lilje Cavity: Integ. Hayano Cryomod ule Ohuchii/C arter CryogenicsPetersonHLRF(LLRF)Fukuda ( ) M LI Adolphsen AMsAMsAMsAMsCornellFermilabSLACANLJ-labPadamseeKephartRaubenheimerGerigRimmerPadamseeChampionKellyChampionAdolphsen Champio n Peterson Larsen LarsenAdolphsen EUEUEUEUDESYCERNSaclayOlsayINFNCIEMATBrinkmannDelahayeDaelWormserPaganiLilje L. Lilje PratPaganiParmaPieriniTavian ASASASASKEKKoreaIHEP RRCAT/BAR T IUACVECCYokoyaGaoSahniRoyBhandariHayanoHayano Tsuchiya/O huchi Hosoyama / Nakai FukudaHayano

13 Rev. Apr. 7, 2008 Further Meeting Plans 2008: April 2-4 –Visit and meeting at SLAC and FNAL (by AY) April 21-25 –SRF Main Linac Technology Meeting at Fermilab June 4-6 JINR –GDE Meeting (Dubna): ILC CFS Workshop –SCRF: No working group meeting organized July-September –Visit to Cornell, INFN, CIEMAT, J-lab (for future: Korea, China) October 20-24 –TTC (Delhi) November 16-20 –LCWS / GDE Workshop (Chicago) 2009: January-Feburay, 2009? –AAP: SCRF interim-review (To be discussed) 13

14 Rev. Apr. 7, 2008 Backup 14

15 Rev. Apr. 7, 2008 SCRF Cavities to be plug-compatible Many thanks for Don Mitchell and Lars Hagge for 3D-CAD and EDMS 15

16 Rev. Apr. 7, 2008 DESY / KEK / FNAL Cavities DE SY KE K FN AL 16

17 Rev. Apr. 7, 2008 Combined Cavity-String for comparison DE SY FN AL KE K 17

18 Rev. Apr. 7, 2008 Replan of ILC-SCRF R&D updated, March 4, 2008 TDP1 by 2010: –S0: achieve 35 MV/m with 9-cell cavities at the yield 50 % under well defined processing-base, –S1-Global: achieve with cryomodule-assembly with global cooperation (for example, 4-AS, 2-US, 2-EU). Note: the S1 achievable also, if 3 Tesla-type cavities added to the existing 5 cavities in CM2 at Fermilab. –Cryomodule design: establish “plug-compatible interface and design TDP2-by 2012: –S0: achieve 35 MV/m with 9-cell cavities at the yield 90 % under well defined processing-base. –S1: achieve with full cavity-assembly (similarly processed) in single cryomodule, CM3 or CM4 (at Fermilab, US) –S2: achieved with 3 cryomodule assembly to be powered by 1 RF unit, and with beam acceleration, in STF-2 at KEK. –Industrialization: Learn from XFEL, & Cooperation with Project-X 18

19 Rev. Apr. 7, 2008 Global R&D Plan Calender Year 20082009201020112012 EDRTDP1TDP-II S0: Cavity Gradient (MV/m) 30 35 (> 50%) 35 (>90%) KEK-STF-0.5a: 1 Tesla-like/LL KEK-STF1: 4 cavities S1-Global (AS-US-EU) 1 CM (4+2+2 cavities) CM (4 AS +2 US +2 EU ) S1(2) -ILC-NML- Fermilab CM1- 4 with beam CM2 CM3CM4 S2:STF2/KEK: 1 RF-unit with beam Fabrication in industries STF2 (3 CMs) Assemble & test 19

20 Rev. Apr. 7, 2008 SCRF R&D Plan at Fermilab given in a P5 talk by S. Holmes 20

21 Rev. Apr. 7, 2008 Timeline 21

22 Rev. Apr. 7, 200822 Overall Plan: Test ILC RF units 3 CM, Klystron, Modulator, LLRF Move A0 Injector to provide ILC like beam New bldg: diagnostic, AARD, new cryo plant ILC Twin tunnel design to allow 2 nd RF unit and to study tunnel layout and maintenance issues Bunch Compressor ILC RF unit Diagnostics Gun CC I,II Laser 3 rd har Test Area ~ 22 M 72 M Existing Building New Building New ILC like tunnel 2 nd ILC RF unit Test Areas new 300 W cryo plant RF Equipment RF Unit Test Facility (Staged)

23 Rev. Apr. 7, 2008 CY2008 2009 2010 STF FNAL S1 Global (connected module) Possible Schedule plans Y1, Y2 (Y3) tuner, jacket, coupler DESY X1, X2 (X3) tuner, jacket, coupler Module A Module B #5,#6 process, VT, jacket (LL #7,#8 process, VT, jacket) operation assembly connection STF1 (4 cavity test) LL #1 test disassemble 6 month operation exp. (#7, process, VT, jacket) ? “S1 Global at STF” by H. Hayano **Revised after discussion 23

24 Rev. Apr. 7, 2008 S1 Global at KEK 24

25 Rev. Apr. 7, 2008 Progress in the GDE Tohoku Meeting and Further Studies expected 25

26 Rev. Apr. 7, 2008 Cavity: Process Group Leader: Lutz. Lilje SubjectDiscussedAgreedTo be further studied Functional parameters EtchingEPAs base lineneeded for > 30 MV/m CleaningEthanol, Degreasing, Flash-EP High Pressure Linse Either one effective As base line Further systematic studies Reliability in Long term oper. AlignmentHorizontal/vertical Tilting/yowing < 0,3 mmCost effective solution, < 90  -rad ?, if realistic? DiagnosticsThermal mapping Optical inspection Important important encouraged, World-wide use recommended MaterialGrain-size/single- crystal Important for understanding Basic study to be extended for future possibility for simple process and cost redcuion 26

27 Rev. Apr. 7, 2008 “S0 Next steps” by Lutz Lilje Status : (1) Field emission has been reduced by three approach ; ethanol, degreaser, fresh-EP. (2) Still rather large gradient differences are observed due to thermal breakdowns. The basic R&D goals for S0 not changed. The timescale extended. End of 2008: –need to enhance T-map & high-res optical inspection worldwide –use welded single-cells to 'calibrate' these two methods for mapping and inspection –use tight-loop to set up preparation facilities (ANL, KEK) –cost advantage large grain evaluation (in purpose of comparison) –continue production-like effort Mid of 2009 –large-grain detailed study after EP and BCP –comparison seamless with welded –Flash EP on multi-cells in Cornell (and KEK?) TDP1: technical feasibility by 2010 –Gradient (S0) in progress to reach 35 MV/m w/ yield 50 % TDP2: technical credibility by 2012 –Gradient (S0) to reach 35 MV/m w/ yield 90 % 27

28 Rev. Apr. 7, 2008 Cavity: Integration Group Leader: Hitoshi Hayano SubjectDiscussedAgreedTo be further studied Functional parameters TunerLorentz detuning, Motor maintainabilityIndividual component life tests CouplerFixed/tunableCost effective power feeding He-vesselTo be made of SUS Bi-metal joint desired Component R&D Envelop/Int erface Plug-compatibilityInterface components Quantitative conditions, 28

29 Rev. Apr. 7, 2008 Tuner design discussion H. Hayano : (1) Tuner specification profile table update: (2) Tuner performance comparison table, for next step. Y. Yamamoto : (1) Calculation of cavity voltage vector evolution assuming two mechanical mode excitation by LD. (2) Explanation of STF cavity and DESY cavity. -> still need more precise calculation, stiffness comparison should be done after full understanding of calculation and observation. S. Noguchi: (1) Slide-jack tuner performance. L. Lilje : (1) XFEL tuner performance: (2) Blade tuner performance. T. Himel: (1) Estimation of tuner motor MTBF : > several M-hours. or should have easy to repair in situ. 29

30 Rev. Apr. 7, 2008 Coupler design discussion S. Noguchi : (1)Grouping of cavities having gradient spread, combination high gradient module with two low modules. (2) Power tuning has benefit rather than coupler + power tuning. ( coupler tuning fixed ) G. Wormser : (1) Cost reduction of XFEL coupler: 808 by three venders. (2) Cost is almost in target by detail reduction for every parts and process. H. Hayano : (1) Coupler specification profile table update: (2) Think about tunability fixed is cost-effective or not. 30

31 Rev. Apr. 7, 2008 Cryomodule and Cryogenics Group Leaders: Norihito Ohuchi, (deputy) Harry Carter Thomas Peterson SubjectDiscussedAgreedTo be fu rther studied Functional parameters Parameter list High Press. regulation Design pressure2 barEmergency mode, failure mode analysis, Thermal balance W/ or w/o 5 K shieldminor difference Study to reduce shield temp from 80 K to be lower, Alignment< 0.3 mm realistic?YesEvaluate with S1, CM/STF, Cost effective alignment in production, Envelope/in terface Interface components EDMS work Vac. Ch. Diameter List-up No change CAD design work for compatibility b/w ILC & others 31

32 Rev. Apr. 7, 2008 “Plug compatibility concept” D. Mitchell: Discussion with 3D-CAD viewer (1) Where the interface is for cavity package. (2) plug compatible design to be conflict with cost reduction? Think to unify flange system? Think about cramp flange?, assembly?, process?, qualification?.... N. Ohuchi : (1) List up of C1-level, C2-level, C3-level compatibility for cryomodule. (2) Must work on C1-level compatibility: ‘cryomodule’. (3) C3-level is not considered, so far. (4) As for C2-level, think about ‘cavity string’ rather than ‘cavity package’ -> people feel to consider ‘cavity package’, not string. 32

33 Rev. Apr. 7, 2008 He vessel design discussion K. Tsuchiya : (1) Ti/SS transition study by friction welding, by HIP method. (2) HIP transition was used in STF. (3) Nb/St.St. transition by explosion method was used in LL cavity. F. Bedeschi : (1)Study of tube explosion bonding on Ti/SS transition. (2) Possibility to use for larger transition part like He vessel. L. Lilje : (1)He vessel pressure test was performed: 6.2 bar at 2K, 5.3 bar at 295K were only elastic deformation. 33

34 Rev. Apr. 7, 2008 5K-shield Elimination N. Ohuchi : (1)(5K shield cost) – (  (10 years operation cost) + cryogenics reinforce) = 10% of cryomodule cost : means ‘cost reduction’. (2) Vessel size reduction by this elimination -> unable to keep distance to 300K. (3) Need to evaluate to use 60K cooling for 80K shield. P. Pierini : (1)Thermal calculation of TTF module : 15 - 55% cost increase of 2K line operation : w/o 5K shield. (2) Thermal analysis of M3* module will be done, next. T. Peterson : (1)5K shield elimination on LHC-dipole was decided mainly by simplicity, not by cost : cost diff. was small. (2) Lowering 80K shield temperature is under analysis. -> able to reduce 2K heat load. 34

35 Rev. Apr. 7, 2008 High Level RF Group Leader: Shigeki Fukuda SubjectDiscussedAgreedTo be further studied ModulatorMarx generatordesiredTechnical mile-stone, DistributionCavity performance distribution Tunability Need to accept necessary Communication with cavity to optimize the tunability and effiency in RF power, Interface to LLRF Optimum organization and communication Cooling power Communication with CF&S Further study on the cooling cost redution, dT higher? 35

36 Rev. Apr. 7, 2008 Main Linac Integration Group Leader: Chris Adolphsen SubjectDiscussedAgreedTo be further studied QuadrupoleAlignment at center Tilting Quadrupole design Possible Minor problem Engineering design study Beam dynamics Beam handling by steering w/ < 100 nm Possible >> no Further detail requirements from beam dynamics TunnelSinble tunnel ro twin tunnerl How HLRF and LLRF placed? 36

37 Rev. Apr. 7, 2008 Quad design and other beam related issue C. Adolphsen : (1) Quad alignment specification : 0.1Hz. <300µrad for rotation. (2) Temp change affect Quad motion by ~6µm when beam on/off. by ~160µm bow/deg module top-to-bottom temp change. (3) Cos 2-theta design for 2/3 of linac, 0.6m length 90mm aperture. however superferric design is good for mag center stability. (4) <200µm fuducialization required. (5) Alignment windows may need to monitor quad position secure. (6) Manual module adjustability, at minimum, cm-level range, 50µm level positioning. (7) BPM performance, (8) HOM & coupler kick will be minimized to move symmetric. (9) HOM polarization rotation will be a problem. (10) Beamline HOM absorber study. …. 37

38 Rev. Apr. 7, 2008 GDE (Dubna) Meeting Goals: Examine the CFS requirements of both ILC and CLIC. –Develop models for cost scaling to various alternative sites and CFS configurations, in particular shallow sites and single-tunnel options. –Examine the conventional facilities of the machines with particular attention to the cost drivers (process cooling water etc.), and understand the impact on them with respect to the choice of site configuration Review in detail the JINR site proposal Accelerator design of the central injector complex, RTML and BDS. 38

39 Rev. Apr. 7, 2008 GDE Dubna Meeting: WGs WGsSubjectsConvener 1 Shallow solutions: Explore features and develop reduced-cost, shallow tunnel solutions. Both CLIC and ILC. Includes single tunnel. Dubna+ILC- CFS(CERN) 2 Infrastructure: Review infrastructure requirements and develop cost-effective solutions for accelerator infrastructure – power, water, air etc. Both CLIC and ILC. Dubna+ILC- CFS (KEK) 3 Siting: Examine possible sites and evaluate possible design differences that accommodate features. Includes staging, design modifications and upgrade issues. AS+ Integration 4 Accelerator Systems: particular focus on the central injection complex, BDS and RTML, including beam dynamics. Two AS leaders 39

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