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Bursting Pacemaker Neurons Based on: Models of Respiratory Rhythm Generation in the Pre-Botzinger Complex. I. Bursting Pacemaker Neurons Robert.J. Butera,

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Presentation on theme: "Bursting Pacemaker Neurons Based on: Models of Respiratory Rhythm Generation in the Pre-Botzinger Complex. I. Bursting Pacemaker Neurons Robert.J. Butera,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bursting Pacemaker Neurons Based on: Models of Respiratory Rhythm Generation in the Pre-Botzinger Complex. I. Bursting Pacemaker Neurons Robert.J. Butera, John Rinzel, Jeffery C. Smith

2 Introduction Pre-Bötzinger complex  Pre-Bötzinger complex is the hypothesized site for respiratory rhythm generation  It is housed in the rostral ventrolateral medulla Part B, Photo labeling the ventrolateral medulla (pre-Bötzinger complex area approximated by dashed line).

3 Pacemaker Neurons  Pre-Bötzinger complex houses the pacemaker neurons  It is hypothesized that contribution of both a pacemaker-based kernel and a pattern-formatting network driven by the kernel is responsible for the respiratory rhythm generation (Hybrid model).  Some pacemaker neurons receive tonic excitatory inputs (from the mundane neurons) necessary to bring the membrane potential into the voltage window where bursting occurs.  These neurons are classified as conditional bursting pacemakers.

4 Background of the Research Paper  In earlier models respiratory rhythm generation was postulated to arise from network interactions, specifically inhibitory connections. But in such models the rythmicity ceased when synaptic inhibition was blocked.  In the hybrid model, for which this paper is a segway, inhibitory interactions are not essential, mimics the actual in vitro and en bloc experiment results.  The objective of this paper is modeling the rhythm and inspiratory burst generation in the kernel operating in vitro.

5 Model Development Two models have been proposed for neurons responsible for rhythm and inspiratory burst generation in vitro. Model 1 Based on one-compartment Hodgkin-Huxley model. Bursting occurs by virtue of fast activation and slow activation of a persistent Sodium current INa-P Model 2 Based on model 1. Bursting occurs by virtue of fast-activating persistent Sodium current INa-P (inactivation term “h” removed) and slow activation of Potassium current IKs

6 Model 1 It is composed of five ionic currents across the plasma membrane: a fast sodium current, INa; a delayed rectifier potassium current, IK; a persistent sodium current, INaP; a passive leakage current, IL;and a tonic current, Itonic_e (although this last current is considered to be inactive in these models)

7 Model 1 - Formulation Where, x ∞ Є {mP,m,h,n} and x Є {h,n}

8 Model 2 The second model is identical to the model 1 except with the addition of a slow K+ current, IKS. (The removal of the inactivation term "h" from INaP is not visible in the model diagram.)

9 Model 2 - Formulation Where, x ∞ Є {mP,m,k,n} and x Є {k,n}

10 How does model 1 work? Dynamic response of model 1 as a function of EL: membrane potential EL=-60 mV A closer look…

11 Nullclines - m ∞ 3, n ∞ 4, h ∞ V (mV) (in) activation

12 EL=-57.5 mVEL=-54 mV

13 Results from research article.

14 Bursting to tonic spiking EL=-57.5 mV EL=-60 mV EL=-54 mV

15 Model 1- Animation The two kinds of currents in this model are: 1)Spike generating currents - INa & IK 2)Sub threshold currents (INaP+ IL called Isub). The bursting cycle can be understood like this: When gNaP increases beyond a critical value, Isub is large enough to initiate a burst. The firing of action potentials gradually inactivates h (slow variable) The bursting terminates when INaP is inactivated sufficiently and the cell hyperpolarizes. Now h gradually de-inactivates increasing Isub, to trigger another burst and so on… Isub vs Time

16 Bifurcation Mechanism EL=-65 mV Silent EL=-58 mV Bursting EL=-55 mV Beating SN bif. - saddle-node bifurcation HC bif - saddle-homoclinic bifurcation subH - subcritical Andronov-Hopf bifurcation.

17 Model 2 -Results EL=-50 mVEL=-59.5 mV EL=-40 mV

18 Results from research article

19 Model 2 -working  Model 2 operates in a very similar fashion as Model 1, the difference being the slow activation persistent sodium current INaP is replaces by a slow activation of potassium current IKS

20 Difference between Models 1 & 2  Burst initiated by INaP, terminated by inactivating INaP  Membrane conductance gm increases through the silent phase  The membrane potential remains flat during the inter burst interval  Burst duration decreases with depolarization  Supports bursting over a small range of EL (-60 to -54 mV)  Burst initialed by INaP, terminated by activating IKS sufficiently  Membrane conductance gm decreases through the silent phase  The membrane potential interval not as flat during the inter burst interval  Burst duration does not decrease with depolarization  Supports bursting over double the range of EL as model 1 (-59.5 to -40 mV) 21

21 Both models go through a regime of silence bursting and beating In both models a minimum value of gNaP is required to support bursting. If gNaP is too low, only quiescence, or for higher values beating are supported.

22 Miscellaneous Comments  The same effects of chaging EL can be obtained by fixing EL and varying the parameter gtonic (Itonic) or Iapp ( gL (v-EL) in model 2). Some of these results shown below.

23 Summary  Model 1 is found to be more consistent with experimental data.  The relative flat interburst interval is due to the fact that the subthreshold currents are all balanced and add up to zero.  These are minimal models that provide a believable explanation for generating multistate, voltage-dependent behavior observed in the Pre-Botzinger pacemaker neurons.  Although the actual burst generating currents still need to be unidentified in the Pre-Botzinger neurons

24 Questions?

25 Happy Holidays

26 Neuron Xmas tree!!

27 References  RT-PCR reveals muscarinic acetylcholine receptor mRNA in the pre-Bötzinger complex, Jiunu Lai*, Xuesi M. Shao*, Richard W. Pan, Edward Dy, Cindy H. Huang, and Jack L. Feldman*  Models of Respiratory Rhythm Generation in the Pre-Bo¨tzinger Complex. I. Bursting Pacemaker Neurons, ROBERT J. BUTERA, JR.,1,2 JOHN RINZEL,1–3 AND JEFFREY C. SMITH1  The Dynamic Range of Bursting in a Model Respiratory Pacemaker Network, Janet Best, Alla Borisyuk, Jonathan Rubin, David Terman, Martin Wechselberger  All simulations performed using Matlab 7.0, with a ode15s solver and absolute and relative tolerance of 10-6.

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