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BMT WMS Models and Options Manager Using WMS MoM to build and manage a Builder’s Model & Option database.

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Presentation on theme: "BMT WMS Models and Options Manager Using WMS MoM to build and manage a Builder’s Model & Option database."— Presentation transcript:

1 BMT WMS Models and Options Manager Using WMS MoM to build and manage a Builder’s Model & Option database

2 Introduction BuilderMT Cloud MoM Training We will learn how to create: Master Models Master Options Master Items And combine them into a dynamic database that contains all Models, Model-Specific Options, Model- and Option-Specific Items and Quantities, and Global Options We will: Build a Master Model(s) Build a list of Master Options Add the Master Options to a Master Model – they become Model-Specific Options Build a list of Master Items Add the Master Items to Master Options – they become Option-Specific Items

3 Workflow Add Items to Options + Add Options to Models Results in Models with Plan- Specific Options Model Option(s) Items + Qty Model Option(s) Items + Qty Master Option(s) Master item(s) BuilderMT Cloud MoM Training

4 Strategy for Building a Database We’ll be adding Model, Option and Item records to the database so that we can associate them with each other to build the product catalog. Because the records for Items require that values be entered for Trades and Purchasing Activities, we should build those values into the application first. The creation of a Trade will automatically create a default Purchasing Activity and a default LS Item for that Trade and Purchasing Activity combination. We’ll need to consider what values we want to set up for: Trades 16 CSI Divisions work well here Purchasing Activities List of your POs or Pay Points Option Categories Elevations, Structural, Framing, Finishes, Cabinets, Countertops, etc. BuilderMT Cloud MoM Training

5 Trades Click the Setup > Trade Setup dropdown menu to add a Trade Click on New Trade Name – enter a unique ID for the Trade (Required) Hint: use a combination of numeric and text for an ID as it will be more meaningful in the drop-down list i.e. 600 Carp Description – enter a text description for the Trade (Required) “Carpentry” Trade edit grid One can edit a Trade by clicking on its Name in the grid One can delete a Trade by selecting it, then clicking the “Delete” tool on the toolbar Adding a Trade automatically adds a default Purchasing Activity with the same Name and description, and automatically adds a Lump Sum Item with the same name and description. This greatly speeds up the database setup process. Setup Menu (cont’d.) BuilderMT Cloud MoM Training

6 Setup Menu (cont’d.) Purchasing Activity Click Master Items in the Models menu Select the Trade in the tree that you want to add a Purchasing Activity to Click the Add Purchasing Activity tool at the top of the detail grid Name – enter a unique value for the Purchasing Activity (Required) A combination of number and text is advised for sorting purposes “6000 Frame Lumber – 1 st Floor” Description – enter a text description for the Purchasing Activity (Required) Release Code – (Required) Schedule Activity links – select from available values in the drop down list Document Types - select from available values in the drop down list Location Sort - Check if you want to sort this PA by Location on the Purchase Order Option Sort – Check if you want to sort this PA by Option on the Purchase Order Include Selection- Check if you want to have “Selections” added to this Purchase Order Taxable – Check this if you want all Master Items created in this Purchasing Activity to be “taxable” for Purchase Order pricing purposes Notes – enter any additional or explanatory information about the Purchasing Activity BuilderMT Cloud MoM Training

7 Setup Menu (cont’d.) Edit an existing Purchasing Activity by clicking on the appropriate Trade in the Master Items tree, then double-clicking on the Purchasing Activity in the Detail grid Make any required changes to the Purchasing Activity here Delete an existing Purchasing Activity by clicking on the “X” in the row header for the Activity, then clicking the Delete tool on the toolbar

8 Setup Menu (cont’d.) Option Categories Open the Master Options screen The Master Options are listed in the tree view in the left pane, grouped by Option Category To add an Option Category, right-click in the left hand “tree” view and select “Add Category”. Complete the dialogue box for the Option Category Name – enter a unique alpha-numeric value – A number works well for this value (i.e. 160) Description – Enter a description for the Category (i.e. Electrical) Choose a Markup type Markup Percent Margin Percent Market Value Default Percent – enter the default percentage markup for this category of Options – (0 – 1000%) The default percentage is used to calculate Sales Price for all Options in this Category Can be overridden in Sales Pricing setup app BuilderMT Cloud MoM Training

9 Add A Master Option Main Menu > Master Option Select an Option Category in the left hand tree view Click Add Option tool in the right hand detail grid Fill in all Required Fields and any optional fields that you want Name – Unique value (Required) Numeric, alpha or alpha-numeric Hint – Use a five character numeric ID for the Option (i.e. “16020”) Description – Text field (Required) no size limit (i.e. “220 v Electrical Service”) Option Category – Accept the prefilled Option Category or select an alternate Option Category from the available values in the dropdown list Option Size – Enter a “size” for the Option – Optional Unit – Enter the unit of measure for the above “Size” – Optional Global – Check if this Option is a Global Option Base House – Check if this is a “Base House” Option Notes – Enter any desired “Notes” about this Option BuilderMT Cloud MoM Training

10 Add a Model Main Menu > Model Manager Right click in the left hand Tree view Select Add Model Fill in all fields with the appropriate information Name – Must be a unique value or ID for the Model (Required) Alpha, numeric or Alpha-numeric Hint – Use a numeric four- or five-character ID for the Model, i.e. “2346” This needs to match the Model Name Length you have specified in Integration > Estimating > Model Option manager tab Description – Enter a Sales or Marketing description for the Model (Required) Model Size – Enter the size of the Model in whatever units are appropriate (Optional) Unit – Enter the unit of measure for the above “Size” Notes – Enter any desired Notes about this Model –Adding a Model automatically adds a “Base House” Option for that Model. BuilderMT Cloud MoM Training

11 To add Master Options to a Model From the Model Manager screen - Select a Master Model in the left hand Tree view Already-assigned Options will be displayed in a list Click on the Add Options tool in the toolbar in the right hand detail grid To assign new or additional Master Options to the Model, select available Master Options from the list Select one or more Master Options to add to the target Model, by checking the select box for the Option Only Master Options that have not been previously assigned to this Model will be available in the list Click OK Global Options are shown with a Green icon and should not be assigned to a Model To Edit a Plan-Specific Option (a Master Option that has been assigned to a Model), Double- click the Option in the Detail grid, then edit any value To Delete an Option from a Model, select the checkbox for the Option in the Detail grid, then select the Delete tool on the toolbar To Copy a Plan-Specific Option, select the checkbox for the Option in the Detail grid, then click the Copy Option tool on the toolbar Select the Model(s) you want to copy the Option to

12 Add Master Items Models > Master Items There is a tree view of Master Items in the left hand pane Organized by Trade / Purchasing Activity / Item –Select the Purchasing Activity to add the Item to –In the right hand Detail grid, click on the Add Item tool –Fill in all fields on the Item Info tab Name – enter a unique value for the Item in the database (Required) Hint – use a numeric or alpha ID for the Item (i.e. 1000 or 2x4x8std) Description – enter a long text description of the Item (Required) no size limit Default Purchasing Activity – select from the dropdown list (Required) –This is the Purchasing Activity that be will assigned to the Item in an Option, unless it is overridden with another Purchasing Activity for use in that Option –This will allow the same Item(s) to be used multiple times in an Option but assigned to different Purchasing Activities as the situation demands Takeoff Unit of Measure – enter the unit of measure that the Item is counted or measured in. (Required) BuilderMT Cloud MoM Training

13 Order Unit of Measure – enter the unit of measure that the Item is priced or bought in (Required) Rounding – choose “None” or “Up to Multiple” from dropdown (Optional) If Round Up is chosen, enter the multiple of the Order Quantity to round to Round 12.4 cy of concrete up to next multiple of 1 will return 13 cy concrete Multiply or Divide – Select Multiply or Divide from the dropdown list to specify if the Conversion Factor should be multiplied times the Takeoff Quantity or divided into the Takeoff Quantity to calculate the Order Quantity Waste % - Enter the Waste percentage to be added to the Takeoff Quantity Exclude from PO – Check if you want this Item to be excluded from the Purchase Order Lump Sum Item – Check this box if this Item is a Plan- or Option-Specific cost Item Taxable checkbox – check if sales tax is to be calculated on the Purchase Order Notes – enter additional explanatory information about the Item (Optional) no size limit Click OK to save the new item in the database Add Master Items (cont’d.) BuilderMT Cloud MoM Training

14 Select Master Options Click on a Master Option Name in the tree view on the left to access details for that Option The Detail grid shows any Master Items that have been assigned to that Option Click on + Add Items Use this dialogue box to select or multi-select Item(s) to assign to this Master Option Once the Items are assigned to a Master Option, one can: Assign a Quantity to the Item Over-ride the Default Purchasing Activity assignment to define which Purchase Order this Item will appear on A Master Item can be added to a Master Option more than one time This allows for the same Item to be used in an Option with more than one Purchasing Activity attached to it. Adding Master Items to Master Options

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