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Taxol Obtained from Taxus brevifolia tree.( bark of stem). شجرة القشاغ Collected from USA on the pacific ocean. the mature tree is 100 years old. The plant.

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Presentation on theme: "Taxol Obtained from Taxus brevifolia tree.( bark of stem). شجرة القشاغ Collected from USA on the pacific ocean. the mature tree is 100 years old. The plant."— Presentation transcript:

1 taxol Obtained from Taxus brevifolia tree.( bark of stem). شجرة القشاغ Collected from USA on the pacific ocean. the mature tree is 100 years old. The plant yield is very small 12 kg of bark yield 0,5 gm of taxol. It is active for solid tumours, leukemia and melanoma cell line. To over come the problem of the low yield by conversion of the high yield of the other compound ( 10- deacetylbaccatin 111) in the European species Taxus baccata into taxol.also by tissue culture. Taxol was marketed by Bristol Myers Squibb for overian cancer, breast cancer and non small cell lung cancer Mode of action: prevent the mitotic spindle from being broken down by stabilizing microtubules bundles. Docetaxel is more water soluble drug from taxol


3 A-C 20 carbon atoms( aconit alkaloids), The alkaloids of this group found mainly in species of Aconitum and Delphenium. The alkaloids are aconiine and aconitine from the tuber of Aconitum napellus Aconite is known to be the most poisonous plant, 10 gm can kill an adult The drug was used in the treatment of neuralgia, rheumatism, gout, hypertension,anti-inflammatory, antipyretic,analgesic and as local anesthetic Toxicity: At the toxic doses the victim feels tingling in the lips, the tongue, the throat, then the face and limbs. Anguish, dizziness, myasthenic, numbness, chills, rashes and diarrhea as well as cardiac system alterations. death occurs by respiratory arrest while the subject remains fully consieous

4 Use in homeopathy A sturdy person, who remains out in the cold dry air of mid-winter, with thin clothing would be susceptible to coming down with violent symtoms of cold/fever, even before night. This is the category of patients who are vigorous and have an active brain, vigorous circulation and a strong heart. They usually come down suddenly from violent exposure. Such people can be treated with Aconite. This is a short –acting remedy and its symptoms do not last long. It is a violent poison in large doses. This either destroys life or transfers its effects quite soon. So, if the patient recovers, the recovery is not delayed and no chronic diseases follow. Used for sudden onset of infection, inflammatory fevers restlessness and numbness. This remedy is usually recommended for those who exhibit fear and anxiety, especially after acute emotional trauma. Aconitum napellus is often used for the common cold, croup, fever, eye injuries and earache.

5 B-C-19 carbon atoms -atisine and viatichine These are less toxic than aconite alkaloids Monoterpene alkaloids 1-Gentianine: this alkaloid found in Gentiana species Pharmacolog; CNS sedation Hypotensive Anti-inflammatory Muscle relaxant The plant is tonic Imidazol group Pilocarpine and isopilocarpine : which is found in Pilocarpus jaborandi and P. micrpphyllus leaves Fam. Rutaceae native to South America. The alkaloid is a peripheral stimulant of the parasympathetic system. It is employed topically as miotic in treatment of glaucoma and internally as diaphoretic to induce sweating and in treatment of nephritis

6 Tropolone alkaloids 1-colchicine “: obtained from colchicum automenale corms and seeds family Liliaceae. The tuber has been used in the folkloric medicine for suppression of gout. the seeds contain 1-2% while the corm 0.6% of the alkaloids The alkaloid is used orally for treatment of gout Colchicines induce polyploidy ( multiplying the number of chromosomes in other plants to obtain larger flowers, pollen grains and stomata and also increase the amount of alkaloids) Used for familial Mediterranean fever

7 Purine base alkaloids The most important alkaloids in this group are the alkaloids derived from xanthine nucleus ( oxidized purine) and these are 1-caffeine 2-theobromine 3- theophylline Botanical origin 1-Cola nitida ( coat of seeds) 2-Thea senensis or Camelia senensis ( leaves) fam. Theaceae: tea leaves contain more caffeine than coffee 3-Coffea Arabica seeds: Rubiaceae 4-Guarana seeds 5-Theobroma cacoa seeds: Sterculaceae Pharmacology: 1-CNS stimulant 2-smooth muscle relaxant For cardiac edema and in angina pectoris

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