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BEST 2011 Benchmarking in European Service of public Transport EMTA & BEST – towards a more complete and interactive benchmarking database Birmingham,

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Presentation on theme: "BEST 2011 Benchmarking in European Service of public Transport EMTA & BEST – towards a more complete and interactive benchmarking database Birmingham,"— Presentation transcript:

1 BEST 2011 Benchmarking in European Service of public Transport EMTA & BEST – towards a more complete and interactive benchmarking database Birmingham, 10 th of November 2011 Antti Vuorela, BEST Vice Chairman Kjetil Vrenne, BEST Project Manager EMTA General Meeting Birmingham 2011 Page 1

2 BEST 2011 Content 1.What is BEST? 2.Areas of co-operation? 3.Possible next steps? EMTA General Meeting Birmingham 2011 Page 2

3 BEST 2011 The spirit of BEST ”To be humble enough to admit that there is always something you can learn from others, and ambitious enough to believe that even the BEST can be improved” BEST is about learning from each other EMTA General Meeting Birmingham 2011 Page 3

4 BEST 2011 BEST working process Step 1: BEST Survey Step 2: Results & analysis Step 3: Road show Step 4: Seminar Step 5: Work- shops EMTA General Meeting Birmingham 2011 Page 4

5 BEST 2011 BEST Survey EMTA General Meeting Birmingham 2011 Page 5 Loyalty Value for money Social image Satisfaction 1.Traffic Supply 2.Reliability 3.Information 4.Staff behaviour 5.Personal security/safety 6.Comfort 1.Traffic Supply 2.Reliability 3.Information 4.Staff behaviour 5.Personal security/safety 6.Comfort Ridership

6 BEST 2011 BEST working process Step 1: BEST Survey Step 2: Results & analysis Step 3: Road show Step 4: Seminar Step 5: Work- shops EMTA General Meeting Birmingham 2011 Page 6

7 BEST 2011 Value for money TOTAL BASE: Replied grade 20112010200920082007 5552514749 4439362646 37 38 34 36403331 2428 2735 EMTA General Meeting Birmingham 2011 Page 7

8 BEST 2011 BEST working process Step 1: BEST Survey Step 2: Results & analysis Step 3: Road show Step 4: Seminar Step 5: Work- shops EMTA General Meeting Birmingham 2011 Page 8

9 BEST 2011 BEST working process Step 1: BEST Survey Step 2: Results & analysis Step 3: Road show Step 4: Seminar Step 5: Work- shops EMTA General Meeting Birmingham 2011 Page 9

10 BEST 2011 BEST working process Step 1: BEST Survey Step 2: Results & analysis Step 3: Road show Step 4: Seminar Step 5: Work- shops EMTA General Meeting Birmingham 2011 Page 10

11 BEST 2011 Why cooperate? EMTA General Meeting Birmingham 2011 Page 11

12 BEST 2011 Nordic cities to enter key figures in the BEST database EMTA General Meeting Birmingham 2011 Page 12 1.Statistical background information 2.Public Transport (system and capacity) 3.Public Transport Demand 4.Financial key figures 5.Quality 6.Ratios 1 (supply & demand ratios) 7.Ratios 2 (financial)

13 BEST 2011 AREAS OF CO-OPERATION Integrated EMTA Barometer & BEST web reporting solution 1.Online data entry application for key figures 2.Online reporting -> Results available immediately to all members EMTA General Meeting Birmingham 2011 Page 13

14 BEST 2011 AREAS OF CO-OPERATION Participate in BEST Survey / workshops Costs currently approx. 25.000 euros per year (but more cost efficient alt. is to be evaluated) Step 1: BEST Survey Step 2: Results & analysis Step 3: Road show Step 4: Seminar Step 5: Work- shops EMTA General Meeting Birmingham 2011 Page 14

15 BEST 2011 The interest of EMTA & BEST Online data entry application for collecting key figures Modern interactive presentation of EMTA Barometer data Enlarge the Barometer scope to “soft” data Sharing of costs with BEST Access to hard facts for more cities – more complete benchmarking Potential new members Improved possibilities for networking, learn more from each other eg at BEST work shops EMTA General Meeting Birmingham 2011 Page 15

16 BEST 2011 Possible next steps EMTA General Meeting Birmingham 2011 Page 16 StepActivity 1Nordic key figures in BEST web report (database) 2 Joint EMTA / BEST working group: Select key figures Online data entry application Interactive EMTA Barometer & BEST report 3Decision & implementation

17 BEST 2011 BEST Survey milestones 2012 Dec ‘11: Invitation to participate in BEST Jan ‘12: Deadline for joining Mar ‘12: Fieldwork BEST Survey 2012 Apr ‘12:Reports & analysis Apr/May ‘12:Road shows May ‘12: BEST Annual Seminar Oct / Nov ‘12: Work shops EMTA General Meeting Birmingham 2011 Page 17

18 BEST 2011 BEST web page: EMTA General Meeting Birmingham 2011 Welcome to the BEST Seminar in Barcelona, May 24 – 25, 2012 Page 18

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